Best $25 I ever spent. Fun atmosphere. Sitting about 15 feet from T & T. Could hear every syllable. Classicly funny dialogue. I should have written some of it down.
Any of you hard-core types familiar with the 2 refs?
The banter w/ T & T and the refs almost seemed "staged" ala WWE. They bitch at each other when the audience is there and they know everyone can hear, but are likely drinking buddies behind closed doors...
I think the head and ASSociate head coach from Army would like to pile-drive Tom B.

There was some funny s%$t going back and forth early along in that duel. The old man was staring at Tom with a "this dude is psycho" look on his face...
Talked to PK briefly afterward. Love seeing him succeed. Buchanan signing a lot of stuff. Got a great pic with him also. Great Hawks! SB is a bad bad man.
Don't recall seeing the number of body slams in awhile.