US Declassifies Document Revealing Israel's Nuclear Program

txhawk I

HR Heisman
Gold Member
Jul 15, 2002
Frisco, Texas

Obozo taking the whole Bibi election win to a new level. What a petty sore loser.

And then there is this.....



This post was edited on 3/27 9:20 AM by txhawk I
Most people outgrow petulance when they become adults.
I'm hoping by this time Israel flips Obama the big "F YOU !!" and bombs the living shit out of Iran. So much for Israel being a friend of the U.S. while Hussein Obama is in power.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
I'm hoping by this time Israel flips Obama the big "F YOU !!" and bombs the living shit out of Iran. So much for Israel being a friend of the U.S. while Hussein Obama is in power. 

So you want a war with Iran? That seems smart.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
From Washington's blog:
Israel, the top recipient of US funding and backing, is a rogue nuclear state that continually invades its neighbors, killing tens of thousands, and continues to illegally occupy and colonize Palestine and Syria. Israel now openly rejects the legally required and near-uniformly internationally supported two state solution (for Israel to return to its 1967 borders).

Yet a country that does not carry out invasions and does not have nuclear weapons, has "democratic institutions" (as do the US and China), and in fact is the most inspected country in the world (whereas Israel does not permit even US inspections), Iran, is under US siege (sanction).

This post was edited on 3/29 9:50 AM by Nat Algren

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
For starters, the terrorist du jour is ISIS. They receive bank from our puppet state, Saudi Arabia, a highly repressive state. In addition, our ill-trained Iraqi soldiers were told to leave behind, w/o a fight, over $580 million of weapons for ISIS to take possession. The USA is responsible for over 30 million deaths since WW2. Over 90% of them were civilians. But, hey, just keep your head in the sand and keep listening to the CIA controlled news that benefits the 1% at your expense.

This post was edited on 3/30 6:03 PM by Nat Algren
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
Hey, Nat! You're a LIBERAL! I bet you never knew that! Or, in this case, an uber-sophisticated liberal. Those pesky words never seem to have a consistent meaning, do they?

Nat, I agree with you 100%. But, someone told me something once (that I should adhere to more often myself). Whenever you try to convey the truthful aspects to things like what you posted about above, you have to be very careful to DE-personalize it. Especially when you're presenting it to people who have a much more simplistic perception of the world in a political, historical sense. When most of these people, who tend to instinctively have strong, and very simplistic, nationalistic attitudes, hear (or read) things like "The USA is...", they instinctively take it personal. To them, the USA is THEM, as an individual. They have been conditioned to align themselves with vague references like "country" and "America" and when you say "America is responsible..." you might as well be saying "You are responsible..." Their need, and therefore ability, to detach from the nationalism references is very little. They have the ability, but lack any motivation to differentiate. So, try to be more specific and use terms that are less likely to trigger a personal reaction. Instead of USA, try "The irresponsible people in our leadership" or something that allows them to separate their association. People are inherently tribal.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
For starters, the terrorist du jour is ISIS. They receive bank from our puppet state, Saudi Arabia, a highly repressive state. In addition, our ill-trained Iraqi soldiers were told to leave behind, w/o a fight, over $580 million of weapons. The USA is responsible for over 30 million deaths since WW2. Over 90% of them were civilians. But, hey, just keep your head in the sand and keep listening to the CIA controlled news that benefits the 1% at your expense.
So where are you going with this? Does the USA just shrivel up and die out of shame? What's the end game here? Must we await guidance from a nation or civilization with clean hands?

If your relationship with the United States were a marriage, I'd suggest a divorce, because it ain't working out.
Originally posted by pablow:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
For starters, the terrorist du jour is ISIS. They receive bank from our puppet state, Saudi Arabia, a highly repressive state. In addition, our ill-trained Iraqi soldiers were told to leave behind, w/o a fight, over $580 million of weapons. The USA is responsible for over 30 million deaths since WW2. Over 90% of them were civilians. But, hey, just keep your head in the sand and keep listening to the CIA controlled news that benefits the 1% at your expense.
So where are you going with this? Does the USA just shrivel up and die out of shame? What's the end game here? Must we await guidance from a nation or civilization with clean hands?

If your relationship with the United States were a marriage, I'd suggest a divorce, because it ain't working out.
It could defend our nation instead of invading nations. As far as the divorce, I'm not the one making changes. Maybe the oppressors that have put us in debt to the tune $67 Trillion, should leave. I'm defending freedom, not opposing it.
Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
Hey, Nat! You're a LIBERAL! I bet you never knew that! Or, in this case, an uber-sophisticated liberal. Those pesky words never seem to have a consistent meaning, do they?

Nat, I agree with you 100%. But, someone told me something once (that I should adhere to more often myself). Whenever you try to convey the truthful aspects to things like what you posted about above, you have to be very careful to DE-personalize it. Especially when you're presenting it to people who have a much more simplistic perception of the world in a political, historical sense. When most of these people, who tend to instinctively have strong, and very simplistic, nationalistic attitudes, hear (or read) things like "The USA is...", they instinctively take it personal. To them, the USA is THEM, as an individual. They have been conditioned to align themselves with vague references like "country" and "America" and when you say "America is responsible..." you might as well be saying "You are responsible..." Their need, and therefore ability, to detach from the nationalism references is very little. They have the ability, but lack any motivation to differentiate. So, try to be more specific and use terms that are less likely to trigger a personal reaction. Instead of USA, try "The irresponsible people in our leadership" or something that allows them to separate their association. People are inherently tribal.
Good advice, Strum!
Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.
The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the U.S. and it's not even close? I give you today's modern, uber sophisticated liberal, who clearly just loves them some USA! lol
Hey, Nat! You're a LIBERAL! I bet you never knew that! Or, in this case, an uber-sophisticated liberal. Those pesky words never seem to have a consistent meaning, do they?

Nat, I agree with you 100%. But, someone told me something once (that I should adhere to more often myself). Whenever you try to convey the truthful aspects to things like what you posted about above, you have to be very careful to DE-personalize it. Especially when you're presenting it to people who have a much more simplistic perception of the world in a political, historical sense. When most of these people, who tend to instinctively have strong, and very simplistic, nationalistic attitudes, hear (or read) things like "The USA is...", they instinctively take it personal. To them, the USA is THEM, as an individual. They have been conditioned to align themselves with vague references like "country" and "America" and when you say "America is responsible..." you might as well be saying "You are responsible..." Their need, and therefore ability, to detach from the nationalism references is very little. They have the ability, but lack any motivation to differentiate. So, try to be more specific and use terms that are less likely to trigger a personal reaction. Instead of USA, try "The irresponsible people in our leadership" or something that allows them to separate their association. People are inherently tribal.
As do I.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
From Washington's blog:
  Israel, the top recipient of US funding and backing, is a rogue nuclear state that continually invades its neighbors, killing tens of thousands, and continues to illegally occupy and colonize Palestine and Syria. Israel now openly rejects the legally required and near-uniformly internationally supported two state solution (for Israel to return to its 1967 borders).

Yet a country that does not carry out invasions and does not have nuclear weapons, has "democratic institutions" (as do the US and China), and in fact is the most inspected country in the world (whereas Israel does not permit even US inspections), Iran, is under US siege (sanction).

This post was edited on 3/29 9:50 AM by Nat Algren

Link: link[/URL]
So s blog filled with lies and anti Semitic to its core is of any informational value at all. Iran has supported terrorism around the world and has through its proxies killed tens of thousands of people over the last thirty plus year. Unlike your source that's not lies, that's truth.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
From Washington's blog:
 Israel, the top recipient of US funding and backing, is a rogue nuclear state that continually invades its neighbors, killing tens of thousands, and continues to illegally occupy and colonize Palestine and Syria. Israel now openly rejects the legally required and near-uniformly internationally supported two state solution (for Israel to return to its 1967 borders).

Yet a country that does not carry out invasions and does not have nuclear weapons, has "democratic institutions" (as do the US and China), and in fact is the most inspected country in the world (whereas Israel does not permit even US inspections), Iran, is under US siege (sanction).

This post was edited on 3/29 9:50 AM by Nat Algren
Link: link
So s blog filled with lies and anti Semitic to its core is of any informational value at all. Iran has supported terrorism around the world and has through its proxies killed tens of thousands of people over the last thirty plus year. Unlike your source that's not lies, that's truth.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Tell me what those lies are. Don't be vague. I did not read any anti-semitism. Are you being anti-Islam?

And you know you can trust our gov't because they would never lie us into war like Vietnam (oh wait), Iraq (oh wait) Ukraine (screw it...never mind).
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
From Washington's blog:
 Israel, the top recipient of US funding and backing, is a rogue nuclear state that continually invades its neighbors, killing tens of thousands, and continues to illegally occupy and colonize Palestine and Syria. Israel now openly rejects the legally required and near-uniformly internationally supported two state solution (for Israel to return to its 1967 borders).

Yet a country that does not carry out invasions and does not have nuclear weapons, has "democratic institutions" (as do the US and China), and in fact is the most inspected country in the world (whereas Israel does not permit even US inspections), Iran, is under US siege (sanction).

This post was edited on 3/29 9:50 AM by Nat Algren
Link: link
So s blog filled with lies and anti Semitic to its core is of any informational value at all. Iran has supported terrorism around the world and has through its proxies killed tens of thousands of people over the last thirty plus year. Unlike your source that's not lies, that's truth.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Listen to this video. Do you think this guy is an anti-semite? His name is Dr. Norman Finkelstein.

video link
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
From Washington's blog:
 Israel, the top recipient of US funding and backing, is a rogue nuclear state that continually invades its neighbors, killing tens of thousands, and continues to illegally occupy and colonize Palestine and Syria. Israel now openly rejects the legally required and near-uniformly internationally supported two state solution (for Israel to return to its 1967 borders).

Yet a country that does not carry out invasions and does not have nuclear weapons, has "democratic institutions" (as do the US and China), and in fact is the most inspected country in the world (whereas Israel does not permit even US inspections), Iran, is under US siege (sanction).

This post was edited on 3/29 9:50 AM by Nat Algren
Link: link
So s blog filled with lies and anti Semitic to its core is of any informational value at all. Iran has supported terrorism around the world and has through its proxies killed tens of thousands of people over the last thirty plus year. Unlike your source that's not lies, that's truth.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How about this anti-semite?
Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.

video link
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
From Washington's blog:
 Israel, the top recipient of US funding and backing, is a rogue nuclear state that continually invades its neighbors, killing tens of thousands, and continues to illegally occupy and colonize Palestine and Syria. Israel now openly rejects the legally required and near-uniformly internationally supported two state solution (for Israel to return to its 1967 borders).

Yet a country that does not carry out invasions and does not have nuclear weapons, has "democratic institutions" (as do the US and China), and in fact is the most inspected country in the world (whereas Israel does not permit even US inspections), Iran, is under US siege (sanction).

This post was edited on 3/29 9:50 AM by Nat Algren
Link: link
So s blog filled with lies and anti Semitic to its core is of any informational value at all. Iran has supported terrorism around the world and has through its proxies killed tens of thousands of people over the last thirty plus year. Unlike your source that's not lies, that's truth.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Another casualty of partisan allegiance. ANYTHING that calls the actions of Israel into question, is automatically considered as "Anti-Semitic." The clandestine institutions that operate through the USA (the CIA, for one) has been sponsoring and aiding terrorism for a lot longer (and with much higher body-counts) than whatever you're claiming Iran has been doing. Just because Israel is scrutinized doesn't mean the source that is criticizing gives a damn about Judaism.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.

Don't worry about saying it politely, being called names by an America hating whack job like you is a badge of honor. You and Khamenei can sit around together chanting Death to America all you want.

How can you stand to live under the rule of 'the Great Satan'?

When the US flies plane loads of innocent civilians into tall buildings I'll listen to your nonsense about the US being the biggest sponsor of terrorism. Until then, kindly STFU.

As I suggested before Bibi's speech, attacking the president of the United States is probably not a good idea. Did he (and the Republicans who pledge allegiance to Israel ahead of America) think there wouldn't be consequences?

That said, this is trivial. It's nearly 30 years out of date.

I'm still waiting to see if Obama will really make Netanyahu pay the price for his massive, willful disrespect.

If I were one of those nations that periodically puts forth a resolution condemning Israel for something like settlements - and requiring Israel to roll back those settlements - this would be a good time to try again. We always veto such things. Maybe we won't any more.

That's how you'll know Obama is serious. Not that we would abandon Israel to the more serious attacks, but let them feel the heat on some of the things that most of the world condemns Israel for.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before Bibi's speech, attacking the president of the United States is probably not a good idea. Did he (and the Republicans who pledge allegiance to Israel ahead of America) think there wouldn't be consequences?

That said, this is trivial. It's nearly 30 years out of date.

I'm still waiting to see if Obama will really make Netanyahu pay the price for his massive, willful disrespect.

If I were one of those nations that periodically puts forth a resolution condemning Israel for something like settlements - and requiring Israel to roll back those settlements - this would be a good time to try again. We always veto such things. Maybe we won't any more.

That's how you'll know Obama is serious. Not that we would abandon Israel to the more serious attacks, but let them feel the heat on some of the things that most of the world condemns Israel for.
Whatever Netanyahu did to Obama pales in comparison to Obama and his goons working to overthrow Netanyahu for the past year or so.
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.

Don't worry about saying it politely, being called names by an America hating whack job like you is a badge of honor. You and Khamenei can sit around together chanting Death to America all you want.

How can you stand to live under the rule of 'the Great Satan'?

When the US flies plane loads of innocent civilians into tall buildings I'll listen to your nonsense about the US being the biggest sponsor of terrorism. Until then, kindly STFU.

And this post validates my 1st post on you. Where is your anger at Washington for supplying arms to ISIS and AQ? With that, you're cool de la? Oh ye of simple mind.
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

     Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country. 

Don't worry about saying it politely, being called names by an America hating whack job like you is a badge of honor.  You and Khamenei can sit around together chanting Death to America all you want.

How can you stand to live under the rule of 'the Great Satan'?

When the US flies plane loads of innocent civilians into tall buildings I'll listen to your nonsense about the US being the biggest sponsor of terrorism.  Until then, kindly STFU.

And this post validates my 1st post on you. Where is your anger at Washington for supplying arms to ISIS and AQ? With that, you're cool de la? Oh ye of simple mind.'s all so simple, why didn't I see until now.

USA bad.

Iran good.

You should run for president Nat.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
It's official.

This is the best "FB Wisdom" thread we have had in quite some time.

Good work everyone.
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Iran has not invaded anyone in 188 years. Israel on the other hand...................

Lol.....yeah, why invade when you can just be the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism? Iran is just a peaceful, tolerant country that's been bullied by Israel.

Oh, I almost forgot, Death to America!!!

Posted from Rivals Mobile
How do I say this're a dunce, a mamaluke. The world's largest sponsor of terrorism is the USA and it's not even close. The US and UK overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953 and installed the ruthless Shah, who was a pawn to Big Oil. Then Washington banked Iraq as a proxy state and endorsed the invasion of Iran that saw over 1 million Iranians murdered. So, why don't you educate me on who Iran invaded in the past 188 years?

   Obama alone has bombed and/or invaded 7 countries. Israel will not even permit inspections of the 200 plus nukes that they possess. They did not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is the most inspected country on earth. But, you keep the foam finger high and proudly chant USA as it bankrupts our country.Â

Don't worry about saying it politely, being called names by an America hating whack job like you is a badge of honor. You and Khamenei can sit around together chanting Death to America all you want.

How can you stand to live under the rule of 'the Great Satan'?

When the US flies plane loads of innocent civilians into tall buildings I'll listen to your nonsense about the US being the biggest sponsor of terrorism. Until then, kindly STFU.

And this post validates my 1st post on you. Where is your anger at Washington for supplying arms to ISIS and AQ? With that, you're cool de la? Oh ye of simple mind.'s all so simple, why didn't I see until now.

USA bad.

Iran good.

You should run for president Nat.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Are you ex-military?
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:

Are you ex-military?
Why? Are you working up a loogey?
Not at all. Just thinking that Kissinger was looking at his photo when he made this statement:

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy." Henry Kissinger

I'd have some respect for him if he decided to challenge what I said. I will provide proof. But, he just goes about attacking posters. Timintoria reminds me of the Nazi documentaries when everyone stood in absolute servility with their right arm protruding outward. I'll wait a minute for Timintoria to look up 'protruding'.

This post was edited on 3/30 2:44 PM by Nat Algren
Originally posted by Nat Algren:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by Nat Algren:

Are you ex-military?
Why? Are you working up a loogey?
Not at all. Just thinking that Kissinger was looking at his photo when he made this statement:

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy." Henry Kissinger

I'd have some respect for him if he decided to challenge what I said. I will provide proof. But, he just goes about attacking posters. Timintoria reminds me of the Nazi documentaries when everyone stood in absolute servility with their right arm protruding outward. I'll wait a minute for Timintoria to look up 'protruding'.

This post was edited on 3/30 2:44 PM by Nat Algren
Some might consider you a slave to the left-wing, anti-America drivel machine.
Originally posted by pablow:

Some might consider you a slave to the left-wing, anti-America drivel machine.
Oh no, this guy is on your team, part of the libertarian wing of the conservative coalition. You can tell because he will deny it.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by pablow:

Some might consider you a slave to the left-wing, anti-America drivel machine.
Oh no, this guy is on your team, part of the libertarian wing of the conservative coalition. You can tell because he will deny it.
Well, then consider my comment friendly fire than.
Originally posted by pablow:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by pablow:

Some might consider you a slave to the left-wing, anti-America drivel machine.
Oh no, this guy is on your team, part of the libertarian wing of the conservative coalition. You can tell because he will deny it.
Well, then consider my comment friendly fire than.
That's OK, I've tried to shoot him down a few times myself, but he's like Wonder Woman and keeps deflecting. He has some impressive moves, I'll give him credit for that much. Crazy impressive, but impressive all the same.
When you say "Anti-America", which America are you talking about? What part of America? The landscape? The people? Which people? Your family? Your neighbors? Your family descended from other countries, too. Are you referring to hating America, in general? Well, you CAN'T DO THAT! America is a complex term and requires specific terminology to understand what people like Nat, or me, or you, or anyone else, "hates" about the possible situation.

From what I can tell, Nat is a VERY Pro-Peace and Pro-Freedom individual. Nationalism and people who subscribe to nationalism propaganda, comes at a very costly price for the individual. There's no hatred toward "America" at all. America is an abstract. You need to learn that. There is a hatred and well-deserved criticism toward the bought-off, criminal leadership of American government that have no interest in average citizens and totally in-hock to the corporate ownership that bought their office. Learn the difference. Those people are just as culpable for the deaths of innocent people in the world as any "Radical Muslim" that you are constantly barraged with on TV.