Wal-Mart raises wages, gives bonuses, credits tax reform

Sams announced they are closing 63 stores today, some closed without any notice to employees. My guess is these are in an area where internal theft would have been rife. The Moline, IL store was only built in 2014 and it is closing. Sams claims that growth has not been as high as anticipated. It was always believed by some in the area that Sams built in Moline to keep Costco out. Now that Costco is headed for Davenport the metrics have changed.
Both are true:

(1) Raises are better than no raises;
(2) The presence of some raises does not make this "plan" any better.

People are so distracted by shiny objects, and that was the GOP's plan. Good times.
You know why? Because more people are on medicaid. See the problem yet? Medicaid funds your profession. You have sold out to fake news.

Without private insurance the majority of hospitals would close
Sams announced they are closing 63 stores today, some closed without any notice to employees. My guess is these are in an area where internal theft would have been rife. The Moline, IL store was only built in 2014 and it is closing. Sams claims that growth has not been as high as anticipated. It was always believed by some in the area that Sams built in Moline to keep Costco out. Now that Costco is headed for Davenport the metrics have changed.
The Quad Cities will be a better place with one less Sam's and one more Costco.
Hey DEMS......take a look at the Chrysler Fiat news out just now. Chrysler Fiat is moving their Mexico Plant to Michigan. 2500 jobs and a $1 BILLION plant going to be built. They ALSO announced that they will be giving their US employees each $2000 bonus'. ALSO, it was mentioned that when plants like this move and open in new areas, there is ALWAYS other part suppliers to the plants that move into the area to manufacture parts for the plant bringing a great deal of economic and employment additions to the area. UH do you demean, throw hate at, and talk crap about this. These are real jobs. Real movement back to the Country. New taxes being created. Construction Jobs. Economic Growth. School money. Road Money. What else? Go ahead throw out all of the negatives to this. I can't wait.
Hey DEMS......take a look at the Chrysler Fiat news out just now. Chrysler Fiat is moving their Mexico Plant to Michigan. 2500 jobs and a $1 BILLION plant going to be built. They ALSO announced that they will be giving their US employees each $2000 bonus'. ALSO, it was mentioned that when plants like this move and open in new areas, there is ALWAYS other part suppliers to the plants that move into the area to manufacture parts for the plant bringing a great deal of economic and employment additions to the area. UH do you demean, throw hate at, and talk crap about this. These are real jobs. Real movement back to the Country. New taxes being created. Construction Jobs. Economic Growth. School money. Road Money. What else? Go ahead throw out all of the negatives to this. I can't wait.

Their talking points don’t usually come out until 6 am each morning, so you might be waiting awhile
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Actually we are planning on expansion this year and we got a bonus in December and another one in March
I'm glad for you, but I imagine we can both agree that isn't the Trump infrastructure plan at work so is a bit besides the point.
Hey DEMS......take a look at the Chrysler Fiat news out just now. Chrysler Fiat is moving their Mexico Plant to Michigan. 2500 jobs and a $1 BILLION plant going to be built. They ALSO announced that they will be giving their US employees each $2000 bonus'. ALSO, it was mentioned that when plants like this move and open in new areas, there is ALWAYS other part suppliers to the plants that move into the area to manufacture parts for the plant bringing a great deal of economic and employment additions to the area. UH do you demean, throw hate at, and talk crap about this. These are real jobs. Real movement back to the Country. New taxes being created. Construction Jobs. Economic Growth. School money. Road Money. What else? Go ahead throw out all of the negatives to this. I can't wait.

That's called an anecdote. Gather more, look for situations that counter this one, compare, and then come back and make sweeping conclusions. Only fools look at isolated incidents to make sweeping generalizations and confirm their worldviews.
Hey DEMS......take a look at the Chrysler Fiat news out just now. Chrysler Fiat is moving their Mexico Plant to Michigan. 2500 jobs and a $1 BILLION plant going to be built. They ALSO announced that they will be giving their US employees each $2000 bonus'. ALSO, it was mentioned that when plants like this move and open in new areas, there is ALWAYS other part suppliers to the plants that move into the area to manufacture parts for the plant bringing a great deal of economic and employment additions to the area. UH do you demean, throw hate at, and talk crap about this. These are real jobs. Real movement back to the Country. New taxes being created. Construction Jobs. Economic Growth. School money. Road Money. What else? Go ahead throw out all of the negatives to this. I can't wait.
Thanks Obama. Remember when cons wanted to let the company go under?
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That's called an anecdote. Gather more, look for situations that counter this one, compare, and then come back and make sweeping conclusions. Only fools look at isolated incidents to make sweeping generalizations and confirm their worldviews.

Nope. The point of this thread is that Corporations are generally terrible people and the Tax Cuts really are not going to do anything but make the rich richer. Face the music.
Nope. The point of this thread is that Corporations are generally terrible people and the Tax Cuts really are not going to do anything but make the rich richer. Face the music.

You've gone from anecdote to straw man. What's next?
Actually we are planning on expansion this year and we got a bonus in December and another one in March
If'n your in healthcare (hospital) RN and you are getting bonuses, there is a reason for it......Your company (hospital/hospital group) ran into so extra dollars it has to get rid of quickly or lose its "non profit" status.....Don't bullshit a bullshitter...I was in that game for 30o+ years and I know how (and why) it works....,.,But congrats on the bonus...YOU no doubt deserve every cent of it.
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Have you ever in your HROT career talked about manufactured money? That money is coming from somewhere and it's going primarily to the Trump types and the corporations the right favors. If that really is your money, you must be really pissed it's going to those folks. If it's not your money, it must be borrowed. I favor the second explanation.
If'n your in healthcare (hospital) RN and you are getting bonuses, there is a reason for it......Your company (hospital/hospital group) ran into so extra dollars it has to get rid of quickly or lose its "non profit" status.....Don't bullshit a bullshitter...I was in that game for 30o+ years and I know how (and why) it works....,.,But congrats on the bonus...YOU no doubt deserve every cent of it.
Which also means his hospital isn't losing money like he claims. The truth has made the lie untenable.
Which also means his hospital isn't losing money like he claims. The truth has made the lie untenable.

Lets clear some things up. Natural said that I got a huge amount of my salary from government sources and that I was essentially a government employee. Both of those are not true. I said I worked at a private hospital I never said it was non profit Joel. We do see Medicare patients but we lose money on those patients, the hospital runs in the black from our private insurance patients, so if my salary was based on medicare reimbursements which Natural claims then A. I wouldn't be getting a raise. B. I probably would not have a job nor would that hospital be up and running like it is. Like I said the hospital is planning on expanding our operating rooms this year and opening up more of the hospital (hospital is not completely built out) for more beds. We specialize in orthopedics and spine surgery. We probably do 80% orthopedics and 20% spine cases and the spine case is where we make the majority of our money and those patients are for the most part not on Medicare.

For Hawk8595, that is my money I earned it and it doesn't piss me off that it is going to those corporations like you said it was because A. those corporations employ people that come to my hospital and those corporations also help my retirement plan and investments. Think outside the box one time and stop being so negative.
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Rnhawk Have you ever considered that taxes is the rent you pay for the right to live here? If it's the first of the month and the rent money is due, is it your money or is it the landlords?
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Which also means his hospital isn't losing money like he claims. The truth has made the lie untenable.

I once heard a CEO of one of the largest hospital organization's in the USA tell a group of us that the for employee "bonuses" for healthcare workers was twofold....1) a poor management decision (bad budget planning) or 2) an IRS ruling giving them a sudden influx of short term money.
Again, the recent "tax reform" legislation is primarily a boon to large corporate entities...the bigger the better.
anybody who goes into the workforce thinking their workplace cares about them (especially if it is a huge company like WalMart) is delusional.

I am happy when workers are able to get a little more in their pockets---regardless of how it happened or the benefit the company gets from it. meaning, I don't give one rip if the company i work for gets a crap ton of tax breaks or how much profit they make. I don't expect anything other than the wage I agree to when I accept a position. If I don't like what the company i work offers I look for ways to better my situation (either by learning new skills, searching for a higher paying job, or cutting my lifestyle) rather than expect anything from a corporation other than paying me for the services I provide while on the clock.
The promise of these tax cuts were that wages would go up by $4,000 and that jobs would be created at a rapid pace. This is literally how Trump and the GOPers sold the cuts to the public. Yet some 99% of workers haven't seen any wage boost, bonuses, or even more jobs because of these cuts. That's why I see these cuts as a failure. For the workers who did get bonuses and wage increases, good for them. But 99% of workers aren't seeing anything.

So that's the reason why I see these cuts to be a stunning failure. They are costing our debt $1.5 trillion and in exchange workers are only getting $2-3 billion in one time bonuses. It's a complete rip-off. We would have been better off doing what Bush did and give $300-$1200 tax rebates. That way everyone would have gotten something and it would have been cheaper on our deficits, too.

Reminds me of all those "shovel ready jobs" Obozo talked about.

The tax bill was passed how many DAYS ago? Give it at least a year and then judge it.
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. My guess is these are in an area where internal theft would have been rife.
Pssst......Sam's Club is not "Wal Mart"; you have to pay a membership fee, so they have the information on EVERYONE that shops there.

Not quite the risk level of your average "Wal Mart" for "internal theft"
Or, are you claiming that because of the areas these stores are in, the employees THEMSELVES are robbing them?
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Why is it liberals hate Wal-Mart and love them some Amazon?

Amazon is raping the American tax payer a lot harder than Wal-Mart. Look up what the government pays on each box shipped by Amazon. Its fuking criminal. Do you think all the Wal-Mart stores closing is due to the rise of Amazon? I do.
Sure, if you want to give up on pay for 2 weeks a year and or take unpaid vacation.

Pssst....MOST people DO take a few days off during a year. Because there are several holidays already 'built in' that you may not be working 40 hour weeks....
Hey DEMS......take a look at the Chrysler Fiat news out just now. Chrysler Fiat is moving their Mexico Plant to Michigan. 2500 jobs and a $1 BILLION plant going to be built. They ALSO announced that they will be giving their US employees each $2000 bonus'. ALSO, it was mentioned that when plants like this move and open in new areas, there is ALWAYS other part suppliers to the plants that move into the area to manufacture parts for the plant bringing a great deal of economic and employment additions to the area. UH do you demean, throw hate at, and talk crap about this. These are real jobs. Real movement back to the Country. New taxes being created. Construction Jobs. Economic Growth. School money. Road Money. What else? Go ahead throw out all of the negatives to this. I can't wait.

And here is someone who knows zero about car manufacturing in detroit
Pssst......Sam's Club is not "Wal Mart"; you have to pay a membership fee, so they have the information on EVERYONE that shops there.

Not quite the risk level of your average "Wal Mart" for "internal theft"
Or, are you claiming that because of the areas these stores are in, the employees THEMSELVES are robbing them?
Why else would you close stores without notice and take the ire of the public, if not for concern of massive loss? I have been to some Sams in some areas where I was shocked at how many thug looking people were shopping and working there.
Hey DEMS......take a look at the Chrysler Fiat news out just now. Chrysler Fiat is moving their Mexico Plant to Michigan. 2500 jobs and a $1 BILLION plant going to be built. They ALSO announced that they will be giving their US employees each $2000 bonus'. ALSO, it was mentioned that when plants like this move and open in new areas, there is ALWAYS other part suppliers to the plants that move into the area to manufacture parts for the plant bringing a great deal of economic and employment additions to the area. UH do you demean, throw hate at, and talk crap about this. These are real jobs. Real movement back to the Country. New taxes being created. Construction Jobs. Economic Growth. School money. Road Money. What else? Go ahead throw out all of the negatives to this. I can't wait.

You mean that thing that was announced WHEN OBAMA WAS STILL IN OFFICE?
(which clearly implies it was planned for >1 year prior to that, because large companies don't make announcements and THEN figure the plans out like Donald Trump does....they put together analyses for months...sometimes YEARS....and make the announcements AFTER they have the financial framework sorted out.)

So, YES........THANKS OBAMA!!!!
January 9, 2017

This was DESPITE Trump, not DUE TO him.
And here is someone who knows zero about car manufacturing in detroit

The supplier manufacturers are already there, or may put a warehouse in the area to hold a few spares. Most parts will come from existing plants. I am not certain of the economics of the move, but I imagine Chrysler already owns the plant and they need to retool. So the union negotiated this plant to come back north, and they will end up retooling the plant in Mexico to take out some other plant in the US, but possibly Mexico.
Why else would you close stores without notice and take the ire of the public, if not for concern of massive loss? I have been to some Sams in some areas where I was shocked at how many thug looking people were shopping and working there.

Translation: I have no evidence/data to back up my statement, so I'll just Double Down on the Stupid here....
The supplier manufacturers are already there, or may put a warehouse in the area to hold a few spares. Most parts will come from existing plants. I am not certain of the economics of the move, but I imagine Chrysler already owns the plant and they need to retool. So the union negotiated this plant to come back north, and they will end up retooling the plant in Mexico to take out some other plant in the US, but possibly Mexico.


And yes it' a renovation of a plant. Also they did it today cause the auto show is next week. Ford did somethig almost identical last yer.
Rnhawk Have you ever considered that taxes is the rent you pay for the right to live here? If it's the first of the month and the rent money is due, is it your money or is it the landlords?

I have never said I don't pay taxes or there is not a need for taxes. I am not sure what you are trying to say, but it is my earned money that I use to pay taxes
I have never said I don't pay taxes or there is not a need for taxes. I am not sure what you are trying to say, but it is my earned money that I use to pay taxes
and your earned money that paves roads, treats waste, keeps waters drinkable, provides for our military and enables you to keep living in a style you have become accustomed to.