Tulsi is pretty much done. Will her voters be the New Bernie Bros?

@Huey Grey and @Hawk It Up both made the same point I did about your analogy. In fact, you're the only one who seems to agree with your analogy.

Go ahead and tell me what my analogy is. It’s obvious you can’t. Point to it precisely with a copy and paste please.

Start with the OP. Please note you’re still this deep in the thread and have completely ignored the OP. You “analogy” you’re making up in your head?
Go ahead and tell me what my analogy is. It’s obvious you can’t. Point to it precisely with a copy and paste please.

Start with the OP. Please note you’re still this deep in the thread and have completely ignored the OP. You “analogy” you’re making up in your head?

Did you even read your own thread title?:

Tulsi is pretty much done. Will her voters be the New Bernie Bros?
Did you even read your own thread title?:

Tulsi is pretty much done. Will her voters be the New Bernie Bros?

Yeah...I didn’t say “Does she have the same amount of voters as Bernie?” I asked if her voters are as loyal as Bernie’s. And asked if they will write her in? There’s not even an analogy there. There’s three questions (including the title). The correct responses are “Yes. They’re as loya and will still vote for her.” Or “No. They will vote for the Dem candidate.” You have chosen the completely insane, “Bad analogy. There’s not as many.” Which makes zero sense.
Yeah...I didn’t say “Does she have the same amount of voters as Bernie?” I asked if her voters are as loyal as Bernie’s. And asked if they will write her in? There’s not even an analogy there. There’s three questions (including the title). The correct responses are “Yes. They’re as loya and will still vote for her.” Or “No. They will vote for the Dem candidate.” You have chosen the completely insane, “Bad analogy. There’s not as many.” Which makes zero sense.

I get what your intent was. I know what you intended. However, there’s an inherent analogy here that needed to be addressed, and was by myself and others. I stand by the statement that a better title would have been “Are Tulsi Supporters the New Jill Stein Voters”?
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Tulsi is too moderate for the politically immature and mentally deranged portion of the American voter base. She’s the most electable candidate the Democratic Party has and too many are too blind to see it.

Not sure who said that Trump voters are a fan of her. I think it has more to do with being able to relate to the mass hysteria and knee jerk labeling that has been a hallmark of the last two political campaigns.
That's the Catch 22. A moderate can never be nominated by the democratic party and if they do give in they lose their attraction to well....moderates.
Gabbard, IMO has more appeal than Hillary. Losing to Trump should tell you something. People just didn’t like her and I don’t think the “right wing” media groups had a lot to do with it. You also have the Bernie/Stein faction within the party that were anti-Hillary than the average voter.
Given Tulsi's moderate positions and military experience, I would think her supporters might naturally gravitate towards Mayor Pete.
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He's not wrong. You guys love Tulsi and judging by the last election, many are getting fed bot news about her. Everything else about Dems is that they are evil.

You guys is not appropriate here. I want Trump out of office. I’m an independent. I like Tulsi because she is a veteran like me.

Do you think she’s a Russian asset?

And if for some idiotic reason you do, could you please provide us all with a rational reason why you believe that?
Not GOP but I like Tulsi. She's a non-interventionalist, fiscally moderate, and socially liberal. She's a veteran, so she understands the value of the military, and the value of military lives. On the face of it, she also seems more principled that most in DC.
She repeats the Assad line on Syria like a metronome. Do Not Want to see her on a debate stage again in this election cycle.
Then, you're not really listening to her, you're repeating what you're told ABOUT her. I've listened to her a great deal, and I only hear her talk about Assad when some talk show host or some other media flunkie brings it up. You've been exposed.
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There was a lot more to Hillary than that. Like compulsive liar.

Whew, good thing we didn't end up with a compulsive liar in the WH....

Not voting for Hillary because you disapprove of lying, and then turning around and voting for Trump, is like refusing to make out with a girl who just lost her virginity because you say you're afraid of STDs, and then banging Charlie Sheen.
Not voting for Hillary because you disapprove of lying, and then turning around and voting for Trump, is like refusing to make out with a girl who just lost her virginity because you say you're afraid of STDs, and then banging Charlie Sheen.

Lying is just the tip of the iceberg for Hillary. If it was just a lying contest, Trump is obviously worse. Hillary is much brighter than Trump, and does a much better job masking the underlying corruptness.
Lying is just the tip of the iceberg for Hillary. If it was just a lying contest, Trump is obviously worse. Hillary is much brighter than Trump, and does a much better job masking the underlying corruptness.
Not voting for Hillary because you disapprove of lying, and then turning around and voting for Trump, is like refusing to make out with a girl who just lost her virginity because you say you're afraid of STDs, and then banging Charlie Sheen.
No lying didn't disqualify Trump because they both had that inherent gene.
Would vote for Tulsi.

and not just because her cleavage glistens.

she is sharp, would stand up to anyone, and has an ability to listen. Everything opposite of current disaster.

and her cleavage glistens.
Yep they both were. Some want to dismiss one as a compulsive liar.
According to Wikipedia, Hawkeye Point is the highest peak in Iowa. Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world. While these are both recognized as the tallest peak in certain geographies they are not remotely the same thing.
According to Wikipedia, Hawkeye Point is the highest peak in Iowa. Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world. While these are both recognized as the tallest peak in certain geographies they are not remotely the same thing.
Yeh well Trump and Hillary aren't that far apart.
Gabbard, IMO has more appeal than Hillary. Losing to Trump should tell you something. People just didn’t like her and I don’t think the “right wing” media groups had a lot to do with it. You also have the Bernie/Stein faction within the party that were anti-Hillary than the average voter.
Gabbard has 2% who support her. She isn’t popular.
Unfortunately, she doesn't have the Democrat machine behind her. She needs Obama's handlers and power brokers.
She's not going to ever have that. She won't tow a party line. She's not going to compromise values and integrity and keep Northrop-Grumman, General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, and Raytheon running the country.

That's American Politics- you surrender your entire values system, basically. The higher you go, the less of your values (if you ever had any) remain intact.

She makes it abundantly clear that she's not going to sacrifice anything that may harm the American People in order to keep the real owners of the country happy. Legislators like her are very rare, at any level. American politics is so corrupt and profit-driven, that it's amazing how anyone like her ever aspires to participate. The more I find out about her, the more I admire her. It's pretty amazing that everything she stands for- in terms of policy and enacting them- is a "liberal's" wet dream. She is the epitome of an objective progressive-liberal.

It's interesting to me because she has support from both "sides." None of the other Democratic candidates has anywhere near the appeal and support of more liberal-minded conservatives that she carries. And, I have no doubt that her real popularity is far more than 2%. She has more threads on HROT than all the other candidates combined.
That's because she's hot. HROT is a bunch of perverts.
I guess that doesn't hurt that she's attractive. But, she's intelligent, articulate, young, a veteran, very liberal-minded, practical. She's about as ideal as they get as far as I am concerned.

As I've said many times, I just hope she remains in the Congress. Maybe she can run again. Maybe she will inspire others like herself to run for office! We need people like her in government! She reminds me of a left-wing Ron Paul, except she doesn't have the same monetary policy stance, and he wanted to eliminate a lot of departments. But, he was immensely popular and had a huge grassroots support system. I was one of them!
She's not going to ever have that. She won't tow a party line. She's not going to compromise values and integrity and keep Northrop-Grumman, General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, and Raytheon running the country.

That's American Politics- you surrender your entire values system, basically. The higher you go, the less of your values (if you ever had any) remain intact.

She makes it abundantly clear that she's not going to sacrifice anything that may harm the American People in order to keep the real owners of the country happy. Legislators like her are very rare, at any level. American politics is so corrupt and profit-driven, that it's amazing how anyone like her ever aspires to participate. The more I find out about her, the more I admire her. It's pretty amazing that everything she stands for- in terms of policy and enacting them- is a "liberal's" wet dream. She is the epitome of an objective progressive-liberal.

It's interesting to me because she has support from both "sides." None of the other Democratic candidates has anywhere near the appeal and support of more liberal-minded conservatives that she carries. And, I have no doubt that her real popularity is far more than 2%. She has more threads on HROT than all the other candidates combined.

Do you think her complaints of media bias are valid?