UC Berkeley Professor Say Rural Americans are ‘Bad People’

UC Berkeley instructor Jackson Kernion claimed that farmers and rural Americans are “bad people” who have made “bad decisions” in life, a report says.

In a tweet, Kernion insisted that he supported anyone who would ridicule and attack rural Americans, according to Campus Reform.
Just another turd in the California sh.. factory if they aren't throwing it they are spewing it.
There's a difference between propaganda and differing opinions. Figure it out before responding to me on this again please.

I know. There’s definitely a difference. If this was an Iowa professor stating the exact opposite type drivel, ciggy would have posted it and you’d be defending it. The main difference and similarity altogether.
UC Berkeley instructor Jackson Kernion claimed that farmers and rural Americans are “bad people” who have made “bad decisions” in life, a report says.

In a tweet, Kernion insisted that he supported anyone who would ridicule and attack rural Americans, according to Campus Reform.

Maybe he just doesn’t like those completely dependent on cradle to grave welfare.
Nothing more "A-Typical, left-wing" than a prof from UC Berkeley...a philosophy professor, to boot! And thank God, out resident right-wing nutjob Sill is there to keep us at HROT on guard! Those UC Berkley profs are everywhere boyz! Beware!
I know. There’s definitely a difference. If this was an Iowa professor stating the exact opposite type drivel, ciggy would have posted it and you’d be defending it. The main difference and similarity altogether.

Well, no I wouldn't. But then Ciggy wouldn't have posted some drivel from some random professor at a college somewhere. He posts stuff from established news organizations or from authors with a knowledge base in the subject being discussed. The articles are based on factual information and they don't skew or falsify the facts being used. Sure, many of them have bias, but having bias and being propaganda are two very different things.

The OP engages in mostly propaganda with the goal of doing nothing but stirring up shit and creating chaos on these boards. He has posted shit straight from white nationalist web sites onto here. He brings nothing positive to these boards and would be doing the place a favor if he just quit coming here. But then he wouldn't get paid by his masters to do what he is doing. It's so obvious what his shtick is, but here we are.

And for the record, I disagree with you, FAUlty on probably 90% of all issues, but I do think you bring insightful discussions and debates here. I have yet to see the OP do this.
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That’s good bad, right? :D
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I'm guessing the professor is mostly talking about rural Californians from the central valley farms. He's probably never been outside of the state to a place like Iowa or North Dakota. In any case, it's an ignorant and idiotic thing to say. May as well say, "All black people are criminals" or "all white people are racists." It's just stupid to make a generalization about tens of millions of people. How the hell would he know? Pretty embarrassing and repugnant for a university professor to say something so ignorant, though.

I'll add that it's also ridiculous and repugnant to make generalizations about university professors based on one professor's statement.