Trump's Bizarre "I'm Being Audited Because I'm a Strong Christian" Claim


HB Legend
Nov 11, 2002
Twin Cities MN
After the debate last night Trump tried to claim that the reason he was being audited was because he's such a strong Christian. Really?
After the debate last night Trump tried to claim that the reason he was being audited was because he's such a strong Christian. Really?
Yea, that was strange. He referenced his rich friends who never get audited, and I thought to myself...'I wonder if your rich friends have ever filed for bankruptcy,' because my guess is that's why he gets audited.
After the debate last night Trump tried to claim that the reason he was being audited was because he's such a strong Christian. Really?

Conservatives have been playing this card for years. Awesome.
Don't Christians get brownie points for being persecuted? They really ought to be thanking Obama for getting them a better room in heaven.