Two videos from todays Euro game

I accidentally found myself in the middle of an England/Netherlands brawl in Amsterdam in around 2008 that ended in a braveheart stampede. One way out was through the England fans, one through the Dutch……stay in the middle and you get your ass kicked. There were people flying into the canals, old women diving into stores and restaurants…..crazy stuff. You could tell there were people that didn’t belong outside of a maximum security prison in the bars all day, there was no doubt they were waiting for an excuse to fight
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I went to a friendly between Napoli and Arsenal in London several years back. Napoli fans burned down a pub afterwards for a match that did not matter at all.

The European passion for football is . . . Different.
The Emirates Cup preseason tournament. My buddy was there to see New York Red Bulls and Thierry Henry win it over Arsenal the year before. Yeah, that’s insane. Napoli fans are a bit over the top.
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