Virginia Dem Wouldn't Have Co-Sponsored Abortion Bill Had She Read It

That’s not being fair. That’s being tolerant of irresponsibility.

That's an irresponsibility that we in part cause due to our long elections and short cycle between house elections and we have long been tolerant of.
To be fair I am guessing a lot of legislators on both sides don't read through the bills.

However because she didn't she rightfully has egg on her face.

One would think folks would at least skim through bills they co-sponsor. Perhaps ask staff for an executive summary of salient points, etc.

She should be thrown out of office.
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One would think folks would at least skim through bills they co-sponsor. Perhaps ask staff for an executive summary of salient points, etc.

She should be thrown out of office.

Now I am guessing they probably have their staff summarize it for them. But personally read it. . . I doubt it.
One would think folks would at least skim through bills they co-sponsor. Perhaps ask staff for an executive summary of salient points, etc.

She should be thrown out of office.
It seems like she is incapable of doing the job she was elected to do. Hopefully constituents are paying attention.
Just following in Pelosi's footsteps, "we have to pass the bill before we can see what's in it"
To be fair I am guessing a lot of legislators on both sides don't read through the bills.

However because she didn't she rightfully has egg on her face.

No doubt. I think Kathy Tran also didn't write or read the bill. It was painfully obvious she didn't know what she was talking about and was uncomfortable answering questions about the bill. Here where lies the problem, its clear the abortion lobby wrote the damn bill and since they gave money to these two delegates campaigns they co sponsored sight unseen. Our system has become absolutely corrupted.
No doubt. I think Kathy Tran also didn't write or read the bill. It was painfully obvious she didn't know what she was talking about and was uncomfortable answering questions about the bill. Here where lies the problem, its clear the abortion lobby wrote the damn bill and since they gave money to these two delegates campaigns they co sponsored sight unseen. Our system has become absolutely corrupted.

I think she was uncomfortable because she didn't want to admit what the bill would really allow. There was a point where she started trying to avoid the question simply because she realized how bad it was going to sound. Wouldn't surprise me if the abortion lobby wrote it, but she knew what was in it.