Trump: We can't have a socialist president, "especially any female" "not how it's supposed to be"

This sounds vaguely familiar. Almost like it just happened to someone else, and the intelligent people in his party that weren't in a cult told him he needed to step aside for the good of the country. I feel like I heard this somewhere.
It is very familiar, yet very different. When you are a good dude character wise, it is not really a problem. When you are a POS character wise, it is a huge problem.
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What could that possibly be that he hasn't already done?
There are many things that he could be that he is not, many of which are claims we see on here, that there is zero proof of, pedophile for example.

And I know you guys like to.hammer Roe v Wade but he gave the decisions back to the states that's not what you guys make it. If I actually thought he was to women as you say he is, there is a line there.
Remember when @83Hawk claimed he voted for Biden?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Thanks for the support.

Do I think democrats pull some shenanigans? Sure I do. Sometimes. Republicans do it too. (yeah I know….BOTH SIDES). But that’s politics.

I most certainly did vote Biden, although I did not think he was a very good candidate. Personally I was hoping for Amy. Could never vote Trump. He was…and is…an embarrassment.

As I have posted numerous times….in my lifetime I have voted Democrat, Republican, third party and “none”. I realize I was against Kamala before, but why is it so hard to think I can’t change my mind? There is such a thing as research. I actually took the time to look more closely at her and not only was my previous impression wrong, but I found out I like what I see.

I don’t belong to Team Red or Team Blue. I vote for the candidate.

Normally I am against single party rule, but maybe it’s time to hand the Federal government keys to the democrats for the next 8 years and see what they can do. We know they are not shy about trying to push their agenda, while Republicans talk big but never do anything.
It's un phucking believable how shitty at PR this guy is. If he says "we don't want a socialist" nobody says a damn word. But because he is so ****ing stupid to say her gender, now he is going to deal.with dumb shit.

God damn it.
Trump is going to have an AAAAAWFUL time trying to not let his true feelings about a minority woman competing with him slip out time and time again these next few months.

Should at least be entertaining.

Fukkkin sad, but entertaining

Now a lot of FUPA action
It's un phucking believable how shitty at PR this guy is. If he says "we don't want a socialist" nobody says a damn word. But because he is so ****ing stupid to say her gender, now he is going to deal.with dumb shit.

God damn it.
His problem is no filter. There is no plan when he starts riffing.
Similar to McCain. Sees someone as the enemy. Then starts saying anything negative about them that pops in his head.
Not that it changes the message, and I would certainly use it if I were running a campaign, but that video has to be from 2020,
I do not think you will have ten or so people still wearing masks, and they are seated directly behind Trump at a Trump rally in 2024.
Trump is a lot of things but I don’t think he is racist.
I honestly don't think he is either in the overtly, redneck way we associate with racism. But I do know he thinks inherently smarter than everyone else, and in his mind the difference grows larger when comparing against a minority, then even larger when comparing against a woman.
There are many things that he could be that he is not, many of which are claims we see on here, that there is zero proof of, pedophile for example.

And I know you guys like to.hammer Roe v Wade but he gave the decisions back to the states that's not what you guys make it. If I actually thought he was to women as you say he is, there is a line there.
So him being held liable in court for sexual assault isn't good enough for you. Would he have to actually rape someone that you know? Maybe a relative?
TTrip is

Trump is going to have an AAAAAWFUL time trying to not let his true feelings about a minority woman competing with him slip out time and time again these next few months.

Should at least be entertaining.

Fukkkin sad, but entertaining
The way Trump is idolized, coupled with the way he acts, Donald Trump is the Angel Reese of American politics.

He can say no wrong in the eyes of his supporters even when it is blatant hatred and he isn't just saying something stupid for the sake of a joke in poor taste.

The only difference is that Trump isn't latching himself to a greater politician and someone that more closely resembles an actual, let alone decent, human being just for the social clout...........
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Not that it changes the message, and I would certainly use it if I were running a campaign, but that video has to be from 2020,
I do not think you will have ten or so people still wearing masks, and they are seated directly behind Trump at a Trump rally in 2024.
Thank God.

Yes it's from 2020......

Dear Donald,


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There are many things that he could be that he is not, many of which are claims we see on here, that there is zero proof of, pedophile for example.

And I know you guys like to.hammer Roe v Wade but he gave the decisions back to the states that's not what you guys make it. If I actually thought he was to women as you say he is, there is a line there.
Well he partied with Epstein a lot. Considering Q’s and Republican obsession with anyone associated with him. It’s going to get thrown back in their face.
My issue on minors with Trump is him bragging about going into backstage dressing areas of Beauty pageant contests. Trying to examine the merchandise. Total predatory behavior. People tell you who they are without shame.
Well he partied with Epstein a lot. Considering Q’s and Republican obsession with anyone associated with him. It’s going to get thrown back in their face.
My issue on minors with Trump is him bragging about going into backstage dressing areas of Beauty pageant contests. Trying to examine the merchandise. Total predatory behavior. People tell you who they are without shame.
I've noticed this has been said more yet I've seen nothing more about it other than the same 3 images we have had.
although his vp pick might’ve cost him some childless republican women who love cats.
I just can't imagine any of the women voting for trump changing their mind because vance says women are only important if they're home birthing babies. I think they'll point to some verse in the bible as proof that it at least justifies his comment.
The dress wasn't even made for 2 more years.

There are so many aspects of her story that don't add up.
You would've thought his crack legal team would've brought that up in trial if it was true. You tend to act like he didn't have attorneys arguing his case during any trial.

You can admit he's a criminal. Everyone already knows. The problem is millions of you don't care.
Are you talking about when his daughter was in dance or whatever?
I love it when you claim ignorance.

“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,” Trump told Stern.

“No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. … ‘Is everyone OK?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.”

What about @tumorboy 's example of Trump walking in on teenage girls when they thought they were safe? Stop looking for a God damned loophole in every fvcking scenario for this piece of shit.
Doesn’t matter if it’s teenage girls. How about women in general. Trying to worry about getting fitted while some creepy rich dude wants to shake your hand and examine you.
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I think Kamala was the correct choice for the Dems. Seeing all of the DEI, blow job queen, etc. vitriol coming from the right has the potential to lose them a lot of moderate/independents that would have otherwise held their nose and voted for Trump.

All Republicans have to do is keep their mouths shut for the next few months, not spew racist and sexist rhetoric, and they probably win the election relatively easily. But I’m not sure they’re capable of doing it.
I think Kamala was the correct choice for the Dems. Seeing all of the DEI, blow job queen, etc. vitriol coming from the right has the potential to lose them a lot of moderate/independents that would have otherwise held their nose and voted for Trump.

All Republicans have to do is keep their mouths shut for the next few months, not spew racist and sexist rhetoric, and they probably win the election relatively easily. But I’m not sure they’re capable of doing it.
That and motivate Dem turnout. The Republicans have too many performance artists in the party now. That view any attention as good attention. In fact the main one is at the top of the ticket.
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Doesn’t matter if it’s teenage girls. How about women in general. Trying to worry about getting fitted while some creepy rich dude wants to shake your hand and examine you.
*Teenage girls would make that much worse. These are adults.

Yeah that's cringy as ****. Not gonna lie. It's also a guy talking on Howard stern, a shock show to get a response, another thing to remember, guys used to talk about females differently, even as early as the 2000s. Go watch a movie from the 90s and a guy sticking his head over the bathroom stale of the ladies room in a movie is going to be childsplay. We are not the society we were then.

Again, dude says dumb shit and that was cringy.
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*Teenage girls would make that much worse. These are adults.

Yeah that's cringy as ****. Not gonna lie. It's also a guy talking on Howard stern, a shock show to get a response, another thing to remember, guys used to talk about females differently, even as early as the 2000s. Go watch a movie from the 90s and a guy sticking his head over the bathroom stale of the ladies room in a movie is going to be childsplay. We are not the society we were then.

Again, dude says dumb shit and that was cringy.
Right, so there’s no behavior you won’t exuse away. You seem to have a lot more leniency for people with the letter R next to their name.

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