U.S. military budget is $842 billion for 2024.


HB Heisman
Jan 27, 2023
That's alotta dough for just one year.

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Cut out the defense contractors and save 300 billion

There were people making 100k-200k for the same job I did in Iraq as an E-4
The military is far too dependent on contractors. Ironically the shift was sold as a cost savings measure and is anything but.

See it in my career field when I was active duty as well.

Contractors take over a function and the active duty loses the knowledge and ability to do it...contracting company jacks up their prices for maintaining that function. Seen it on the maintenance side of the house for sure...

I reckon this reaches pretty low to call something a ‘base’ to achieve this count, it’s more the breadth of the empire’s footprint that is noteworthy from this map.
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So you think we are a hegemon?
I didn’t think it was some kind of bold assertion really, just a somewhat under acknowledged given. We have been projecting military and economic power nearly at will for decades now. I first heard the term “unipolar” in the 1990s. We have grown our influence since then.
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I didn’t think it was some kind of bold assertion really, just a somewhat under acknowledged given. We have been projecting military and economic power nearly at will for decades now. I first heard the term “unipolar” in the 1990s. We have grown our influence since then.
We are a world leader for sure, the biggest, and perhaps with hegemonic aspirations, but those pesky other countries have minds of their own…
We are a world leader for sure, the biggest, and perhaps with hegemonic aspirations, but those pesky other countries have minds of their own…
Except when their minds don't align with US interests.

"What? You elected a commie?!?!"


" sorry to hear about your military coup."
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The military is far too dependent on contractors. Ironically the shift was sold as a cost savings measure and is anything but.

See it in my career field when I was active duty as well.

Contractors take over a function and the active duty loses the knowledge and ability to do it...contracting company jacks up their prices for maintaining that function. Seen it on the maintenance side of the house for sure...
Yep, been happening for decades. It's why the military needs to reverse course to develop the skills/talent to bring a lot of it back in house to have control over the device or material being developed and being able to maintain it at a fraction of the cost. Will take a couple of decades to get there, but in the long run it will be better.
Except when their minds don't align with US interests.

"What? You elected a commie?!?!"


" sorry to hear about your military coup."
But of course, the US would never involve itself in a coup in Ukraine.
It’s absurd to even think it.

I reckon this reaches pretty low to call something a ‘base’ to achieve this count, it’s more the breadth of the empire’s footprint that is noteworthy from this map.
There's absolutely no good reason for that footprint. We've expanded national defense and national security to world defense.

The military budget should be cut in half. We need to reduce our military presence significantly.

CBO projects federal debt service to be $870B in 2024.

Biden's budget suggestion of $7.3T compares to $6.5T in 2024, a 12.3% increase, which is insane.
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There's absolutely no good reason for that footprint. We've expanded national defense and national security to world defense.

The military budget should be cut in half. We need to reduce our military presence significantly.

CBO projects federal debt service to be $870B in 2024.

Biden's budget suggestion of $7.3T compares to $6.5T in 2024, a 12.3% increase, which is insane.
True to an extent, but then you have to be ok with Russia and China expanding where ever they want. Keep in mind China is all over the Pacific, SA and Africa which is why you see those little dots we have in those areas. A lot of those bases are small outposts for refueling, resupplying, etc. Others are deterrents or placed there for quick response if/when needed.
We need our military empire to help maintain our capitalistic empire, they go hand in hand.
That's alotta dough for just one year.

Good, now maybe the AF will release the RFP for the Base Infrastructure and Modernization IDIQ so I can get off this R&D OTA contract. It's been 6 years and I'm ready for a 10-year deal! :cool:
We need our military empire to help maintain our capitalistic empire, they go hand in hand.
No, they don’t. The military empire is parasitic on the capitalist empire.
If capitalists didn’t have their wealth seized to fund overseas bases and bombs to blow up foreigners they’d be able to invest in even more production for our consumption to improve our living standards.
Bases in Syria aren’t helping capitalists, but they do put money into the pockets of connected contractors.
True to an extent, but then you have to be ok with Russia and China expanding where ever they want. Keep in mind China is all over the Pacific, SA and Africa which is why you see those little dots we have in those areas. A lot of those bases are small outposts for refueling, resupplying, etc. Others are deterrents or placed there for quick response if/when needed.
What has the US done militarily to keep China from expanding? It appears the Chinese military does whatever it wants.
What has the US done militarily to keep China from expanding? It appears the Chinese military does whatever it wants.
Outside of the South China Sea where is this happening? And, the US is patrolling the area constantly and are bringing back bases in the Philippines as well as Palau.
No, they don’t. The military empire is parasitic on the capitalist empire.
If capitalists didn’t have their wealth seized to fund overseas bases and bombs to blow up foreigners they’d be able to invest in even more production for our consumption to improve our living standards.
Bases in Syria aren’t helping capitalists, but they do put money into the pockets of connected contractors.
Eisenhower warned against the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell address to the American people. When war becomes profitable to wealthy interests, we will be in endless wars. The proxy war in Ukraine is a perfect example, Israel too.

The defense war machine lobby is a money racket. The members of congress with stock in Boeing, Ratheon, General Dynamics is gross, and the amount of wealth they accumulate makes it obvious what is going on.