"We are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be, ", says top Republican strategist.

I am a moderate.
I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
Give 3 examples of “far left” policies from
The Biden administration.

You are out of your damn fool mind.
You need to see someone about that brain washing.
That's fun after what has happened with Biden this past week. Half of the country (including you) were literally brainwashed by democrats and the media that biden was "sharp as a tack".

I knew this would happen with biden because I was not brainwashed. I have been telling you for quite some time to open your eyes, but your too proud to admit you were duped. 😬
None of that will happen.

After all we’ve seen, you have to be a special kind of stupid to say that.

There is no reason to think anything, ANYTHING, is beyond Trump and his supporters. I’m sure you said Roe V Wade would never be overturned and Trump would lose gracefully.

I mean, these guys are SAYING this is what they intend to do. Believe them.
I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
I can tell you aren’t actually a moderate
I support Trump and I believe he will do well for our country. All the hate from the left directed at Trump is mostly unwarranted.

I broadly support the heritage foundation, although I think there is potential to abuse their ideas if a real dictator comes along (Trump is not a dictator). The WEF and the sustainable development goals are way more scary than project 2025.

One thing is clear though, extremism breeds more extremism. The left has gone way to extreme the past few years and it has woken up a group of republicans who are now ready to fight fire with fire.

These fights tend not to go well and will destroy America. I don't like the extremism that Obama and biden brought to this country but I don't want far right extremism either.

As a country we are going to have to give up on some some of the extreme beliefs like open borders, transgender for kids, 6 week abortion ban, decimation of unions if we want to get normal people back in politics.

Both sides need to find common ground or we are headed to self destruction.

What has the left done that is way too extreme?
What a tough talking delusional white-wing Christian Nationalist piece of shit, and such a laughable idiot. If Trump wins and their strategy to deploy the US armed forces to ensure domestic control of the masses comes to fruition, it won't be bloodless and people like him and his supporters will be pushing up daisies tout de suite.
Don't hurt yourself playing with your GI Jo, Fritzy....... 🤡
I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
What is extreme about today's "left"? Please tell us what YOU think is extreme.

You claim to be a moderate? Really?

Edit: Never mind. I just read your other posts.

I conclude that you hate the LGBTQ community having the right to live their lives as YOU see fit.

So, who is telling you that you have to live your life the way that THEY see fit?
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Would a moderate call Biden and Obama extreme leftists and then justify voting for Donald Trump?
Yes I would. Obama and biden support transgender hormones and surgery for children, they want to take opportunities away from real women and give them to boy pretending to be women, they support hiring people only if they are not white, they claim whites are the biggest threat and they want open borders.

Trump is against all of the things I mentioned.

My opinion is in line with moderates of the last 50 years.

Your hate for Trump makes you blind to all the bad things your side stands for.

Yes I would. Obama and biden support transgender hormones and surgery for children, they want to take opportunities away from real women and give them to boy pretending to be women, they support hiring people only if they are not white, they claim whites are the biggest threat and they want open borders.

Trump is against all of the things I mentioned.

My opinion is in line with moderates of the last 50 years.

Your hate for Trump makes you blind to all the bad things your side stands for.
You're really hanging your hat on the biggest of issues, aren't you? How many people do you even know that fall into this category?
You're really hanging your hat on the biggest of issues, aren't you? How many people do you even know that fall into this category?
These issues are so big that they make me think everything they say is a lie.

It's like claiming Hitler was a good guy outside of the whole genocide thing. That argument just doesn't fly.

I completely believe the trans stuff on kids will go down in history as the biggest medical malpractice on children in history. It's hard to look at these people as good people when you know what they have done to these kids.

Unfortunately I see a lot of these kids come through where i work. It is very sad to see.
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I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
The first part is correct, this is backlash against far left immigration and refugee policy, trans issues, and wokism. Trump isn’t a saving grace, he’s another form of evil
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I’m a fierce independent but a never Trumper. If these ****ers think we are going to live quietly on our knees they are mistaken. There will be blood.
I don't see how something like banning birth control happens without really damaging their brand. Some of their positions are really unpopular with the public.

Returning some matters to the state is one thing... Forcing some of this stuff on everyone isn't going to work well. America isn't that conservative.
Kevin Roberts is the president of the Heritage Foundation, and he's saying the quiet stuff out loud. He's boasting about the plans of Project 2025, the creation of a totalitarian state in the US.

What a tough talking delusional white-wing Christian Nationalist piece of shit, and such a laughable idiot. If Trump wins and their strategy to deploy the US armed forces to ensure domestic control of the masses comes to fruition, it won't be bloodless and people like him and his supporters will be pushing up daisies tout de suite.

None of that will happen.
Windsor, a progressive activist and documentary filmmaker, portrayed herself in private with Alito as on the far right. “I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that, like, needs to happen for the polarization to end,” she told him. “I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

Alito answered, “I think you’re probably right. … One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So, it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”
how would this even be implemented in major cities? Don’t tell me about the Supreme Court or executive orders or whatever, who is going to implement this in New York, Chicago, Denver, LA, Boston, etc?
I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
You are not a moderate but you are a moron.
That's fun after what has happened with Biden this past week. Half of the country (including you) were literally brainwashed by democrats and the media that biden was "sharp as a tack".

I knew this would happen with biden because I was not brainwashed. I have been telling you for quite some time to open your eyes, but your too proud to admit you were duped. 😬
You MAGA extremists keep saying this but it’s simply not true. A ****ing comatose 120 year old is better than Trump. That’s what you don’t get. I don’t even know how you get to thinking the guy is the one to lead. Trump has shown time and again he’s out for himself. Why do you think not one person from his cabinet will endorse him. Not one. Do you think that’s a coincidence? The guys a felon. He ripped off his own charity. He’s a sexual predator. He’s declared bankruptcy multiple times. He doesn’t pay vendors for their work. He defrauds the government by cooking his books. He’s a racist. He sits on a ****ing golden toliet and ****s porn stars while his wife is pregnant.

Great guy you have there. For **** sake, look in the mirror for who’s brainwashed.
These issues are so big that they make me think everything they say is a lie.

It's like claiming Hitler was a good guy outside of the whole genocide thing. That argument just doesn't fly.

I completely believe the trans stuff on kids will go down in history as the biggest medical malpractice on children in history. It's hard to look at these people as good people when you know what they have done to these kids.

Unfortunately I see a lot of these kids come through where i work. It is very sad to see.
I can maybe agree somewhat with what you're saying but is it really that major of an issue in the grand scheme of things? Also, what kind of place do you work at where you continually see this kind of thing? And again, I have to ask, why should people care what these people (They?) do with their private lives. It's their life, isn't it?

To conclude, and to provide equal time, which issues do you disagree with Trump and MAGA on? Are there any?
These issues are so big that they make me think everything they say is a lie.

It's like claiming Hitler was a good guy outside of the whole genocide thing. That argument just doesn't fly.

I completely believe the trans stuff on kids will go down in history as the biggest medical malpractice on children in history. It's hard to look at these people as good people when you know what they have done to these kids.

Unfortunately I see a lot of these kids come through where i work. It is very sad to see.
Are you under the belief most dems are in favor of sex change operations for kids? That’s simply not the case.
I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
Fascist self-portrait in all it's stupidity/absurdity. He's a "moderate".
The first part is correct, this is backlash against far left immigration and refugee policy, trans issues, and wokism. Trump isn’t a saving grace, he’s another form of evil
Keep in mind, we aren’t forcing anyone to turn trans. Congrats for recognizing there are people out there who want to turn America into a totalitarian state.
I am a moderate. I recognize the danger of the extremes. The dems have gone off the deep end of extremism. Now they are having to deal with the shit they created.

I want to be far away from the current democratic party, but, we need to stop in the middle instead of moving to the extreme right.

I see you and your lefty buddies are still liking the extreme left camp, so I'm sure none of you will like any post that has rational thought.

Trump is not a perfect candidate, but he is the right guy to bring this country out of the extreme left politics biden and Obama brought us.
You’re not a moderate. No way.
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That's fun after what has happened with Biden this past week. Half of the country (including you) were literally brainwashed by democrats and the media that biden was "sharp as a tack".

I knew this would happen with biden because I was not brainwashed. I have been telling you for quite some time to open your eyes, but your too proud to admit you were duped. 😬
None of us are voting for a rapist. You? None of us are voting for a felon. You?