We’re closer to a ‘Day After Tomorrow’ ice age than we thought


HR King
May 29, 2001
The oceans crash against skyscrapers, making aquatic tunnels of Manhattan streets. Heavy layers of snow pile on endlessly, burying entire civilizations in canopies of white. Eventually, liquid turns to ice, and life as we know it is threatened by an eternal freeze.

This is the harrowing disaster scenario of “The Day After Tomorrow,” a 2004 science fiction film directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Jake Gyllenhaal. Based on an imagined future of accelerated global warming, the movie was a major box office hit — it grossed over $500 million worldwide — but climatologists quickly took aim at its scientific value.

Patrick J. Michaels, a noted climate change skeptic, wrote in USA Today after the film’s release, “As a scientist, I bristle when lies dressed up as ‘science’ are used to influence political discourse. … Each one of these phenomena is physically impossible.”

He joined a chorus of critics who deemed the film wildly counterfactual. Yahoo featured “The Day After Tomorrow” in a top 10 list of scientifically inaccurate movies, while Duke University paleoclimatologist William Hyde declared, “This movie is to climate science as Frankenstein is to heart transplant surgery.”

The extreme cooling trends depicted are caused by a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, a North Atlantic ocean water circulation system that moderates temperatures north of the equator. When the movie was released, however, there had yet to be research examining such an event’s potential aftermath.

Now, a University of Southampton climate study published in Nature Scientific Reports indicates that we were naive to feel safe from “The Day After Tomorrow”-esque realities.

“The basic scenario of the AMOC as a result of global warming is not completely out of the blue or unthinkable,” the study’s author, Sybren Drijfhout, told The Washington Post.

[Why some scientists are worried about a surprisingly cold ‘blob’ in the North Atlantic Ocean]

According to the oceanography and climate physics professor, current warming patterns not only indicate that a collapse of the AMOC is possible, but also that resulting consequences would resemble “The Day After Tomorrow,” though not to the same extremes.

Using an advanced climate model at Germany’s Max-Planck Institute to simulate both conditions of global warming and conditions of an AMOC collapse, Drijfhout’s team discovered that global temperatures could register a drop of up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit — three times stronger than concurrent warming trends.

The cold of a “Little Ice Age” would hit Western Europe the hardest, as indicated by this heat map of 15 years after the start of AMOC collapse. (Sybren Drijfhout)
In a properly functioning circulatory system, the AMOC produces a milder climate downstream of the North Atlantic by bringing warm, salty surface water from the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic to the northern hemisphere.

But this system depends on the connection of surface waters flowing to the north and deeper waters flowing to the south — imagine a “global conveyor belt” — that can occur within just a few sinking ranges in the North Atlantic. These ranges exist only where water on the surface sufficiently nears the freezing point such that it becomes dense and heavy enough to sink to the bottom.

(For further explanation of the process, click here.)

With the Greenland ice sheet melting as a result of climate change, the AMOC’s essential process is slowing down. If we’re not careful, Drijfhout said, it may produce an effect comparable to “The Day After Tomorrow.”

While the climate sequence in the movie is certainly sped up and exaggerated, scientist noted, the real-life consequences of an AMOC collapse would be no less cause for worry.

The cold would hit Western Europe the hardest, while Americans would have to contend with floods. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Denmark would likely to experience 35-degree temperature drops; sea levels on the U.S. East Coast could could rise more than three feet.

“This would affect hundreds of millions of people,” Drijfhout said, “At least temporarily, Europe would suffer conditions that would look like the Little Ice Age of the Middle Ages.”

The collapse of the AMOC would be accompanied by a continuation of global warming conditions. These would ultimately offset and overtake the cooling trends in about 40 years, though in some places near the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic, the reversal could take more than a century.

Near the end of “The Day After Tomorrow,” the heroes reach a library buried in snow, its occupants surviving just barely on the heat of burned books. New York has become a subarctic city, and helicopters scan its frozen landscape, looking for survivors.

Perhaps most tragically, it was all forecast in the beginning by the main character, a paleoclimatologist whose warnings fell on deaf ears.

“When it comes to climate change,” Drijfhout said, “we are playing a dangerous game.”
You're just going to confuse them. Countdown until some 1970 Time magazine cover is posted.
Gonna let the right wing worry about Islamic Extremists come to America and the left wing worry about the impending doom of an ice age.

I'm gonna work out, get this money, talk to women and relax!
Well maybe. There have been three other warming trends over the past 3-4 thousand years, all of which were warmer than we are now. And you know what happened after each? It got really cold.

But of course, we caused this one and certainly can change it back to the way we like any time we want.
Well maybe. There have been three other warming trends over the past 3-4 thousand years, all of which were warmer than we are now. And you know what happened after each? It got really cold.

But of course, we caused this one and certainly can change it back to the way we like any time we want.
We can decelerate the harm. Until it's too late.

Some scientists - like those at the International Energy Agency - think we are nearing that "too late" point and have to stop increasing the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses we add within the next couple of years.

At first blush, that seems to be a pretty reasonable goal. No cutting back, just stop adding at a higher rate.

And yet we can't even agree on that. A few nations are already doing that. Many more promise to do it eventually - but not in a few years, and usually not while the current leaders are in office and can be held accountable.

The 2 most obvious dangers if we don't rein in the damage we are doing are 1) the cascading collapse of the oceanic food chain due to acidification and 2) the spontaneous temperature-linked release of massive amounts of methane from thawing tundra and undersea methane clathrate.
Damn, nature. You scary.

Shutdown of the AMOC is not going to create a 'Day After Tomorrow' scenario by any stretch. But, it would vastly alter the climate patterns we have been accustomed to the past 4000 years of written civilization, and the past 10,000 years where modern civilizations arose.

It won't turn Earth into an 'iceball', nor 'drop temperatures globally by 50F', at least not worldwide. That global thermal conveyor keeps the tropics cooler and the higher latitudes, like Europe, warmer. Eliminating that heat transfer probably will turn Europe into a much more wintry place (much colder), but it would balance out by making the tropical latitudes and equatorial areas virtually uninhabitable (much hotter). But on-balance, the overall temperature of the Earth will remain the same (the heat HAS to go somewhere - it cannot 'disappear' and make the whole Earth a snowball).

This is an 'unlikely' tipping point within the next century, but after that, if more freshwater runoff from Greenland occurs, it may be inevitable given our current emissions patterns. If it does happen, the generations of people who inhabit the Earth will be mostly screwed, as it will cause mass migrations and wars over resources (water, arable land) which will have shifted dramatically from their 'normal' ranges. It could create a fairly narrow corridor of arable land at mid latitudes, but only if rain patterns were to maintain in those areas. If precipitation patterns don't match the narrower temperate regions, then it'd be pretty bad for those trying to grow food.
Shutdown of the AMOC is not going to create a 'Day After Tomorrow' scenario by any stretch. But, it would vastly alter the climate patterns we have been accustomed to the past 4000 years of written civilization, and the past 10,000 years where modern civilizations arose.

It won't turn Earth into an 'iceball', nor 'drop temperatures globally by 50F', at least not worldwide. That global thermal conveyor keeps the tropics cooler and the higher latitudes, like Europe, warmer. Eliminating that heat transfer probably will turn Europe into a much more wintry place (much colder), but it would balance out by making the tropical latitudes and equatorial areas virtually uninhabitable (much hotter). But on-balance, the overall temperature of the Earth will remain the same (the heat HAS to go somewhere - it cannot 'disappear' and make the whole Earth a snowball).

This is an 'unlikely' tipping point within the next century, but after that, if more freshwater runoff from Greenland occurs, it may be inevitable given our current emissions patterns. If it does happen, the generations of people who inhabit the Earth will be mostly screwed, as it will cause mass migrations and wars over resources (water, arable land) which will have shifted dramatically from their 'normal' ranges. It could create a fairly narrow corridor of arable land at mid latitudes, but only if rain patterns were to maintain in those areas. If precipitation patterns don't match the narrower temperate regions, then it'd be pretty bad for those trying to grow food.

This - except that we'll be seeing many of those tragic effects beginning within our lifetimes. Nations won't wait centuries (and probably not even decades) before fighting over water, dwinding food supplies, shifting arability of lands and so on. Populations won't wait until cities are flooded before beginning the exodus. As the frost line moves north, so will pests and crop diseases. And so on.

I point this out because some will use your time scale of centuries for the worst effects to justify thinking that we are safe for now. But even if we stop accelerating the release of CO2 and other dangerous gasses, some of these consequences will be felt in our lifetimes. And if we don't at least level off, it will be even worse, and earlier.
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And yet still more factual and rational than the GOP on climate change.
So why should we believe that GW is happening when Big Data says it is not, and more specifically , when
This - except that we'll be seeing many of those tragic effects beginning within our lifetimes. Nations won't wait centuries (and probably not even decades) before fighting over water, dwinding food supplies, shifting arability of lands and so on. Populations won't wait until cities are flooded before beginning the exodus. As the frost line moves north, so will pests and crop diseases. And so on.

I point this out because some will use your time scale of centuries for the worst effects to justify thinking that we are safe for now. But even if we stop accelerating the release of CO2 and other dangerous gasses, some of these consequences will be felt in our lifetimes. And if we don't at least level off, it will be even worse, and earlier.

Big Data does not agree with you.
I enjoyed the movie a lot. Especially the wolf scenes and the bit with the helicopters. The visualization of the extreme low pressure eye was brilliant.

Dennis Quaid's acting was somewhat less robotic than usual.