Voter fraud is just a fantasy.

If you want an example of a brazen attempt at voter fraud look no further than December 2020 when Trump and his allies tried to implement their fake elector scheme. An attempt was made to illegally seat Trump electors in seven states (AZ, NV, NM, GA, PA, MI, WI) whose certified election results had already declared Biden the winner resulting in him and not Trump being awarded all the electors in those respective states. Trump's fake elector scheme would in effect have nullified all the Biden votes (13.4 million) across the referenced seven states by replacing the certified electors with fake Trump electors. Fortunately this bogus scheme never came to fruition and Mike Pence certified only the legally certified electors from all the states. Unfortunately, many of the fake electors are facing legal jeopardy today for their role in the scheme while claiming they were unknowingly duped by Trump and his allies.
You cannot teach a dog to knit a sweater and you can't teach a democrat to comprehend any fact that is contrary to the democratic party's talking points.
You, in particular, calling out the other side for using talking points has to be the most hypocritical nonsense I've seen in ages. Entire villages of glass houses have shattered because of that statement.
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As I've stated elsewhere, I'm sure there's voter fraud, and I'm sure there's voting suppression, which in the net are probably immaterial.

That said, I don't really understand how or why both sides deny it, and in very weird ways, support whichever form 'helps' them. Both are just plain wrong.

To wit, just this week in Arlington, the local voting board determined that they'd identified maybe 50 cases or so of noncitizen registrations and about a dozen noncitizen voters. So, what happened? Well, the democratic member of the board insisted they were legally precluded from telling anyone (particularly, the local D prosecutor or whackadoodle R AG) about it. So they had a big to-do, all in public, and took a vote, and they referred the information on. But again, these registrations are wrong, and we are talking about a public official charged with running a system with integrity suppressing that sort of thing.
You cannot teach a dog to knit a sweater and you can't teach a democrat to comprehend any fact that is contrary to the democratic party's talking points.
We prove you wrong every single day yet here you are, spouting BS because you won’t learn.
If you want an example of a brazen attempt at voter fraud look no further than December 2020 when Trump and his allies tried to implement their fake elector scheme. An attempt was made to illegally seat Trump electors in seven states (AZ, NV, NM, GA, PA, MI, WI) whose certified election results had already declared Biden the winner resulting in him and not Trump being awarded all the electors in those respective states. Trump's fake elector scheme would in effect have nullified all the Biden votes (13.4 million) across the referenced seven states by replacing the certified electors with fake Trump electors. Fortunately this bogus scheme never came to fruition and Mike Pence certified only the legally certified electors from all the states. Unfortunately, many of the fake electors are facing legal jeopardy today for their role in the scheme while claiming they were unknowingly duped by Trump and his allies.
Nothing unfortunate about it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. People who tried to support Trump's coup f'd around and found out.
Not even remotely the same thing.

We have MAYBE 100 cases of voter fraud, give or take, each election cycle…and you think we need MORE deterrence?
Where are you getting the data on your “maybe 100 cases of voter fraud” claim?

Where are you getting the data on your “maybe 100 cases of voter fraud” claim?
This has been brought repeatedly over the years and it’s been posted how many cases are found after elections are over and audits completed. If I recall, Iowa had something like 5-7 after ‘22.

That might be a low estimate, but despite 2 presidential administrations creating commissions over it, numerous studies, etc., no ones established that voter fraud occurs on anything close to a statistically significant level.
This has been brought repeatedly over the years and it’s been posted how many cases are found after elections are over and audits completed. If I recall, Iowa had something like 5-7 after ‘22.

That might be a low estimate, but despite 2 presidential administrations creating commissions over it, numerous studies, etc., no ones established that voter fraud occurs on anything close to a statistically significant level.
The 7th post in this string by KFsdisciple references a news source that apparently says otherwise. 🤔
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In most ways our election is pretty secure. Doing something as stupid as voting twice is pretty easy to catch and is probably not really a big deal in regard to voter fraud.

That doesn't mean issues don't exist with voter rolls not being accurate. Ballots being sent out without a request, people filling out ballots that don't belong to them, and potentially suspicious ballots that only voted for president with no votes down ballot.

"But using the New York Times elections data on Nov. 20, we did find that there were nearly 450,000 more votes cast for president in those five states than there were for the down-ballot U.S. House of Representatives races: 124,390 more votes in Pennsylvania; 117,458 more in Georgia; 31,123 more in Arizona; 115,717 more in Michigan; and 61,125 more in Wisconsin. We don’t have data showing that all those votes were cast only for Biden, though." - Politifact
Why would someone bother to commit voter fraud and not commit fraud for other members of their party?

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