US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez under investigation by House Ethics Committee

Regardless of who it's about and which side is prompting it, I think it's pathetic and disingenuous to go after a dress and met gala ticket when there are congresspeople consistently going into congress near broke and coming out millionaires. Quit focusing on the small stuff until you get the big things under control. The whole thing is one big insider trading / handouts / payoffs / quid pro quo machine.


As the next congressman lines his pocket from the lobbyists on Capital Hill. It's AOC and she threatens most straight white males.
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Believe it or not, I am willing to call out Democrats when they do stupid shit, which they do with some regularity.

It just seems like I'm always blasting the GOP, but for them, doing stupid shit is a full-time, 24-7, 365 day a year job.
Do they take a day off during leap years?
As long as it's tied to AOC people like the OP will gobble it up, regardless of the specifics. They like to "wait and see all the facts come out" until they don't
If you had read the entire thread before posting this response it might have saved you from looking like an idiot.
If you had read the entire thread before posting this response it might have saved you from looking like an idiot.

What did I say that wasn't true?

OP gobbled it up without specifics -- check

Because it's a Dem led group that changes that fact or how is the above not true?
Are you sure it's not the Dem led committee doing it now and putting an end to it, before the GOP gets in there to start their own? Seems like something slimy enough for the Dems to pull. The ticket and the fancy made dress were obviously above the legal limit. Maybe the Dems are trying to quash it quickly.
If there is a legitimate reason for an investigation I'm not sure why it would be "slimy" to investigate it. That said, I read an article a while back about how McCarthy was organizing this so if Democrats are leading this maybe it is in response to that and they want to make sure she gets a fair investigation. Although I would be interested in what would happen if we investigated other members of Congress for these types of things. Maybe AOC just isn't slick enough to realize that she needs to funnel gifts through PAC's like everyone else does.
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As long as it's tied to AOC people like the OP will gobble it up, regardless of the specifics. They like to "wait and see all the facts come out" until they don't
Dumb. I made no comment on it and included all of the parts that said it’s probably nothing. I often defend AOC. Of course, it’s one of those things you ignore.

Anyway, Parsons is talking shit about our QB and now he must die.
What did I say that wasn't true?

OP gobbled it up without specifics -- check

Because it's a Dem led group that changes that fact or how is the above not true?
OP posted an article from USA Today in full including the part saying “We are confident that this matter will be dismissed.” AND MADE NO COMMENT.

What is it you believe I “gobbled up”?
My assumption is everyone in congress is unethical regardless of political affiliation. As you pointed out the dramatic increase in net worth solely after being elected. Even if the shit they are doing isn't necessarily illegal, I would consider it most likely to be unethical insider trading/ information to get those gains.
They are all as crooked as a barrel of snakes. Every one of them is guilty of one ethics violation or another.
The Met Gala has already said they provided her ticket so that would not be a violation. She borrowed the dress so THAT isn't a violation. If there's nothing else, this won't go anywhere.
The Met Gala has already said they provided her ticket so that would not be a violation. She borrowed the dress so THAT isn't a violation. If there's nothing else, this won't go anywhere.
If that’s the case then there must be something else, because the ethics committee has had the complaint since June and their recent announcement states that they aren’t going to be able to complete their investigation before the end of the year.
It looks to me like aoc is finding out what power looks like. An eff around and find out moment type of thing. My guess is she flexed on something on the wrong issue and to the wrong person in her own party and is finding out Twitter followers and Twitter wars and winning elections from safe districts is not actual power.
The Met Gala has already said they provided her ticket so that would not be a violation. She borrowed the dress so THAT isn't a violation. If there's nothing else, this won't go anywhere.
How is that not a violation? If they gave it to her, it would be considered an improper gift over a certain dollar value. It would not have been a violation if she purchased her own ticket.
My assumption is everyone in congress is unethical regardless of political affiliation. As you pointed out the dramatic increase in net worth solely after being elected. Even if the shit they are doing isn't necessarily illegal, I would consider it most likely to be unethical insider trading/ information to get those gains.
This. It should not be possible to gain millions in net worth just by being elected.
How is that not a violation? If they gave it to her, it would be considered an improper gift over a certain dollar value. It would not have been a violation if she purchased her own ticket.

House Committee on Ethics​

Gift Guidance​

vi. Charity Events

You and a guest may accept an unsolicited offer of free attendance for a charity fundraising event. [90] “Free attendance” includes all or part of the cost of admission; local transportation to and from the event; and the food, refreshments, entertainment, and instructional materials provided to all event attendees.[91] Free attendance does not include entertainment collateral to the event or food and refreshments outside the group setting of the event, such as giveaways.[92]

A charity fundraising event must meet the following criteria.
  • You are invited by the event organizer directly, and
    • The event organizer is the organization(s) doing the work to put the event on, not a monetary event sponsor or table sponsor.[93]
  • The event’s primary purpose must be to raise funds to benefit an organization qualified under § 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.[94]
    • The primary purpose is usually met if at least half of the proceeds are tax-deductible charitable contributions.
That's how.
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If that’s the case then there must be something else, because the ethics committee has had the complaint since June and their recent announcement states that they aren’t going to be able to complete their investigation before the end of the year.
Well, the tricky part is if her ticket passed through some other entity on its way to her. They could have invited her and had her ticket provided by another organization such as an event sponsor. That would be a violation as stupid as that sounds.

But, again, that would seem to be awfully minor for a six-month+ investigation. OTOH, having the complaint in hand and acting on it are two different things. The actual investigation may have started just weeks ago.
Fwiw, the rumor is that it’s related to her appearance at the Met Gala last year when she wore the “Tax The Rich” dress.

My understanding is that it’s fine for congressional representatives to attend the event if they pay for their own $35,000 ticket or if it’s provided by a non-profit organization. But if either her ticket or her designer dress were provided by a for-profit sponsor then it could be an issue.
That’s pretty tame.
Well, the tricky part is if her ticket passed through some other entity on its way to her. They could have invited her and had her ticket provided by another organization such as an event sponsor. That would be a violation as stupid as that sounds.

But, again, that would seem to be awfully minor for a six-month+ investigation. OTOH, having the complaint in hand and acting on it are two different things. The actual investigation may have started just weeks ago.
It’s also entirely possible that the investigation stems from something else. The Met Gala is just speculation that I’ve seen on a few media outlets.
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It looks to me like aoc is finding out what power looks like. An eff around and find out moment type of thing. My guess is she flexed on something on the wrong issue and to the wrong person in her own party and is finding out Twitter followers and Twitter wars and winning elections from safe districts is not actual power.
You don’t like her because you don’t like brown skinned people. You’re a racist.
Didn't know you were gay, NTTAWWT

Probably kind of bushy in the downtown. Pass.
With the way Congress acts today, you'd think this ethics committee would be a lot more busy.
There’s a special filing cabinet for certain types of ethics complaints, like making bank in the stock market. The filing cabinet is the shredder.
You don’t like her because you don’t like brown skinned people. You’re a racist.
Sure thing buddy. Like I said my family went to Davenport North. Very urban according to Mr lefty educator racist. Very Very urban my family. Don't you have some black kids to suspend as an educator? Maybe complain about their parents being absent? Isn't that what you do? After all educators in Iowa suspend and discipline urban kids at much much higher rates than white kids.

You are a racist and so freaking arrogant about it.
Sure thing buddy. Like I said my family went to Davenport North. Very urban according to Mr lefty educator racist. Very Very urban my family. Don't you have some black kids to suspend as an educator? Maybe complain about their parents being absent? Isn't that what you do? After all educators in Iowa suspend and discipline urban kids at much much higher rates than white kids.

You are a racist and so freaking arrogant about it.
I don’t believe I called it “urban”. I also told you I know far more about North and that neighborhood than you. But alas, you stay willfully ignorant. Don’t be that.

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