"We will see a resurgence of the coronavirus in the fall. We won't have a vaccine for 12-18 months"

I’ve seen many flu seasons but I have never seen anything like what’s going on at northwestern hospital. This is perhaps the top hospital in the country and they have tents set up the parking lots to treat patients. They have also told EMS not to bring anyone in if they can’t be revived on the way because they don’t have the space for them.
The doctor in the video I posted on the first page explains why the mortality rate estimates for covid are skewed. Elsewhere in this thread I posted a link to a CDC webpage where you can learn that they do, in fact, include data from random tests and estimates of how many people had the flu but never needed medical care when estimating the mortality rate of the seasonal flu.

What most of you are experiencing is mass hysteria fueled by 24 hour a day cable news and social media panic porn and the feedback loop created when your hysteria is mirrored by the people around you.

You better let someone know. Good work figuring it out.
The doctor in the video I posted on the first page explains why the mortality rate estimates for covid are skewed. Elsewhere in this thread I posted a link to a CDC webpage where you can learn that they do, in fact, include data from random tests and estimates of how many people had the flu but never needed medical care when estimating the mortality rate of the seasonal flu.

What most of you are experiencing is mass hysteria fueled by 24 hour a day cable news and social media panic porn and the feedback loop created when your hysteria is mirrored by the people around you.

Instead of wasting your valuable time posting on a message board, you might want to contact someone who could follow your valuable information and make good use of it.

Your U.S. Congressmen and U.S. Senators need to hear from you. Your local Mayor, State govenor and other local elected officials also.

Seems they all have been wasting their time and energy not to mention taxpayers money without your valuable guidance.

They have sent two 1,000 bed Hospital Ships to major Metro areas needlessly. The Pentagon has ordered 100,000 body bags. Heck, NYC. is actually converting Convention centers to emergency hospital areas not to mention the hospital tents set up in Central Park. And all of those damn expensive refrigerated trucks for storing bodies that won't be needed once you set everybody straight. Don't forget to get The President and Vice President to cancel the orders for alll of those unneeded ventilaltors they have mistakenly requisitioned with that Defense Act thingy..

Go ahead and get to work. We'll be fine her without you while you save the Country.

We'll manage somehow. We will be waiting breathlessly.

Then of course there is Italy, France, Spain and on and on.

Edit: Forgot, but when you get some time could you look into who is making death threats against Dr. Fauci. They have had to increase his security detail and that costs the taxpayers money too. A lot of crazies out there.
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The doctor in the video I posted on the first page explains why the mortality rate estimates for covid are skewed. Elsewhere in this thread I posted a link to a CDC webpage where you can learn that they do, in fact, include data from random tests and estimates of how many people had the flu but never needed medical care when estimating the mortality rate of the seasonal flu.

What most of you are experiencing is mass hysteria fueled by 24 hour a day cable news and social media panic porn and the feedback loop created when your hysteria is mirrored by the people around you.
so,is it your position that universities overreacted by closing down campuses and that athletic depts overreacted by locking out its athletes from the facilities?
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I’ve seen many flu seasons but I have never seen anything like what’s going on at northwestern hospital. This is perhaps the top hospital in the country and they have tents set up the parking lots to treat patients. They have also told EMS not to bring anyone in if they can’t be revived on the way because they don’t have the space for them.
Not the best hospital or close.
Increase hospital capacity + public wearing masks + mass testing & contact tracing + antiviral / other treatments to massively lower death rate = some kind of normalcy before a vaccine. We have the whole world working on this 1 problem. I hope we can hold large events by the end of the summer. We will be much more prepared in the fall.
Excellent post. Everyone keep your heads up!
Instead of wasting your valuable time posting on a message board, you might want to contact someone who could follow your valuable information and make good use of it.

Your U.S. Congressmen and U.S. Senators need to hear from you. Your local Mayor, State Govenor and other local elected officials also.

Seems they all have been wasting their time and energy not to mention taxpayers money without your valuable guidance.

They have sent two 1,000 bed Hospital Ships to major Metro areas needlessly. The Pentagon has ordered 100,000 body bags. Heck, NYC. is actually converting Convention centers to emergency hospital areas not to mention the hospital tents set up in Central Park. And all of those damn expensive refrigerated trucks for storing bodies that won't be needed once you set everybody straight. Don't forget to get The President and Vice President to cancel the orders for alll of those unneeded ventilaltors they have mistakenly requisitioned with that Defense Act thingy..

Go ahead and get to work. We'll be fine her without you while you save the Country.

We'll manage somehow. We will be waiting breathlessly.

Then of course there is Italy, France, Spain and on and on.

Edit: Forgot, but when you get some time could you look into who is making death threats against Dr. Fauci. They have had to increase his security detail and that costs the taxpayers money too. A lot of crazies out there. they have needlessly fired up the Crematoriums in NYC and are scheduled to send the overflow to upstate facilities when they get overwhelmed with this "just the flu" virus panic response. And they are running those Crematoriums around the clock now they say.

Have you found out yet why they are faking all this stuff? All those fake bodies going into the refrigerated trucks and the fake body bags?
so,is it your position that universities overreacted by closing down campuses and that athletic depts overreacted by locking out its athletes from the facilities?
I looked up the “doctor in the video”. He isn’t exactly considered reputable. He has been dismissed twice from his board twice for different reasons. Why are we listening to some of these so called experts who who may have no more expertise than posters on this board?
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I looked up the “doctor in the video”. He isn’t exactly considered reputable. He has been dismissed twice from his board twice for different reasons. Why are we listening to some of these so called experts who who may have no more expertise than posters on this board?
The guy has phenomenal credentials. This IS his field of expertise and he is foremost.
In public discussion of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, Wodarg gained notoriety as an interviewee where he presented his thesis that SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections, and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were "hype" caused by the selective perception of researchers.[4] He detailed his thesis in publications on his personal website.[5] Some put the numbers of casualties, infections and IC intake in Italy in 2020 in perspective to the Italian Flu-season of 2017/18 where approx 18,000 Italians died due to the flu.[6]
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The guy has phenomenal credentials. This IS his field of expertise and he is foremost.
In public discussion of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, Wodarg gained notoriety as an interviewee where he presented his thesis that SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections, and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were "hype" caused by the selective perception of researchers.[4] He detailed his thesis in publications on his personal website.[5] Some put the numbers of casualties, infections and IC intake in Italy in 2020 in perspective to the Italian Flu-season of 2017/18 where approx 18,000 Italians died due to the flu.[6]
You left this part out. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
"His comments on the COVID 19 pandemic caused criticism from German scientists. Various German media examined Wodarg's claims for accuracy and concluded that his statements would largely contradict the verifiable facts, some statements were neither refutable nor verifiable, but on closer examination proved to be misleading. It would mix up facts that had nothing to do with each other.[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]"

"Transparency International Germany, on whose board of directors Wodarg is on, distanced itself from his statements on 17 March 2020: "Transparency International Germany rejects the sweeping criticism of board member Dr Wolfgang Wodarg of the government measures to protect the population from the corona virus. (...) Wolfgang Wodarg is speaking on this matter as a private individual and not in his capacity as a member of the Management Board."[15][25] On March 25, 2020, the board decided to suspend his membership in the association "until further notice", which means that Wodarg can no longer exercise any functions on the board or as head of the health working group for the time being. The Board of Directors will commission an independent committee to look into Wodarg's statements about the Conora virus and to determine whether his behaviour has harmed the interests of Transparency International Germany."
Politics and money are very powerful. That does not detract from his expertise. It just means that they don't like him rocking the boat. Money corrupts everything.
Politics and money are very powerful. That does not detract from his expertise. It just means that they don't like him rocking the boat. Money corrupts everything.

That's hardly the only thing it might mean. It also might mean he's been proven to be a loon, or been corrupted himself.

I don't recall an ordinary respiratory illness season rocking US cities like this in the past. Do you?
The original estimates by the Imperial College study (of which Ferguson was part of) predicted a range of deaths under different scenarios, ranging from "doing nothing" to different levels of mitigation and suppression.

The 2.2 million dying was only the high estimate for the U.S. deaths, in a scenario where nothing was done. Thankfully most states and communities have acted and we won't be headed down that road.
Right, but the media picked up the high number and never looked at the quals Ferg put in.,,,,,thereby creating panic
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As I said, pick your poison. The "at some point" you mention is critical. No one in their right mind would wait a year, unless they hate us. First you mention May 1, and now you say it's a year? How did you get from here to there? Now that's a slippery slope!

If I were calling the shots, I'd be checking new infection rates on a week by week basis all across the country. I'd pick an infection rate ahead of time that could be manageable by tracking and isolating (can't be zero for obvious reasons), and then start things up again in the spots where new infections fall below that rate. If a hot spot flared up, it would have to go back to limited access again at that spot. I think that this is what the administration is doing right now. Those are just the standard best practices for public health administration. And make no mistake, this administration will NOT restart things any later than they have to, for obvious reasons. Ultimately, this requires widespread testing though, which we don't have yet. Without adequate testing, we're flying blind.

I know this is super-frustrating for people with their livelihood on the line, helplessly watching their businesses crumble brick by brick. Everyone would like a fixed date when things will begin to get back to normal. The economic situation gets worse day by day, week by week, and month by month. For some people, the date that prevents significant or even total damage has already come and gone. If I were forced to choose a date, given my limited understanding, I'd guess some time in late May to mid-June. But what the hell do I know? Hope I'm very pessimistic. Even then, the economic damage would take months or even years to recover.

Please know that everyone on this board is rooting for your ongoing success. We all thank you for your support of our team, and we would like nothing better than for all this mess to disappear tomorrow. Stay safe and happy.

I only put in a year because it is ridiculous. Below is a rational plan. Many states can start phase 2 by May 1, or sooner.

My business is very busy and fine. However, watching entire industries and small businesses decimated no matter what is in the Cares Act, is tough to watch. We need to get going soon. If places like FL and NY are still hot spots because people keep playing grab ass on the beach, then they'll have to stay shut.

By May 1, much will be available on meds to help Phase 3 of the below plan get going. We've got to get going or the hole will be too deep. The worst will be the airlines and hotels. Brick and mortar retail next. Restaurant capital stack will be wiped out, but new ones will emerge as the demand will be there first. The Oil guys are used to it, but will be tough for them too.
thom67, stop making sense. I for one, know that I'm happy my daughter/daughters are home with me and mom and not on a college campus. Where did 14hawk88 go? hopefully he took kwoodhawks advice and is setting everyone in the government right.
They also went from millions are going to die to less than 200k
Totally wrong. The estimate that between 100,000 and 220,000 would die was Fauci’s best case scenario. He said the worst case scenario is the range of 1.1 million to 2.2 million deaths. That is if we do nothing at all to stop it.
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I think Dr. Fauci and all these other "experts" should spend more time in the lab and less time on TV. Get your airtime when you stop the bleeding or create a vaccine (we have enough blowhard Politicians willing to stick their face in a camera at anytime, and they aren't doing anything constructive on any given day anyway).

The Nation already knows we're in deep shit, bring in some knee Surgeon who is on the shelf currently that can read a prepared statement on TV coming direct from a research facility/lab with real experts working on a vaccine.
I think Dr. Fauci and all these other "experts" should spend more time in the lab and less time on TV. Get your airtime when you stop the bleeding or create a vaccine (we have enough blowhard Politicians willing to stick their face in a camera at anytime, and they aren't doing anything constructive on any given day anyway).

The Nation already knows we're in deep shit, bring in some knee Surgeon who is on the shelf currently that can read a prepared statement on TV coming direct from a research facility/lab with real experts working on a vaccine.

Fauci, Brix, Pence, the Prez are doing visual "Fireside Chats" to comfort the public. They certainly have competent staff pounding on the details, as they should. Fauci is 79, he's got great staff, so he doesn't have to look thru a microscope.
Politics and money are very powerful. That does not detract from his expertise. It just means that they don't like him rocking the boat. Money corrupts everything.
Just because he has an audience, does not mean he is not a quack.
Right, but the media picked up the high number and never looked at the quals Ferg put in.,,,,,thereby creating panic
You left this part out. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
"His comments on the COVID 19 pandemic caused criticism from German scientists. Various German media examined Wodarg's claims for accuracy and concluded that his statements would largely contradict the verifiable facts, some statements were neither refutable nor verifiable, but on closer examination proved to be misleading. It would mix up facts that had nothing to do with each other.[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]"

"Transparency International Germany, on whose board of directors Wodarg is on, distanced itself from his statements on 17 March 2020: "Transparency International Germany rejects the sweeping criticism of board member Dr Wolfgang Wodarg of the government measures to protect the population from the corona virus. (...) Wolfgang Wodarg is speaking on this matter as a private individual and not in his capacity as a member of the Management Board."[15][25] On March 25, 2020, the board decided to suspend his membership in the association "until further notice", which means that Wodarg can no longer exercise any functions on the board or as head of the health working group for the time being. The Board of Directors will commission an independent committee to look into Wodarg's statements about the Conora virus and to determine whether his behaviour has harmed the interests of Transparency International Germany."
i think that the part left out show that Wolfgang is probably a quack who has an audience, not a real expert.
I only put in a year because it is ridiculous. Below is a rational plan. Many states can start phase 2 by May 1, or sooner.

My business is very busy and fine. However, watching entire industries and small businesses decimated no matter what is in the Cares Act, is tough to watch. We need to get going soon. If places like FL and NY are still hot spots because people keep playing grab ass on the beach, then they'll have to stay shut.

By May 1, much will be available on meds to help Phase 3 of the below plan get going. We've got to get going or the hole will be too deep. The worst will be the airlines and hotels. Brick and mortar retail next. Restaurant capital stack will be wiped out, but new ones will emerge as the demand will be there first. The Oil guys are used to it, but will be tough for them too.
Good to hear that you and your business are okay. I believe that it's Texas, Georgia, and Florida who are screwed because they played grab ass at the beach. I've heard that NY is screwed because the virus was there weeks before it was detected, made worse by sheer population density.

In Massachusetts we have a big spike coming on too, but the Governor announced a new contact tracing and isolation plan today that will be ongoing into next year for people found positive. This will be done by the same private agency who handles ebola and other serious outbreaks for many years around the globe They're based here is MA, and are as good at this as anybody in the world. It will be ambitious and intrusive, but it has to be done, and it will make the next wave much, much smaller. It also requires the massive testing. This is good public health and a good model for the rest of the country.
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I think Dr. Fauci and all these other "experts" should spend more time in the lab and less time on TV. Get your airtime when you stop the bleeding or create a vaccine (we have enough blowhard Politicians willing to stick their face in a camera at anytime, and they aren't doing anything constructive on any given day anyway).

The Nation already knows we're in deep shit, bring in some knee Surgeon who is on the shelf currently that can read a prepared statement on TV coming direct from a research facility/lab with real experts working on a vaccine.
Fauci and Birx just tell the truth. Leading infectious disease responses is what Fauci has done for 40 years for many administrations. His lab days were over some time ago. I would rather have a real expert tell us the truth.
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Fauci, Brix, Pence, the Prez are doing visual "Fireside Chats" to comfort the public. They certainly have competent staff pounding on the details, as they should. Fauci is 79, he's got great staff, so he doesn't have to look thru a microscope.

Fauci and Birx just tell the truth. Leading infectious disease responses is what Fauci has done for 40 years for many administrations. His lab days were over some time ago. I would rather have a real expert tell us the truth.

This. Why would we want a blow hard politician and zero expertise keeping us informed? What the heck?
thom67, stop making sense. I for one, know that I'm happy my daughter/daughters are home with me and mom and not on a college campus. Where did 14hawk88 go? hopefully he took kwoodhawks advice and is setting everyone in the government right.

Well, he is not getting enough done quick enough. Some real crazies out there.

A Railroad Train engineer in California ran his train off the tracks and thru barriers in an effort to hit the Navy Hospital Ship, USNS Mercy because he was suspicious of it's real purpose in Los Angeles.
This. Why would we want a blow hard politician and zero expertise keeping us informed? What the heck?
Informed of what exactly? The shit can kill you and there is no vaccine to date, and try to stay away from each other? Pretty sure you could handle that.
Informed of what exactly? The shit can kill you and there is no vaccine to date, and try to stay away from each other? Pretty sure you could handle that.

That would be wonderful if that wasn’t more than remotely what’s being discussed or what purpose they serve.
Instead of wasting your valuable time posting on a message board, you might want to contact someone who could follow your valuable information and make good use of it.

Your U.S. Congressmen and U.S. Senators need to hear from you. Your local Mayor, State govenor and other local elected officials also.

Seems they all have been wasting their time and energy not to mention taxpayers money without your valuable guidance.

They have sent two 1,000 bed Hospital Ships to major Metro areas needlessly. The Pentagon has ordered 100,000 body bags. Heck, NYC. is actually converting Convention centers to emergency hospital areas not to mention the hospital tents set up in Central Park. And all of those damn expensive refrigerated trucks for storing bodies that won't be needed once you set everybody straight. Don't forget to get The President and Vice President to cancel the orders for alll of those unneeded ventilaltors they have mistakenly requisitioned with that Defense Act thingy..

Go ahead and get to work. We'll be fine her without you while you save the Country.

We'll manage somehow. We will be waiting breathlessly.

Then of course there is Italy, France, Spain and on and on.

Edit: Forgot, but when you get some time could you look into who is making death threats against Dr. Fauci. They have had to increase his security detail and that costs the taxpayers money too. A lot of crazies out there.

Yes, they have likely sent 1,000 bed hospital ships and ordered 100,000 body bags needlessly, if that actually happened. You didn’t cite a source for those claims.

I live in one of the country’s largest metropolitan areas and work in construction for a major health care provider. I’ve spent much of the last three weeks managing the logistics of tent and mobile decon trailer setups in the parking lots of medical centers that aren’t full in anticipation of the coronamageddon that should be starting any day now. If I were a betting man I would bet that the tents and decon trailers have been deployed needlessly, but we’ll find out soon enough.
  • Like
Reactions: pmow38 they have needlessly fired up the Crematoriums in NYC and are scheduled to send the overflow to upstate facilities when they get overwhelmed with this "just the flu" virus panic response. And they are running those Crematoriums around the clock now they say.

Have you found out yet why they are faking all this stuff? All those fake bodies going into the refrigerated trucks and the fake body bags?

I never said it was fake. I just checked the Johns Hopkins coronapocalypse 2020 webpage and New York State has had 2,935 deaths. Almost half of the nationwide total which is just a little over 7,000. I just don’t think that that is a good reason to tell the 39.5 million people in California, for example, to lock themselves in their houses for weeks, possibly months, on end when there have only been 270 deaths in California.
That's hardly the only thing it might mean. It also might mean he's been proven to be a loon, or been corrupted himself.

I don't recall an ordinary respiratory illness season rocking US cities like this in the past. Do you?

There were 80,000 flue deaths in the 2017-2018 flu season. You don’t recall that because it wasn’t turned into 24 hour a day panic porn on cable news and social media until it whipped the entire country into a hysterical frenzy.
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This will be the main talking point of everybody that refuses to accept that they were caught in a mass panic over the flu and locked themselves in their houses and shut the whole country down for basically no reason.

Edit to include a link to an interesting read

If you are correct advocating to close the doors on the barn after the cows have gotten out is just silly.

If you are wrong then everyone telling you to stick to the facts as the experts see them as opposed to how you see them is justified.

Thank you for building temporary hospitals despite your reservations. Enjoy the paycheck while many industries worry about the lack of one.
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Dudes, his name says it all... you are being trolled.

I wore that jersey! Lol
There were 80,000 flue deaths in the 2017-2018 flu season. You don’t recall that because it wasn’t turned into 24 hour a day panic porn on cable news and social media until it whipped the entire country into a hysterical frenzy.
The deaths this year are predicted to be over a million if the so called panic had not occurred. Also this epidemic only began 1 month ago in the US. It got a late start. Had it started last oct/nov, it could have been much worse.
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14Troll88 we get it, you have all the answers. And just so I don’t keep wasting all of your valuable time (you should be talking to people wayyyy more important) I’m going to put you on ignore. And don’t forget to give The Holiday Inn Express you’re staying at some of the credit, they’ll hate you for it but that’s just bc they’re behind like everyone else.
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