Wasabi: Key to new pain meds?


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
How The Science Of Wasabi Could Pave The Way For New Pain Meds
Scientists have modeled the stunning structure of the receptor in our
bodies that jolts our senses when we eat sushi garnished with spicy
wasabi -- and it turns out that this so-called 'wasabi receptor' may
hold clues for developing new pain treatments.
The receptor, a
protein called TRPA1, resides in the cellular membrane of our sensory
nerve cells. Not only does it detect certain chemical agents outside of our bodies
-- from wasabi to tear gas -- but it also gets triggered by
pain-inducing signals within our bodies from itches and inflammation.
"The professor and chair of the physiology department
at the University of California, San Francisco, and senior co-author of
the new study, said in a written statement. "Of course, this
information may also help guide the design of new analgesic drugs."

The researchers built the new detailed 3D model using an advanced imaging technique known as electron cryo-microscopy, Science magazine reported.
the model, the researchers discovered a spot in the receptor where
wasabi chemical compounds bind, according to a video from UCSF about the
research (see above). They noticed that when a receptor encounters such
chemical compounds, it activates nerve fibers that then send pain
signals to the brain. Ouch!
There are already a few experimental drugs that target the wasabi receptor
to alleviate pain, Smithsonian magazine reported, and the new model
allows scientists to see the exact cleft in the protein where those
drugs bind -- a discovery which may help guide the development of
innovative pain medications.
"A dream of mine is that some of the work we do will translate into medicines people can take for chronic pain,"
Julius told NPR. "What the structure does is, it gives pharmaceutical
firms sort of a map for either tweaking the drugs that they have... or
for developing drugs that might have different properties."
The study was published online in the journal Nature on April 8, 2015.
I wonder if they used real wasabi or the horseradish mixture that nearly every single sushi place in America serves.
I hope they research this. Sounds promising. I had a ham and swiss sandwich loaded with baby spinach for lunch. The schmeer Boetjes's mustard made me feel like $1,000,000 after eating it. Transcendent. I hope the research the possible positive effects of an excellent mustard, too.