Virginia Cavaliers Logo Under Attack

Zoom in on the individual logos to see the serpentine pattern that is being referenced.

I stopped reading the article in the Cavalier Daily article when reparations were mentioned.

Right wing outrage about left wing outrage. Love it.

It's not like Charlottesville has a recent history with white supremacy or anything.
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Isn’t democracy great?

Some people will bitch and complain about anything. It’s their first amendment right to do so. But will those same people up and move from UVA to a new job as an employee or as a student leave and go to a new school?

Of course not. Continue bitching, complaining, and throwing a tantrum.
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Reread your post I quoted. You never mentioned anything about “the left”. However, you do call the people pointing this out “the GOP”. Not sure how “the GOP” is all getting offended here. You did exactly what you’re complaining about. How is “the left” different than “the GOP” in this context?

/sigh. I was talking about the GOP on this board, who seem to be the only ones whining about this. But whatever. It seems you're just trolling for fight. Good luck.. Don't give yourself an ulcer getting yourself all worked about something this stupid.
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It’s not

Okay, here is why I think the Seminole as used by FSU is racist: It is a single image portrayal of a group of people that surely are not all fire-spear wielding, house riding warriors. If the Seminole came out that way one Saturday, then the next dressed like a doctor, and the next dressed like a car mechanic, and the next dressed like, I dunno, a mime, then I'd have no problem with it. But the Seminole as portrayed now reduces a whole set of complex people with individual interests and capabilities and failings down to one single image. You ask any random American that knows about FSU what comes to mind with "Seminole" and they are going to come back with this single image.

Such stereotyping and de-individualizing is dangerous ("all Jews are money grubbers, so, kill them all!").

A few other quick points:

1) I am not "offended" by the Seminole portrayal. I just think it is wrong
2) It is not the end of the game if the Seminole nation approves. They can be wrong, even about the danger in portraying themselves
3) This Virginia concern is asinine

What is your argument that the Seminole portrayal is not racist?
Okay, here is why I think the Seminole as used by FSU is racist: It is a single image portrayal of a group of people that surely are not all fire-spear wielding, house riding warriors. If the Seminole came out that way one Saturday, then the next dressed like a doctor, and the next dressed like a car mechanic, and the next dressed like, I dunno, a mime, then I'd have no problem with it. But the Seminole as portrayed now reduces a whole set of complex people with individual interests and capabilities and failings down to one single image. You ask any random American that knows about FSU what comes to mind with "Seminole" and they are going to come back with this single image.

Such stereotyping and de-individualizing is dangerous ("all Jews are money grubbers, so, kill them all!").

A few other quick points:

1) I am not "offended" by the Seminole portrayal. I just think it is wrong
2) It is not the end of the game if the Seminole nation approves. They can be wrong, even about the danger in portraying themselves
3) This Virginia concern is asinine

What is your argument that the Seminole portrayal is not racist?

The Seminole nation approves. That’s all that matters.
/sigh. I was talking about the GOP on this board, who seem to be the only ones whining about this. But whatever. It seems you're just trolling for fight. Good luck.. Don't give yourself an ulcer getting yourself all worked about something this stupid.

Okay, here is why I think the Seminole as used by FSU is racist: It is a single image portrayal of a group of people that surely are not all fire-spear wielding, house riding warriors. If the Seminole came out that way one Saturday, then the next dressed like a doctor, and the next dressed like a car mechanic, and the next dressed like, I dunno, a mime, then I'd have no problem with it. But the Seminole as portrayed now reduces a whole set of complex people with individual interests and capabilities and failings down to one single image. You ask any random American that knows about FSU what comes to mind with "Seminole" and they are going to come back with this single image.

Such stereotyping and de-individualizing is dangerous ("all Jews are money grubbers, so, kill them all!").

A few other quick points:

1) I am not "offended" by the Seminole portrayal. I just think it is wrong
2) It is not the end of the game if the Seminole nation approves. They can be wrong, even about the danger in portraying themselves
3) This Virginia concern is asinine

What is your argument that the Seminole portrayal is not racist?

It’s not a random Seminole. The student is dressed as Osceola, the single most important figure in Seminole history.
I’m working on the branding for a minor league pro soccer team. The group behind starting the club gave me little direction, but wanted to draw on the history of the city. This includes interesting Native American history. I wanted to pay homage to that by incorporating a graphic representation of lightning symbol, which in NA culture represents swiftness, power. The symbol usually is used in war painting on the face. I was willing to reach out to Native American representation for their blessing. In the hierarchy of the graphic identity system it was about level five—hardly a main feature. About the same level as this sword handle crap. Anyways, the leadership group didn’t want to include the symbol, thereby, out of “convenience” arguably favoring one history over a more complete history, one that would rightly include the (ongoing) Native American story.

The opinions in this thread are mostly ignorant dipshits. A responsible branding professional approaches symbolism with great conscientiousness. Historians and archivists are consulted. We are all passionate about symbolism. Those of you outraged over the outrage likely are in opposition to anthem-kneeling, opposed to the symbolism therein. Those of you outraged over the outrage are likely defenders of displaying the Confederate flag, redefining its symbolism to make your case.

The serpentine walls at UVA have a darkness to their history. I’m not sure anybody can deny this. If a defining architectural element of, say, Jewish Internment Camps was symbolically represented in a graphic identity for, say, a German banking institution, one would hope that this decision come under criticism.

One thing we should have learned with absolute clarity in these past few months is that people have a tendency to poo-poo the complaints of others, that is, until they, themselves, believe they have cause for similar complaints.

Basically, people are a combination of being extremely self-centered while having a near complete lack of self-awareness, well-complemented by prideful and willful ignorance.
Those of you outraged over the outrage likely are in opposition to anthem-kneeling, opposed to the symbolism therein. Those of you outraged over the outrage are likely defenders of displaying the Confederate flag, redefining its symbolism to make your case.

This is one of the more common strawmen practiced on here. Anytime someone correctly points out that people are being idiots or are too easily offended by someone, in an effort to shut down that narrative, the defenders of the idiocy people brand the posters as "outraged".

No one is "outraged" by these morons. "Outraged" is simply a term used to shut things down by attempting to remove rationale from those sharing an opinion on said idiots. The posting of this story is no different in terms of "outrage" than if they were about "Florida man" doing something idiotic. Someone is doing something stupid and someone has shared that story with some commentary on said stupidity. Of course, maybe you think everyone is "outraged" by Florida man when they share those stories, as well. You never know.
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This is one of the more common strawmen practiced on here. Anytime someone correctly points out that people are being idiots or are too easily offended by someone, in an effort to shut down that narrative, the defenders of the idiocy people brand the posters as "outraged".

No one is "outraged" by these morons. "Outraged" is simply a term used to shut things down by attempting to remove rationale from those sharing an opinion on said idiots. The posting of this story is no different in terms of "outrage" than if they were about "Florida man" doing something idiotic. Someone is doing something stupid and someone has shared that story with some commentary on said stupidity. Of course, maybe you think everyone is "outraged" by Florida man when they share those stories, as well. You never know.
Lol. A straw man that invents a straw man to make a straw man.

The way your mind works is truly fascinating. In order for you to be dismissive of my argument you have to assume a definition of outrage at the furthest end of the spectrum of outrage.

Substitute "annoyance" or "disappointment" for the word "outrage" in my post if that helps you process the argument.

The argument is, essentially, symbolism matters to people and this is true wherever you live on the political or ideological spectrum. What is important to some is denied by others. For those "outraged" or "annoyed" or even just amused by the "outrage" or "disappointment" of those taking issue with the symbolism in this graphic identity, all I'm saying is maybe take a step back and consider symbolism important to them. Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays, for example. Kneeling vs standing during the anthem. Confederate symbols and memorials. Tan suits. Mustard preferences. Coffee-cup-in-hand salutes.

Basically, while The Blaze is most definitely an outrage-factory, it would be fun to position this logo thing against one of its myriad expressions of outrage/disappointment/annoyance with, for example, Kaepernick's kneeling.

Further… It just so happens the symbolism of the serpentine wall at UVA is cloudy, to say the least, and while I can sympathize with those with a negative reaction to the graphic referencing of this controversial wall, I can also sympathize with those who have a negative reaction to the negative reaction.

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