Wait…the people voting against McCarthy are doing so…

We all love centrists until we don't. Now hopefully everyone of these holdouts get voted out
And they are a very, very vocal minority.
Yes...but they are in control of the party now. Even the former "normal" Republicans will fall in line and vote with them. MTG is literally one of the most powerful people in America. That nut. Unbelievable the cowardice those party members have.
Honestly we are seeing significant flaws in the design of our election and government system. Basically a small group of radicals are able to wield an extraordinary amount of power.
We need an election method that provides better representation and that requires collaboration. Currently we are reduced to binary choices. The way to win in our system is to define oneself as an alternative to the opposition.
Republicans are doing it in a thought-provoking, acceptable process.
Jim Jordan becoming speaker is the perfect encapsulation of how much the Republican Party is now just an irredeemable idiocracy.
Jordan doesn't even want it. He knows his limitations. Legislative nuts and bolts are not in his skill set.
Honestly we are seeing significant flaws in the design of our election and government system. Basically a small group of radicals are able to wield an extraordinary amount of power.
We need an election method that provides better representation and that requires collaboration. Currently we are reduced to binary choices. The way to win in our system is to define oneself as an alternative to the opposition.
Said it numerous times...our Founding Fathers were so intent on tossing off anything that smacked of Great Britain that they invented an ultimately dysfunctional form of govt. Anyone who truly thinks a third party is the answer doesn't have a clue what they're talking about...our system has absolutely NO mechanism for a coalition govt.
Not sure I get your point here. Jordan and MGT (and Gaetz) are equally unacceptable to me. But we're seeing how our Republic is supposed to work right here. Democrats lead by acclimation; Republicans are doing it in a thought-provoking, acceptable process. Hopefully, a TRUE conservative will get the nod and take some steps toward changing the Swamp (not your football stadium, though).
Satire I hope.
The GOP is a lost cause. I can’t believe the number of crazy people who vote for these dirtbags.
Um, when the baseline foundational message for forty plus years has been, “no matter what, libs/Dems/Ds are worse” all of this makes perfect sense and I wouldn’t even call the people who vote for them “crazy” — foolishly and gullibly accepting of terrible, lazy, dim-brained, emotional-affirmation-fueling brainwashing, sure — but not “crazy”.
Not sure I get your point here. Jordan and MGT (and Gaetz) are equally unacceptable to me. But we're seeing how our Republic is supposed to work right here. Democrats lead by acclimation; Republicans are doing it in a thought-provoking, acceptable process. Hopefully, a TRUE conservative will get the nod and take some steps toward changing the Swamp (not your football stadium, though).
Now that I have no problem. I am enjoying watching the circular firing squad. My issue is that since Trump became a candidate, the word "conservative" has been co-opted and has had its meaning change. Trump is not now and never has been a conservative. Mitt Romney is a conservative. He also is a RINO now, which should be a badge of pride these days, because the current batch of Republicans are the sorriest lot of dung this country has ever seen.
This is the first time in 10 years that anything has been debated in Congress, not sure why anybody is complaining
There's no fvcking debate taking place. It's just vote after failed vote. The debate is taking place the same place it's always taken place where the role of Speaker is concerned...behind closed doors. And wouldn't I like to be a fly on THAT wall.
Now that I have no problem. I am enjoying watching the circular firing squad. My issue is that since Trump became a candidate, the word "conservative" has been co-opted and has had its meaning change. Trump is not now and never has been a conservative. Mitt Romney is a conservative. He also is a RINO now, which should be a badge of pride these days, because the current batch of Republicans are the sorriest lot of dung this country has ever seen.
Hell, Liz Cheney...LIZ CHENEY!!! a RINO.
Now that I have no problem. I am enjoying watching the circular firing squad. My issue is that since Trump became a candidate, the word "conservative" has been co-opted and has had its meaning change. Trump is not now and never has been a conservative. Mitt Romney is a conservative. He also is a RINO now, which should be a badge of pride these days, because the current batch of Republicans are the sorriest lot of dung this country has ever seen.

Can't argue with any of that. Now the "Never Trumpers" are witnessing a parallel "Never McCarthy's".

If they don't budge, how soon before they start looking for a non=member of Congress? Would LMAO if they chose Musk. That won't happen, obviously, but my popcorn bill for the month would be exorbitant.
OP I didn't get very many laughs with this one so you can have it/rewrite it/punch it up:

After today, you won't be able to accuse anyone of McCarthyism without them thinking you mean "operating a clusterf**k."

Maybe this works better:

After today, you won't be able to accuse anyone of McCarthyism without them thinking you mean "subjecting yourself to repeated public embarrassment"
I think they should nominate satan. I bet he could get to 240. He would never vote with the Dems. A true **** your feelings Republican. Doesn’t have to be a member of Congress. He would play hardball.
Satan would like many Dem positions. He'd actually be miserable for either party to bring aboard. Look no further than baby murder and border walls to find something he'd side with each party on. same answer I give when people say things like "Jesus would be a republican."

I'm fairly certain Jesus would not support a border wall, nor abortion, while Satan would support both in a heartbeat.
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Why do they keep voting again? Shouldn't they go have some knock down drag out fights behind closed doors and come out with a nominee?

This seems like the definition of insanity.

It doesn't actually bother me, at this point it's pretty hilarious. It's not as if they're going to go accomplish much of anything significant anyway, so i guess let the show go on.
Better than McCarthy. And I'm pleased that my new representative, Byron Donalds, has entered the fray on Jordan's behalf. McCarthy is the consummate RINO, looking only for himself.
Jordan insists he doesn’t want the job.
Byron Donalds has been nominated.
I called MY congressman this morning and told him to grab that little twit Gaetz and stuff him in a broom closet somewhere.
This bunch are a larger but equally idiotic group who are the opposite of the Squad IMO.
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Because it's good for democracy. Just ask Rep. Fattie McGee, R-Floriduh.

I think some dissent is good for democracy, showing they aren't simply rubber stamping some nominee who would inevitably see their position of power as a mandate, when it clearly is not.

But...after getting the same result about 3 times, it's time to shake things up...this went to SIX votes.
Jordan insists he doesn’t want the job.
Byron Donalds has been nominated.
I called MY congressman this morning and told him to grab that little twit Gaetz and stuff him in a broom closet somewhere.
This bunch are a larger but equally idiotic group who are the opposite of the Squad IMO.

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Not sure I get your point here. Jordan and MGT (and Gaetz) are equally unacceptable to me. But we're seeing how our Republic is supposed to work right here. Democrats lead by acclimation; Republicans are doing it in a thought-provoking, acceptable process. Hopefully, a TRUE conservative will get the nod and take some steps toward changing the Swamp (not your football stadium, though).

Ed all we R’s Need is a Nancy Pelosi who can threaten our side with death (political and otherwise) and we’d be done. We don’t have one of those.
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Satan would like many Dem positions. He'd actually be miserable for either party to bring aboard. Look no further than baby murder and border walls to find something he'd side with each party on. same answer I give when people say things like "Jesus would be a republican."

I'm fairly certain Jesus would not support a border wall, nor abortion, while Satan would support both in a heartbeat.
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Satan would like many Dem positions. He'd actually be miserable for either party to bring aboard. Look no further than baby murder and border walls to find something he'd side with each party on. same answer I give when people say things like "Jesus would be a republican."

I'm fairly certain Jesus would not support a border wall, nor abortion, while Satan would support both in a heartbeat.
Okay, bleeder, maybe c crazy is right.
Okay, bleeder, maybe c crazy is right.
So you think Jesus would be a republican? Sure he'd like lower taxes, pro life positions, positions on gay marriage and the fact that more Republicans believe he's the son of god, but I can nearly guarantee he'd be completely against military spending and border walls.

From what we know of Jesus, he'd almost certainly not take part in our political process, and seems not to recognize man made borders. For him, there's one people, god's people, and if we choose to label ourselves American, Mexican, Russian, etc. well then that's on us...
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So you think Jesus would be a republican? Sure he'd like lower taxes, pro life positions, positions on gay marriage and the fact that more Republicans believe he's the son of god, but I can nearly guarantee he'd be completely against military spending and border walls.

From what we know of Jesus, he'd almost certainly not take part in our political process, and seems not to recognize man made borders. For him, there's one people, god's people, and if we choose to label ourselves American, Mexican, Russian, etc. well then that's on us...
Holy shit. You’re deluded. Deeply.