(UFOs) June 2021 - The Day Our History Changes Or

What happens on June 1, 2021

  • We are not alone - ALIENS!

    Votes: 19 28.4%
  • Our "honest" government gives us a load or malarkey

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • What on earth is the OP talking about

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters


HB Legend
Oct 20, 2002
Much ado about nothing, a "training exercise" is announced.

Task Force Report On UFO Intelligence Expected By June 1​

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Its either completely explainable phenomenon or secret human experimental aircraft. I refuse to believe aliens figured out interstellar travel and then just up and crash on earth. I also think they'd be able to be undetected if they so choose or rather not hide their being here to begin with. Pretty sure they'd have the technology to very easily be rid of us if wanted. Plus why TF would these clearly advanced being want to do anal probes and animal mutilation. It doesn't make sense.
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Its either completely explainable phenomenon or secret human experimental aircraft. I refuse to believe aliens figured out interstellar travel and then just up and crash on earth. I also think they'd be able to be undetected if they so choose or rather not hide their being here to begin with? Pretty sure they'd have the technology to very easily be rid of us if wanted. Plus why TF would these clearly advanced being want to do anal probes and animal mutilation. It doesn't make sense.
All of this
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It doesn't matter what will be said on that day...

I refuse to believe aliens figured out interstellar travel and then just up and crash on earth. I also think they'd be able to be undetected if they so choose or rather not hide their being here to begin with? Pretty sure they'd have the technology to very easily be rid of us if wanted. Plus why TF would these clearly advanced being want to do anal probes and animal mutilation. It doesn't make sense.
What if the way we have oil here on earth, the aliens have dilithium crystals (for you Star Trek nerds) a thimble full of which can power a city for a thousand years and when used in a rocket, can propel it to unfathomable speeds? They’d be like us, but with better fuel. Would it be so crazy to think they’d be as prone to mistakes as us? Their Apollo 13 just happens over our planet instead of their moon?

Just playing devil’s advocate for mediocre aliens.
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Its either completely explainable phenomenon or secret human experimental aircraft. I refuse to believe aliens figured out interstellar travel and then just up and crash on earth. I also think they'd be able to be undetected if they so choose or rather not hide their being here to begin with. Pretty sure they'd have the technology to very easily be rid of us if wanted. Plus why TF would these clearly advanced being want to do anal probes and animal mutilation. It doesn't make sense.
What if the human race is the result of these aliens making a half monkey half alien race for the purposes of study or entertainment? They keep coming back just to see what the crazy monkey people are up to today?
Much ado about nothing, a "training exercise" is announced.

Task Force Report On UFO Intelligence Expected By June 1​

We will get the report in June but probably not June 1.
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There is an Underwater advanced civilization of non humans. 🥸
And if I recall correctly there was a theory that aliens from the interior of the earth were emerging from the poles. This was one of the non mainstream theories from the 1960s.
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It's DARPA/Skunkworks stuff too classified to tell regular military about. No coincidence that it shows up in training areas.

If that was the case, then why not start doing something positive with the technology instead of hiding it from everyone.
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is probably wrong.
How so? Explain to me how any of that makes sense. I believe for sure there is intelligent life out there. Possibly they flew by and checked us out at some point. But by no means are we so damn interesting that they're going to hang out for years probing our butts and taking joy rides in our skys. We would be the equivalent of ants to a civilization that advanced.
How so? Explain to me how any of that makes sense. I believe for sure there is intelligent life out there. Possibly they flew by and checked us out at some point. But by no means are we so damn interesting that they're going to hang out for years probing our butts and taking joy rides in our skys. We would be the equivalent of ants to a civilization that advanced.
Interstellar travel. Some other race has probably figured it out. More than likely we already have the evidence they have been here and our military has them on video. Way too much smoke about Area 51. I don't believe that every single person who claims an alien encounter is crazy. There are too many things that happen on earth that cannot be explained by humans. Things that we don't have the technology to do.

Look into Skinwalker Ranch sometime.
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Interstellar travel. Some other race has probably figured it out. More than likely we already have the evidence they have been here and our military has them on video. Way too much smoke about Area 51. I don't believe that every single person who claims an alien encounter is crazy. There are too many things that happen on earth that cannot be explained by humans. Things that we don't have the technology to do.

Look into Skinwalker Ranch sometime.
I'm not saying interstellar travel doesn't exhist. But the universe is kinda a big place. What makes you think we are interesting enough to even warrant a second look. Also, as I pointed out already the idea they crashed their UFOs on earth is ludicrous. Just because we can't explain something I dont immediately go to aliens. The easiest explanation is usually the correct one. People are for sure here. I'm going that route.
Bob Lazar. Element 115. S4. Joe Rogan.

To be serious, I'm an amateur astronomer and I've seen odd shit. Corroborated by witnesses. Alien bodies and landing craft no. Aerial phenomenon that's fd up. Yes. Multiple times.
I always was under the belief that there is alien life out there, but UFO's were not real. They were either not advanced enough or too far to visit Earth. My opinions are changing a bit. Some of those things on radar are hard to explain. If there is an advanced civilization out there we are not smart enough yet to join any thing like a Federation.
Beardman owns Bill Nye. 😂

I wouldn’t say that. The same people believing they don’t think the film industry in the 1960s had the technology to make it look like there was a UFO flying saucer laser beaming down missiles are ironically probably the same people that think the moon landing was a staged production. Also, he never said he saw the incident he said he saw film of the incident. I.e, NOT an eye witness. 100s of witnesses including ordinary enlisted guys and you think that has remained quiet for 60 years? Yeah sure.
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I always was under the belief that there is alien life out there, but UFO's were not real. They were either not advanced enough or too far to visit Earth. My opinions are changing a bit. Some of those things on radar are hard to explain. If there is an advanced civilization out there we are not smart enough yet to join any thing like a Federation.
unidentified but similar to our aircraft. And people seeing or being abducted by aliens see them as humanoid in appearance. To think an advanced life form has figured our interstellar space travel, in aircraft remarkable similar or ours in size and appearance, who are humanoid, and then who do not make contact with us, and/or harvest and/or colonize our planet, is beyond bonkers.
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I wouldn’t say that. The same people believing they don’t think the film industry in the 1960s had the technology to make it look like there was a UFO flying saucer laser beaming down missiles are ironically probably the same people that think the moon landing was a staged production. Also, he never said he saw the incident he said he saw film of the incident. 100s of witnesses including ordinary enlisted guys and you think that has remained quiet for 60 years? Yeah sure.
I agree. He was being a shrill, pompous ass, and not owning anyone.

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