UK descends into Fascist Hellhole

Keir Starmer says Elon Musk will face the full force of the law – but how?​

Musk has truly turned into a evil Bond character.
Musk has truly turned into a evil Bond character.

Let’s see. What do you think of this imprisonment?

No physical violence occurred, 2.5 years in jail. If Musk is a bond villain, what does this farce make the police officer, the prosecuting attorney, and the judge?

Another solid post.

“Governments have no business deciding what is hateful speech.

If given this power, they will label anything against their agenda as hateful to terrorize their citizens into compliance. Once this crucial threshold is crossed, where speech and thought are carefully policed, it’s a free fall into tyranny.

This has happened THOUSANDS of times throughout history in civilizations going back to Ancient Greece and probably before. “Hate” is just the current term for what was previously known as impiety against the gods, heresy against the Church, or whatever the current thing was. It’s a weapon used by authoritarian regimes to silence or imprison their opponents.”
38 months in prison for teeeting:

Mass deportation now, set fire to all the ****ing hotels full of the bastards for all i care... If that makes me racist, so be it.

38 months in prison for teeeting:

Mass deportation now, set fire to all the ****ing hotels full of the bastards for all i care... If that makes me racist, so be it.

What boggles my mind is the people who want to give the government these kinds of powers here don’t stop and imagine how a future Trump fear figure could leverage them to imprison people for incitement over sharing posts about the next George Floyd.

Quit building a turn key totalitarianism and hoping your side keeps the wheel.
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Who is ****ing around in other countries?

These censorious authoritarians are trying to claim jurisdiction on the internet.

Should the Chicoms be allowed to censor and police the internet for the rest of the world?

He's in another country irl, and posted stupid shit
I’m sorry, but you don’t have any say in that.

The resident, liberal aristocrats shall be the sole arbiters of that decision, peasant. Know your damned place!

Of course, it's our one ever supported or voted for Trump, then why do so many of you guys white knight him? Kinda WEIRD
The UK government is chilling discussion of actual issues and it’s going to backfire terribly.

The Belfast stuff scares me the most because I’ve seen it before. The weapons are still there. The threat of serious violence is real.
Of course, it's our one ever supported or voted for Trump, then why do so many of you guys white knight him? Kinda WEIRD
Can you show me a post where I supported him?

I have been very clear in why I WON’T support him:

1) He’s owned by Pharma.
2) He’s beholden to Israel. (Not that it matters; ANY politician owing ANY allegiance to ANY foreign country doesn’t deserve to be in office).
3) He destroyed the economy and pissed all over our civil liberties with his Covid policies.
4) He showed a great deal of support for gun control via ‘Red Flag’ laws.
5) He’s stuck in a state of perpetual adolescence.

I could go on and on. But it doesn’t matter. You partisan tools automatically label anyone who doesn’t proclaim their allegiance to the democratic nominee as MAGAts.

Piss off.