probably already has, but I think the 2017 class is on his mind, there are 3 major factors that will DICTATE the scholarship/s, right now Fran has 1 to give and Connor already has that one,
Jones depends on 2 things if he gets a 6th year his won't be available till 2018, if he does not then the question comes in about does Baer get it or does Fran use it to get one of these.
6'11 F/C 4* by ESPN Williams out of Indiana
6'8 Nunge out of Indiana
6'10 Garza out of Pennsylvania.
the options are there that Fran will have to make up his mind about,
2018 Fran has 1 to give and Weiskamp has that 1 unless Jones gets a 6th year then Fran has 2 to give or just 1 more.
to much can happen between now and 2019, players can leave early for greener pastures or more playing time elsewhere. or they could all stay and wait their turn.