US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez under investigation by House Ethics Committee

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
The U.S. House Committee on Ethics is investigating a complaint concerning Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

The committee confirmed the move in a statement Wednesday, though it did not provide additional details on the topic of the investigation. It did confirm the Office of Congressional Ethics referred the matter to the committee in June. The Office of Congressional Ethics is a nonpartisan, independent entitythat reviews misconduct allegations against House lawmakers and their staff.

The committee also noted it is extending the matter into 2023, though the move, and disclosing the extension, “does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred, or reflect any judgment on behalf of the Committee.”

The New York lawmaker’s office said in a statement to USA TODAY that “The Congresswoman has always taken ethics incredibly seriously, refusing any donations from lobbyists, corporations, or other special interests.

“We are confident that this matter will be dismissed.”
Sounds like a GOP fishing expedition, pathetic to not announce the nature of the investigation.
eh, the committee often investigates issues with complaints. Many of them are politically motivated. It's not uncommon for them to not announce too much until they have more evidence. The committee is currently helmed by a Democrat and is considered non-partisan.

And she is a giant fraud
Didn't know you were gay, NTTAWWT

Sounds like a GOP fishing expedition, pathetic to not announce the nature of the investigation.
Fwiw, the rumor is that it’s related to her appearance at the Met Gala last year when she wore the “Tax The Rich” dress.

My understanding is that it’s fine for congressional representatives to attend the event if they pay for their own $35,000 ticket or if it’s provided by a non-profit organization. But if either her ticket or her designer dress were provided by a for-profit sponsor then it could be an issue.
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Sounds like a GOP fishing expedition, pathetic to not announce the nature of the investigation.
I that you know it's Dems leading the investigation if you still think it's pathetic. I'm guessing you've switched gears to "They need to have all of the information first before releasing anything." C'mon, torbs. Do better.
In case you weren't sure what a politically motivated fishing expedition was, the GOP sets out to make it crystal clear. For clarification, a legitimate investigation is investigating someone for something they may have had a role in and the focus of the investigation is known from the start. A politically motivated witch hunt is when you start investigating someone hoping to find....something, worthy of investigating. Or at least something that 24/7 propaganda can brainwash people into thinking is something worth investigating.

The GOP isn't even waiting until they actually have control of the House to demonstrate how they are completely incapable of governing anything.
In case you weren't sure what a politically motivated fishing expedition was, the GOP sets out to make it crystal clear. For clarification, a legitimate investigation is investigating someone for something they may have had a role in and the focus of the investigation is known from the start. A politically motivated witch hunt is when you start investigating someone hoping to find....something, worthy of investigating. Or at least something that 24/7 propaganda can brainwash people into thinking is something worth investigating.

The GOP isn't even waiting until they actually have control of the House to demonstrate how they are completely incapable of governing anything.
Are you sure it's not the Dem led committee doing it now and putting an end to it, before the GOP gets in there to start their own? Seems like something slimy enough for the Dems to pull. The ticket and the fancy made dress were obviously above the legal limit. Maybe the Dems are trying to quash it quickly.
I that you know it's Dems leading the investigation if you still think it's pathetic. I'm guessing you've switched gears to "They need to have all of the information first before releasing anything." C'mon, torbs. Do better.
Regardless of who it's about and which side is prompting it, I think it's pathetic and disingenuous to go after a dress and met gala ticket when there are congresspeople consistently going into congress near broke and coming out millionaires. Quit focusing on the small stuff until you get the big things under control. The whole thing is one big insider trading / handouts / payoffs / quid pro quo machine.
I that you know it's Dems leading the investigation if you still think it's pathetic. I'm guessing you've switched gears to "They need to have all of the information first before releasing anything." C'mon, torbs. Do better.
If you've paid attention over the years I've posted here, you'd know I am always 100% in favor of transparency in government.

If they are not prepared to release what she's being investigated for at this time, then the investigation should not be announced, regardless of who is running it, Dem or GOP.

Not doing so leads to irresponsible speculation and people jumping to conclusions. If there is a need to withhold information, the investigation itself should remain confidential.
Regardless of who it's about and which side is prompting it, I think it's pathetic and disingenuous to go after a dress and met gala ticket when there are congresspeople consistently going into congress near broke and coming out millionaires. Quit focusing on the small stuff until you get the big things under control. The whole thing is one big insider trading / handouts / payoffs / quid pro quo machine.
My assumption is everyone in congress is unethical regardless of political affiliation. As you pointed out the dramatic increase in net worth solely after being elected. Even if the shit they are doing isn't necessarily illegal, I would consider it most likely to be unethical insider trading/ information to get those gains.
Regardless of who it's about and which side is prompting it, I think it's pathetic and disingenuous to go after a dress and met gala ticket when there are congresspeople consistently going into congress near broke and coming out millionaires. Quit focusing on the small stuff until you get the big things under control. The whole thing is one big insider trading / handouts / payoffs / quid pro quo machine.
If you've paid attention over the years I've posted here, you'd know I am always 100% in favor of transparency in government.

If they are not prepared to release what she's being investigated for at this time, then the investigation should not be announced, regardless of who is running it, Dem or GOP.

Not doing so leads to irresponsible speculation and people jumping to conclusions. If there is a need to withhold information, the investigation itself should remain confidential.
Because the committee is extending the investigation into next year's legislative session, House rules mandate that they publicly disclose the fact that the investigation is in process, but they're not required to disclose specific details at this time.
If you've paid attention over the years I've posted here, you'd know I am always 100% in favor of transparency in government.

If they are not prepared to release what she's being investigated for at this time, then the investigation should not be announced, regardless of who is running it, Dem or GOP.

Not doing so leads to irresponsible speculation and people jumping to conclusions. If there is a need to withhold information, the investigation itself should remain confidential.
Sooooo…pathetic ass Dems on their fishing expedition? You’re hardcore man.
Sooooo…pathetic ass Dems on their fishing expedition? You’re hardcore man.
Believe it or not, I am willing to call out Democrats when they do stupid shit, which they do with some regularity.

It just seems like I'm always blasting the GOP, but for them, doing stupid shit is a full-time, 24-7, 365 day a year job.
If she did something wrong she should face the consequences….wow….see republicans, that’s not hard to say…

but I will say if this is over a gala ticket/dress with all the other stuff that has to be going on to make these people millionaires it’s pretty pathetic.
Sounds like a GOP fishing expedition, pathetic to not announce the nature of the investigation.

As long as it's tied to AOC people like the OP will gobble it up, regardless of the specifics. They like to "wait and see all the facts come out" until they don't
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