VOTE: What companies/products are you now boycotting?

What are you boycotting?

  • Amazon (Jeff Bezos didn't allow WaPo to endorse Harris; is at Trump inauguration)

  • Twitter (Elon Musk spent $250M to get Trump elected)

  • Tesla (Elon Musk spent $250M to get Trump elected)

  • Washington Post (owner Jeff Bezos didn't allow WaPo to endorse Harris; is at Trump inauguration)

  • Facebook (Meta is ending fact checking)

  • Instagram (owned by Meta, which is ending fact checking)

  • Whole Foods (owner Jeff Bezos, who didn't allow WaPo to endorse Harris; is at Trump inauguration)

  • Other (explain what)

  • I am not boycotting anyone or any company

  • Apple (Tim Cook donated towards the inauguration)

Results are only viewable after voting.
I am boycotting Tik Tok.
Other - Wilson Sporting Goods. They were a client back around 1990. They had some software implementation problems on an implementation I was not part of. I was called in to fix about a dozen problems, and got the punch list finished in 4 days. The CIO got mad when I told him I wasn't staying over the weekend, even though everything was working. Let's just say it was a really bad scene. My boss actually wanted to fire me on Monday morning, but my VP had my back because I did what I was sent to do, and the Wilson CIO was out of line.
Don't use Amazon
Don't use twitter.
Would never by a Tesla.
Don't use Facebook.
Don't do Instagram.
Don't read the post
Have a Apple phone "if that counts"
Don't believe a Whole foods is in an area near me.
Don't use Tic Toc.
Gona say yeah without even trying.
Amazon - I will always be a Prime member.
Twitter - Never used it.
Tesla - No interest.
Washington Post - Other, better sources.
Facebook - Stuck with it.
Instagram - Never used it.
Whole Foods - Been maybe twice.
Apple - I use Android.
Big Tech (especially Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg) has made some interesting decisions leading up to the Nov 5 election through today.

All 3 are very visible today at the Trump inauguration.

Musk spent $250M to get Trump elected.

All 3 donated millions to Trump’s inauguration, as well.

I see some people boycotting their products/companies as a result. Are you, too? If so, which ones?
Bud Light. 🥴 I’ve never been, nor will be, a TikTok user.
I don't know if this counts, but I mostly boycott the US mainstream media. Initially FOX, but now most or all of them.

I started to dump WaPo, but when I cancelled, they offered me a year for $30. I may be mad at them, but my luddite-capitalist-bargain-hunting gene kicked in.
So, where do you get your news info?
I have avoided Bridgestone/Firestone products since the 1980s…union busters.
(I even once bought a car conditional on them removing the Firestone tires from the new car and putting another brand on the car before signing abs taking delivery. Dealer was happy to oblige.)
Now? It's the same as my list has always been, nothing has changed recently - No MSM, no Twitter, no META/FB/Insta, Apple, Tesla; indifferent about WaPo, no Whole Foods nearby.

Wish I could break my Amazon use..
So, where do you get your news info?

Deutsche Welle​
Al Jazeera​
Democracy Now​
occasionally PBS​


BBC World Service​
WSJ Tech News​

Online News rags, real reporting, and opinion

The Conversation​
NYT (planning to drop unless the make me a too-good-to-refuse offer)​
thinking of adding The Nation when I drop NYT, if not sooner​

How about you?
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I quit social media (except HBOT) years ago. Not because of politics. Because it is a cesspool that does nothing for society. It divides us. It sells us stuff we don’t need. It deceives us that other’s lives are SO interesting and extraordinary. It reinforces our own cognitive biases.

The only company I have boycotted in recent memory was Hertz after they cancelled my reservation on a car despite my many years of loyal business. F*ck those pricks.
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Im not boycotting anything. I don't consume the products of a number of those companies as they don't offer a service I care about or need.
Other - Wilson Sporting Goods. They were a client back around 1990. They had some software implementation problems on an implementation I was not part of. I was called in to fix about a dozen problems, and got the punch list finished in 4 days. The CIO got mad when I told him I wasn't staying over the weekend, even though everything was working. Let's just say it was a really bad scene. My boss actually wanted to fire me on Monday morning, but my VP had my back because I did what I was sent to do, and the Wilson CIO was out of line.
Now that’s a grudge I can relate to. There is a house along I80 whose residents would not help out a stranded 20 year old, around 1am, summer 1992. I still flip the fvckers off 25+ years later every time I pass by.
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Amazon. Nope, great place to find stuff that’s hard to find in stores, especially prior seasons’ Brooks running shoes at sweet discounts. Also great place to watch historical dramas that the Brits seem to do so well.

Twitter. Never had an account. Only look at it when someone texts a link or posts it on a board.

Facebook. Not boycotting, but using it less and less. It’s an easy way to reconnect with people you haven’t seen in a long time, however, my message app fills much of the role that Facebook used to.

Instagram. I think I automatically have an account as a Facebook user, but I never use it.

Tesla. Not interested in owning an electric vehicle. If I ever install solar panels (doubtful), I’ll probably use Tesla batteries.

Whole Foods. Not boycotting. Don’t shop there much so it wouldn’t make a difference.

Washington Post. I don’t read them or any newspaper for that matter. I get my news from local TV and radio websites, and a few national websites. I used to read two local papers until Gannett turned them both to shit.

Apple. Never giving up my iPhone. Never switching from PC to Mac.
Amazon. Nope, great place to find stuff that’s hard to find in stores, especially prior seasons’ Brooks running shoes at sweet discounts. Also great place to watch historical dramas that the Brits seem to do so well.

Twitter. Never had an account. Only look at it when someone texts a link or posts it on a board.

Facebook. Not boycotting, but using it less and less. It’s an easy way to reconnect with people you haven’t seen in a long time, however, my message app fills much of the role that Facebook used to.

Instagram. I think I automatically have an account as a Facebook user, but I never use it.

Tesla. Not interested in owning an electric vehicle. If I ever install solar panels (doubtful), I’ll probably use Tesla batteries.

Whole Foods. Not boycotting. Don’t shop there much so it wouldn’t make a difference.

Washington Post. I don’t read them or any newspaper for that matter. I get my news from local TV and radio websites, and a few national websites. I used to read two local papers until Gannett turned them both to shit.

Apple. Never giving up my iPhone. Never switching from PC to Mac.
I disagree with a couple of those but that was a great response.
I checked boxes of things I never use, but I wouldn't call it boycotting. Now Casey's, that is a business I actively try to stay away from. Not due to any sort of hot take morality, but mostly because it is terribly run with inferior products on every level.
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I make my purchases based on price/quality, not political ideology.

But if there were a way to find out what companies have the highest percentage of their customer base made up of people who boycott other companies based on their political alignment, then I'd boycott those companies.

I'm guessing Subaru is high on the list.