Unemployment question


HR Heisman
Oct 12, 2001
A neighbor of mine recently had a two week furlough and all employees at his company were encouraged to file for unemployment before returning. He did so but was denied due to the fact that he is 65 and is already taking his pension, despite the fact that he continues to work full time for his employer. Can someone explain the likely justification for this? I have no doubt the Iowa workforce people are correct but am just curious how that works. Second question is if he is not eligible for unemployment, is money still being contributed/withheld on his behalf by his employer?
He is already, in theory getting too much income to get unemployment. They are correct!
Pretty much this. Unemployment is intended to help people make ends meet with no income, not pad an already existing income.
I think it would be similar to holding a part time job while unemployed. Your unemployment check gets cut by the amount that you earn from other sources. It is one of the reasons why people on unemployment don't want to work unless it is full time for a similar wage to what they were making.