Was this the corruption in Ukraine that Trump was demanding Zelensky investigate?

Perry’s spokeswoman said Wednesday that the energy secretary has championed the American energy industry all over the world, including in Ukraine.

“What he did not do is advocate for the business interests of any one individual or company,” said Shaylyn Hynes, the press secretary for the Energy Department.

Well...there you go. Just need a spokesperson for the Bidens to chime in and we're all good.
Could be, but since Perry was once a presidential candidate would that not also be wrong for Trump to get them to investigate, and like Joe, does he get a pass?
So one of the chaps that testified already and will testify again mentioned in his testimony that he raised concerns about Hunter Biden being on the board. It went up the chain and nothing happened.

Im wondering if the MSM is trying to get more details on that testimony? Im sure we will see some nice investigative reporting soon.

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