Trump Verdict Predictions

Your choice?

  • Guilty

    Votes: 42 35.9%
  • Not Guilty

    Votes: 9 7.7%
  • Hung Jury/Mistrial

    Votes: 66 56.4%

  • Total voters
I can see it go either way. There are some small areas to disagree on, and the instructions by the judge will mean a lot. I was the foreman on a jury which would up sending a guy to prison with no chance of parole. I took it seriously. It was frustrating that there were clearly jurors who weren’t.
What worries me the most is the potential for violence, the potential that Trump will inspire / call for violence, and the denigration of our legal system in order to protect Orange Jesus.
Chances are he'll be found guilty. Even if there's one jury member who is a supporter, and we already know there probably is on this jury, the judge will probably order them to keep go back and rehash the facts to keep this thing from being hung. Others have said there is an 80 percent chance of being guilty. I'd agree with that.
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Well hung jury. There will be at least one closet MAGA on the jury that would not convict him of anything ever.

In fact, looking back on things 8 years later, Trump proclaiming "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" is one of the most profound and prophetic things he has ever said.
The porn star who added nothing and the guy who admittedly lied and stole and perjured himself previously. Only the best witnesses. No idea why the Feds chose not to pursue the case with rock solid stuff like that.
The guy from the Enquirer and Trump’s administrative asst. pretty much backed up what “the porn star” and “the guy who admittedly lied” said and the Trump team had no rebuttals (except ignoring their testimony).
Now it only takes one to hang the jury…and OJ was found innocent so things look good for Trump. But Faulty, I am sure you know what I know….the Orange Turd conspired to cover up illegal payments to “the porn star”….
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Do you think the jury will buy that Allen Weisselberg and Michael Cohen conspired to commit fraud to cover up an affair that neither man committed? That’s kind of it, isn’t it?
The defenses claims are pretty flimsy. They want the jury to believe that Trump was not aware of any of these payments. Problem he's got is that he's on tape discussing the McDougal payments, Pecker testified that Trump wanted this story killed, Hicks testified he wanted the story killed, and the Trump Organization Controller testified that he paid very close attention to any checks going out larger than $10k. And ofc there's the pesky fact that Trump's signature is on the Cohen repayment checks. The defense has offered no plausible explanation for any of this.
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Problem is that the defense isn't using this argument. They're claiming that Trump knew nothing about any of this.
They did in their closing arguments.

Did the prosecution show Trump falsified business records?

Also, they are saying that the charges are felonies because of a campaign finance violation that the federal govt already declined to prosecute. Also the election commission declined.
How long will the jury be out before returning a verdict?

Is a quick verdict more likely a guilty or not guilty?

How many jurors speak to the media afterward?
1. I have no doubt trump knowingly paid stormy Daniels to be quiet about their sexy time...o_O (no pukeface emoji).

2. This all seems like a real stretch, and I see why the feds passed it up.

3. The fact that the Judge and the Prosecutor stated their intention to get Trump shortly before any of this was brought up makes it feel more than a little slimy. This feels like an attack on a former president by a couple people in power with a political agenda, and that's not a good precedent to set.

I voted "guilty," but I don't think that's what's best for anyone involved.
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Don't think a jury member can hide being a MEGA-stooge for very long. Can't have a convo with one for 10 minutes without them shouting their identity about it.

Guilty. Probation, hefty fine, no jail time.
1. I have no doubt trump knowingly paid stormy Daniels to be quiet about their sexy time...o_O (no pukeface emoji).

2. This all seems like a real stretch, and I see why the feds passed it up.

3. The fact that the Judge and the Prosecutor stated their intention to get Trump shortly before any of this was brought up makes it feel more than a little slimy. This feels like an attack on a former president by a couple people in power with a political agenda, and that's not a good precedent to set.

I voted "guilty," but I don't think that's what's best for anyone involved.
this has been stated over and over and over and over

the feds didn't "pass it up"...a political body (the FEC) behind 2 trump appointees decided to just not pursue campaign finance violations related to the allegations in this case

this was not federal prosecutors or a federal grand jury examining evidence and deciding there wasn't enough to pursue...this was a political body doing exactly what it was meant to do (protect the guy who appointed them)

also...when did the judge come out and say he was going to "get Trump"?

people love just making stuff up about the case to justify how they already feel
How many jurors will be writing books and articles for magazines/papers?
It’s all a crap shoot from here on out…but I don’t see me voting for Trump come November. 🤑
I'm pretty sure if we had a poll for that, it would be 100% that you wouldn't be voting for Trump in November. I'm with you on that.
1. Not a crime to have an affair.
2. Not a crime to pay someone to not discuss an affair.
3. Statute of limitations has run out on a possible misdemeanor charge for falsifying business records, so this no longer applies.
4. The "other" crime that these activities supposedly might have been done in furtherance of has yet to be definitively identified and charged by the prosecution.

Only in New York...