Washington Post apologizes and removes Anti-Hamas cartoon

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Cowardly deplorable scum, kowtowing to anti-Semitic/ pro-terrorist scum. I guess too many people who work for them are offended by the truth.


The Washington Post has issued an apology after publishing a political cartoon which was criticized for its “dehumanizing” depiction of Palestinian people.
People inundated the paper with complaints after it ran a cartoon titled, “Human Shields,” online and in its print edition on Tuesday.

Artist Michael Ramirez’s drawing, which has since been pulled from The Post’s website, showed a snarling Hamas spokesman with wide-eyed women and children tied to his body.
Hovering over his head, was a speech bubble that read, “How dare Israel attack civilians.”

Hamas has accused Israel of targeting Palestinian civilians in its response to the Oct. 7 attacks which killed 1,400 people.
Israeli officials claim they only strike legitimate military targets and that the thousands of Palestinian casualties are the result of Hamas using civilians as “human shields.”

Though Ramirez was likely trying to paint the Palestinian militant organization as hypocrites, readers responded by calling his cartoon “racist,” “deeply malicious,” and “full of bias and prejudice.”
“Depicting Arabs with exaggerated features and portraying women in derogatory, stereotypical roles perpetuates racism and gender bias, which is wholly unacceptable,” reader Hind Kamal explained in a letter published by The Post.
Other readers wondered if the cartoon was trying to justify the mounting Palestinian death toll, which now surpasses 10,000, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

By Thursday, the paper had pulled the image from their website and issued an apology from its Opinion Editor David Shipley.
In the letter, Shipley admitted he “missed something profound and divisive” when he approved the cartoon.

Expressing his regret, he said, “Our section is aimed at finding commonalities, understanding the bonds that hold us together, even in the darkest times.”
He also promised The Post’s Opinion section would “continue to make the section home to a range of views and perspectives” in hopes of “imperfectly toward a constructive exchange of ideas at all possible speed.”

Hamas probably threatened to tell its reporters to stop providing stories and pictures to the post.
Political cartoons should be scathing and controversial. Just remember that when it is one you don't agree with.
Agree 100%

I also think the Opinion Editor misunderstands his purpose:

Expressing his regret, he said, “Our section is aimed at finding commonalities, understanding the bonds that hold us together, even in the darkest times.”
This is disgusting….what is our country coming to? Protests supporting terrorists and now we’re apologizing??

Sick. A lot of folks on the left should be ashamed of themselves. I’m as disgusted by this as the MAGA caucus.
Obviously it’s lame that the Washington Post apologized but you’re quite the drama queen here, Sally.
This is disgusting….what is our country coming to? Protests supporting terrorists and now we’re apologizing??

Sick. A lot of folks on the left should be ashamed of themselves. I’m as disgusted by this as the MAGA caucus.
The bleeding hearts think they have the moral high ground on everyone by making lazy statements like “I just want peace” and “I don’t support genocide” but in actuality they are just burying their heads in the sand and refusing to understand the complexities of the situation. With these types, everything is a lose/lose for Israel. It’s blatant antisemitism, as many of these people don’t believe the Jewish people deserve their own state without some sort of Palestinian rule.

History won’t be kind to these folks.
The bleeding hearts think they have the moral high ground on everyone by making lazy statements like “I just want peace” and “I don’t support genocide” but in actuality they are just burying their heads in the sand and refusing to understand the complexities of the situation. With these types, everything is a lose/lose for Israel. It’s blatant antisemitism, as many of these people don’t believe the Jewish people deserve their own state without some sort of Palestinian rule.

History won’t be kind to these folks.
Meh - not wanting to see Palestinian civilians and kids blown up is not anti-semitism and it’s stupid many go right to that argument anytime someone criticizes Israeli actions.

I fully support dismantling Hamas by force and I know they are cowards who use women and children as human shields, but I’m certainly not anti-Semitic in hoping this war ends sooner rather than later and hoping the IDF can be more precise and discriminatory in its actions.
Meh - not wanting to see Palestinian civilians and kids blown up is not anti-semitism and it’s stupid many go right to that argument anytime someone criticizes Israeli actions.

I fully support dismantling Hamas by force and I know they are cowards who use women and children as human shields, but I’m certainly not anti-Semitic in hoping this war ends sooner rather than later and hoping the IDF can be more precise and discriminatory in its actions.
I wasn’t talking about you. There was a poster on here this week claiming that the Jewish people should be shipped off around the world because Palestinians don’t want them. He even suggested the US take them in, because they aren’t “brown” lol. So basically the same bullshit these people have been dealing with for thousands of years.

Also, who here is wanting to see Palestinian children blown up? Who WANTS war? This is the shit I’m talking about. No sane person wants that, so you don’t have to keep letting us know that you’re a good guy.
I wasn’t talking about you. There was a poster on here this week claiming that the Jewish people should be shipped off around the world because Palestinians don’t want them. He even suggested the US take them in, because they aren’t “brown” lol.

Also, who here is wanting to see Palestinian children blown up? Who WANTS war? This is the shit I’m talking about. No sane person wants that, so you don’t have to keep letting us know that you’re a good guy.
Well sure - that is anti-Semitic almost by definition.

I guess I’m sort of annoyed that those in this country that are taking this latest Israeli-Palestinian back and forth of killing and destruction personally are just parroting each “sides” obvious propaganda about the other.

I just want one of these sides to finally win or quit as this is just the same shit that’s been happening since the 1940s and it’s really not changing. I’m approaching a “pox on both their houses” attitude I guess.
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The bleeding hearts think they have the moral high ground on everyone by making lazy statements like “I just want peace” and “I don’t support genocide” but in actuality they are just burying their heads in the sand and refusing to understand the complexities of the situation. With these types, everything is a lose/lose for Israel. It’s blatant antisemitism, as many of these people don’t believe the Jewish people deserve their own state without some sort of Palestinian rule.

History won’t be kind to these folks.
Lol. The heads-buried-in-sand you speak of is HARDLY as you're suggesting. You're right, history won't be kind to some folks. Might want to check a mirror.

The cool thing? Israel and the US has chosen to make this even more dangerous, more complex, and is fomenting the next wave of "terrorism" as we speak.

Ever wonder why the "terrorism" label gets really selectively applied by those for whom the hegemony favors?

Talk about head in the sand.
Well sure - that is anti-Semitic almost by definition.

I guess I’m sort of annoyed that those in this country that are taking this latest Israeli-Palestinian back and forth of killing and destruction personally are just parroting each “sides” obvious propaganda about the other.

I just want one of these sides to finally win or quit as this is just the same shit that’s been happening since the 1940s and it’s really not changing. I’m approaching a “pox on both their houses” attitude I guess.
There’s definitely propaganda going both ways, and I am probably more aligned with your way of thinking than I lead on here.

It’s just shocking to me how 0.02% of the population can be looked at as such a nuisance by so many. Every couple hundred years or so they are having to fight off extinction.

As I’ve stated before, there are 55 Islamic states in the world and only one Jewish state. Throw these people a fricking bone and let them live in peace for once. At the end of the day, that’s all they want, but they also know how to fight for their existence.
There’s definitely propaganda going both ways, and I am probably more aligned with your way of thinking than I lead on here.

It’s just shocking to me how 0.02% of the population can be looked at as such a nuisance by so many. Every couple hundred years or so they are having to fight off extinction.

As I’ve stated before, there are 55 Islamic states in the world and only one Jewish state. Throw these people a fricking bone and let them live in peace for once. At the end of the day, that’s all they want, but they also know how to fight for their existence.
Don’t disagree but one has to admit Israel has never actually been serious about setting up a truly independent, self-governed Palestinian state and until that happens, those mofos are not going to stop fighting and because they are massively outgunned they are also not going to stop using the tactics of terrorism.
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Don’t disagree but one has to admit Israel has never actually been serious about setting up a truly independent, self-governed Palestinian state and until that happens, those mofos are not going to stop fighting and because they are massively outgunned they are also not going to stop using the tactics of terrorism.
Only thing you're missing, here, Torbee is that from the perspective of the nail, the hammer (Israel for decades) has been the terrorist. Apartheid is systemic terrorism.
Only thing you're missing, here, Torbee is that from the perspective of the nail, the hammer (Israel for decades) has been the terrorist. Apartheid is systemic terrorism.
Well I might set up an Apartheid system too if a significant portion of the minority population had vowed to fight to the death forever until every Jew between Jordan and the Mediterranean - including women and children - were killed or driven away.

No one has ANY moral high ground at this point of the mess IMO.
Don’t disagree but one has to admit Israel has never actually been serious about setting up a truly independent, self-governed Palestinian state and until that happens, those mofos are not going to stop fighting and because they are massively outgunned they are also not going to stop using the tactics of terrorism.
I'm not sure you can say that. We got very close with Clinton, but Yasser Arafat wasn't having it.

The true story of Camp David was that for the first time in the history of the conflict the American president put on the table a proposal, based on UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, very close to the Palestinian demands, and Arafat refused even to accept it as a basis for negotiations, walked out of the room, and deliberately turned to terrorism.
This quote from Bill is perfect:

"There’s nobody who’s blameless in the Middle East, but we cannot really ever make a fundamental difference in the Middle East unless the Israelis think we care whether they live or die. If they do, we have a chance to keep pushing for peace,” Clinton said. “And that’s her position. Not to agree with the Israeli government on everything, not to pretend that innocents don’t die, not to pretend that more Palestinian children don’t die than Israeli children. But that we can’t get anything done unless they believe, when the chips are down, if somebody comes for them we will not let them be wiped out and become part of the dustbin of history."
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Well I might set up an Apartheid system too if a significant portion of the minority population had vowed to fight to the death forever until every Jew between Jordan and the Mediterranean - including women and children - were killed or driven away.

No one has ANY moral high ground at this point of the mess IMO.
Nobody ever did have the moral high ground. That's the point. That's the entire flipping point behind defending Palestinians right to exist. This shit should never have gone on this long, these several decades, as it has. But Israel has the "better' friends.

I'll say it again… Different lives valued differently.
I'm not sure you can say that. We got very close during the Clinton administration, but Yasser Arafat wasn't having it.

The true story of Camp David was that for the first time in the history of the conflict the American president put on the table a proposal, based on UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, very close to the Palestinian demands, and Arafat refused even to accept it as a basis for negotiations, walked out of the room, and deliberately turned to terrorism.
This quote from Bill is perfect:

"There’s nobody who’s blameless in the Middle East, but we cannot really ever make a fundamental difference in the Middle East unless the Israelis think we care whether they live or die. If they do, we have a chance to keep pushing for peace,” Clinton said. “And that’s her position. Not to agree with the Israeli government on everything, not to pretend that innocents don’t die, not to pretend that more Palestinian children don’t die than Israeli children. But that we can’t get anything done unless they believe, when the chips are down, if somebody comes for them we will not let them be wiped out and become part of the dustbin of history."
Solid quote, not perfect. Read that same quote from the perspective of the Palestinian who for generations has been living with the State of Israel's boot on their neck.
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Only thing you're missing, here, Torbee is that from the perspective of the nail, the hammer (Israel for decades) has been the terrorist. Apartheid is systemic terrorism.

Wow, another, Thomas Hamas!! Are you also a, BLM, ACAB and abolition terrorist as well?!
I'm not sure you can say that. We got very close with Clinton, but Yasser Arafat wasn't having it.

The true story of Camp David was that for the first time in the history of the conflict the American president put on the table a proposal, based on UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, very close to the Palestinian demands, and Arafat refused even to accept it as a basis for negotiations, walked out of the room, and deliberately turned to terrorism.
This quote from Bill is perfect:

"There’s nobody who’s blameless in the Middle East, but we cannot really ever make a fundamental difference in the Middle East unless the Israelis think we care whether they live or die. If they do, we have a chance to keep pushing for peace,” Clinton said. “And that’s her position. Not to agree with the Israeli government on everything, not to pretend that innocents don’t die, not to pretend that more Palestinian children don’t die than Israeli children. But that we can’t get anything done unless they believe, when the chips are down, if somebody comes for them we will not let them be wiped out and become part of the dustbin of history."
Agree 100% with the Bill Clinton quote.

Shame his appears to be a minority opinion.
What's wrong with being anti-Hamas?

We're constantly being told that Palestinians =/= Hamas, so what's the problem?
and equally important, what's wrong with cartoons depicting subjects in cartoonish ways? Last i checked, the very ability to do one panel editorial cartoons that efficiently communicate hard things pretty much depends on it.
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Another thing I found interesting was that Palestinian citizens of Israel make up a little over 20% of the total Israeli population. While there is no doubt that they've each faced some sort of racial scrutiny at some point, they still are citizens free to vote and participate in Israeli society.

From 2016:

52% of Palestinians living in Israeli-ruled East Jerusalem said they would prefer to be citizens of Israel with equal rights -- compared with just 42% who would opt to be citizens of a Palestinian state.
Findings from a new poll suggest that those who care about democracy and peace should pay more attention to the desires of the Palestinians who actually live in Jerusalem, not just of those who claim to speak on their behalf from outside the city.
This isn't to suggest that Palestine shouldn't have its own state and freedoms, but I do find it interesting that the majority living in Israel don't find things like religious, sexual orientation, and gender equality to be too bad.

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