Update. PSA: SpaceX Starship's 5th Integrated Test Flight October 13 was a complete and total success.

Wrong, wrong and again - wrong. I learned long ago not to attempt a debate with the “Earth is an isolated island- it’s all we got“ crowd, so I won’t try to persuade you in this intellectual vacuum. You Earth-firsters can just stay on this 3rd rock from the sun and cling to your misguided and counter-productive “ethics,” such as they are. Others will go.
What exactly do you do Wernher Von Braun? If entertainment is your forte, then you have that nailed.

P.S. I have some powerful bottlerockets. You wanna strap them and see if it blasts you to a new home? You could find a sexy alien....
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Wrong, wrong and again - wrong. I learned long ago not to attempt a debate with the “Earth is an isolated island- it’s all we got“ crowd, so I won’t try to persuade you in this intellectual vacuum. You Earth-firsters can just stay on this 3rd rock from the sun and cling to your misguided and counter-productive “ethics,” such as they are. Others will go.

Amen brother. Don’t let them get to you. They are the types hanging in Italy saying the world is flat while Cristopher Columbus was out sailing the oceans.
We would have to fight the lizard people living underground ;)
I think you're referencing the C.H.U.D. Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers...
LOL. That is some major fanboy propaganda in that Twitter thread. Basically saying yeah everyone knew it would not work, they blew it up on purpose, and it was a smashing success. Major laugh.

Oh basically?

Were there a lot of people beforehand predicting a flawless mission? Could you cite a few examples?

Also a few examples of people saying “they blew it up on purpose” because this isn’t a gross distortion. (I take this to mean they are saying it was intended all along and not as a failsafe)

What would you say is the primary source of your hatred?
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LOL. That is some major fanboy propaganda in that Twitter thread. Basically saying yeah everyone knew it would not work, they blew it up on purpose, and it was a smashing success. Major laugh.
They DID destroy it on purpose, ya goof. Enough of the Raptor engines shut down so the navigational system couldn’t compensate. They destroyed it so it wouldn’t go somewhere that was dangerous.

Clearly, you are unfamiliar with SpaceX’s developmental programs. They learn from the failures, then fix it. Different than NASA but it’s faster and it WORKS.

When they first started landing the first and second stage boosters so they could reuse them (which is VERY difficult to do, but brings cost per launch down substantially) they had numerous failures, disasters, etc. Now, they almost never have failures doing that. Success comes via experiment and experience.
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Lol everyone told them their launch platform was under engineered and yet Elon thou he was smarter than everyone else. Then he destroyed the pad on launch as well as multiple engines and you can boys act like it was planned that way.
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Lol everyone told them their launch platform was under engineered and yet Elon thou he was smarter than everyone else. Then he destroyed the pad on launch as well as multiple engines and you can boys act like it was planned that way.

Think they will learn anything from this launch or no?
Lol everyone told them their launch platform was under engineered and yet Elon thou he was smarter than everyone else. Then he destroyed the pad on launch as well as multiple engines and you can boys act like it was planned that way.
You lads can disagree with Musk politically all you want (his views in that regard aren’t my cup of tea, either), but your post-modernist snarkiness will not detract one iota from what SpaceX has accomplished and will accomplish in space exploration.

Get used to it.
You lads can disagree with Musk politically all you want (his views in that regard aren’t my cup of tea, either), but your post-modernist snarkiness will not detract one iota from what SpaceX has accomplished and will accomplish in space exploration.

Get used to it.
So you think ignoring industry safety standards is a good thing then?
Wrong, wrong and again - wrong. I learned long ago not to attempt a debate with the “Earth is an isolated island- it’s all we got“ crowd, so I won’t try to persuade you in this intellectual vacuum. You Earth-firsters can just stay on this 3rd rock from the sun and cling to your misguided and counter-productive “ethics,” such as they are. Others will go.
LOL...of course you won't try to "debate". You have nothing to bring to the debate.
Ole Chris really found India didn't he? What a freakin genius.
CC didn't accept the established size of the planet...he thought it was much smaller and Asia was much larger. That was why no one in France would fund his trip. And why no one in England would fund his trip. And why no one in Portugal would fund his trip. And why he had to go to Spain and scam the, presumably, not-so-smart Spanish monarchs. He was set for a voyage of fewer than 3,000 miles. Had there not been land in his very near future, everyone on his ships would have starved within a few weeks.
Think they will learn anything from this launch or no?
A completely successful mission would have been a miracle. NASA blew up a bunch of rockets...and killed three astronauts...trying to get to the moon. The Titan II that carried Young and Grissom suffered more than a dozen “rapid unscheduled disassemblies” while being tested for its ability to carry humans into space.
CC didn't accept the established size of the planet...he thought it was much smaller and Asia was much larger. That was why no one in France would fund his trip. And why no one in England would fund his trip. And why no one in Portugal would fund his trip. And why he had to go to Spain and scam the, presumably, not-so-smart Spanish monarchs. He was set for a voyage of fewer than 3,000 miles. Had there not been land in his very near future, everyone on his ships would have starved within a few weeks.
Isn’t that the point of any exploration, Tar Heel? To find out what is there? And hell yes, space exploration is dangerous and risky. So has been every single major exploratory effort conducted since the dawn of humankind.

As Buzz Aldrin once said, “This country’s abandonment of crewed space exploration after Apollo is merely evidence of how cowardly and risk-averse our society has become.”

SpaceX is finally reversing that trend. You can stick your chicken-shit head in the sand all you want and scream, “We can’t! We shouldn’t. Too hard! We gotta fix Earth first!”

Not me.
SpaceX is more than just Elon.

I understand that Elon is basically just a mascot for SpaceX. SpaceX is supposed to be an asteroid mining company right? That's the actual pitch as a private space company (beyond satellite communications)? You don't turn a profit sending humans to the moon or Mars unless somehow that tech has other industrial applications (this was a happy accident in the 20th century and there's no guarantee of those types of returns on this investment), so the only way this for sure pays off the way it's meant to is to successfully set up robot mining operations on asteroids. God bless em if they get it done in anyone's lifetime, you tuning in to SpaceX media isn't helping any more than me not tuning in is hurting. Forgive me if I'm not enthusiastic about what damage private space mining companies *could* do.
They DID destroy it on purpose, ya goof. Enough of the Raptor engines shut down so the navigational system couldn’t compensate. They destroyed it so it wouldn’t go somewhere that was dangerous.

Clearly, you are unfamiliar with SpaceX’s developmental programs. They learn from the failures, then fix it. Different than NASA but it’s faster and it WORKS.

When they first started landing the first and second stage boosters so they could reuse them (which is VERY difficult to do, but brings cost per launch down substantially) they had numerous failures, disasters, etc. Now, they almost never have failures doing that. Success comes via experiment and experience.
That’s not how he and other fanboys spin it, you goof. They are trying to spin a narrative they destroyed to be safe vs it being out of control and already doomed to fall apart. And yes, hilarious fanboys are trying to spin this as a success.

It ****ed up the launch pad. Many of the engines did not work. It was out of control from the beginning and did not come close to making it to orbit. They are years away from getting this to work, if ever. Russia tried a while back using similar approach and gave up. BTW, I am a huge Space X fan. Just not a fan of the weirdo Elon Musk fans who have to spin every ****ing thing. The launch and pad aftermath was an embarrassing failure and that is ok. Period.
I understand that Elon is basically just a mascot for SpaceX. SpaceX is supposed to be an asteroid mining company right? That's the actual pitch as a private space company (beyond satellite communications)? You don't turn a profit sending humans to the moon or Mars unless somehow that tech has other industrial applications (this was a happy accident in the 20th century and there's no guarantee of those types of returns on this investment), so the only way this for sure pays off the way it's meant to is to successfully set up robot mining operations on asteroids. God bless em if they get it done in anyone's lifetime, you tuning in to SpaceX media isn't helping any more than me not tuning in is hurting. Forgive me if I'm not enthusiastic about what damage private space mining companies *could* do.

...and the most "cost effective" way to mine asteroids will be to send them on a collision course for Earth, so they land on some backwoods, 3rd world country. Then send your excavating equipment in to sort thru the rubble...
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You lads can disagree with Musk politically all you want (his views in that regard aren’t my cup of tea, either), but your post-modernist snarkiness will not detract one iota from what SpaceX has accomplished and will accomplish in space exploration.

Get used to it.
One can say SpaceX has accomplished a lot and the launch was a massive fail you know. It’s ok to admit when something is a bust.
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I understand that Elon is basically just a mascot for SpaceX. SpaceX is supposed to be an asteroid mining company right? That's the actual pitch as a private space company (beyond satellite communications)? You don't turn a profit sending humans to the moon or Mars unless somehow that tech has other industrial applications (this was a happy accident in the 20th century and there's no guarantee of those types of returns on this investment), so the only way this for sure pays off the way it's meant to is to successfully set up robot mining operations on asteroids. God bless em if they get it done in anyone's lifetime, you tuning in to SpaceX media isn't helping any more than me not tuning in is hurting. Forgive me if I'm not enthusiastic about what damage private space mining companies *could* do.
SpaceX is more than “asteroid mining,” although that aspect will be lucrative and beneficial to the entirety of our planet. And if you think there are no profits to be made from developing and living on the Moon or Mars, you are WAY behind the science and tech in the field. Believe me, the Chinese know it, and if we sit on our collective asses, they will bury us with what they intend to do with the moon.

Oh I know, I’ve heard all the tripe out there about “Let machines or robots go. Too dangerous/hard for humans.” Poppycock. Yes, we need automated space exploration. But humans gotta be there too, to run the machines and SEE AND SENSE what is there. And to improvise. If Neil Armstrong/NASA had relied solely on the computers, there never would have been a lunar landing.

This myopic idea that the God created Earth is the only planet in the Universe suitable for human life is nothing but religious and manmade fantasy. Life isn’t necessarily chained to Earth alone, as we are soon to discover.

What makes you assume that private companies will necessarily “damage” everything they touch in space? You trust governments more to be the caretaker of whatever is out there? Hardly. It will have to be a cooperative effort to succeed.
Oh basically?

Were there a lot of people beforehand predicting a flawless mission? Could you cite a few examples?

Also a few examples of people saying “they blew it up on purpose” because this isn’t a gross distortion. (I take this to mean they are saying it was intended all along and not as a failsafe)

What would you say is the primary source of your hatred?
I love SpaceX. I hate how people can’t admit when something failed miserably because they are bizarrely in love with the company figurehead.
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I love SpaceX. I hate how people can’t admit when something failed miserably because they are bizarrely in love with the company figurehead.
And how stupid was NASA when they had 100% Oxygen in the cabin with live, hot electronics for the Apollo 1 test?

If you love SpaceX, why so much hate for Musk? I don’t like the guy or his politics either, but I sure am not gonna call what happened with the Starship launch an abject failure. It was a partial success when it lifted off the pad.
And how stupid was NASA when they had 100% Oxygen in the cabin with live, hot electronics for the Apollo 1 test?

If you love SpaceX, why so much hate for Musk? I don’t like the guy or his politics either, but I sure am not gonna call what happened with the Starship launch an abject failure. It was a partial success when it lifted off the pad.
Where did I say I hate Musk?

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