well, that didn't age well

It amazes me how much people take the crap politicians say to heart. How does anyone believe anything they say. All they say are the things people want to hear. There is no follow through on 3/4 of the crap they spew out.
I understand that point of view when you are a Trump supporter (the guy lies more than he speaks the truth) but for us that aren't, we look at politicians actions to determine if what they are saying is something they believe and work to action.
I wonder why any American would be in Russia or travel there? They should realize Russia will continue capturing innocent Americans to use for future trade bait to get their spies/assassins released.

Any American, traveling to Russia, should be required to sign something saying that if, while in Russia, charged with a frivolous crime and imprisoned, the US will not negotiate with a terrorist state for their release. A responsible family member should be required to sign also.

Brittany Griner did not need to be there, Anyone working there should have exited any businesses there. Other than embassy employees, what Americans “need” to be in Russia?

Maybe I’m being too simplistic - but I could not imagine traveling there for any reason. I believe they will start planting small amounts of drugs on innocent US citizens traveling there to obtain more hostages.

I believe one of the people we got back was a dual citizen who was trying to visit family.
I wonder why Putin is helping out Biden and Harris at this time?
good one...something is afoot
It’s called a “sign-off”. And they aren’t followed by a period.

It's done either way and they are at the end of a sentence.

That you are reduced to this level of argument is satisfaction enough.

Carry on with your foolishness.
It's done either way and they are at the end of a sentence.

That you are reduced to this level of argument is satisfaction enough.

Carry on with your foolishness.
You’re wrong twice in that post too. But you’ve got one thing right, enough with the foolishness. Maybe you can pen me another intellectual one-liner? “The only bastion of the defeated” was so pathetic it was almost cute. Pretty entertaining, actually. I’d compare it to the time I watched a midget compete in a dunk contest, except that was staged.
You’re wrong twice in that post too. But you’ve got one thing right, enough with the foolishness. Maybe you can pen me another intellectual one-liner? “The only bastion of the defeated” was so pathetic it was almost cute. Pretty entertaining, actually. I’d compare it to the time I watched a midget compete in a dunk contest, except that was staged.
Wow - you type a lot of words that only result in demonstrating that you're even more of a dumbass than previously thought.

Carry on. Very entertaining.
Wow - you type a lot of words that only result in demonstrating that you're even more of a dumbass than previously thought.

Carry on. Very entertaining.

Hey, “dumbass” was my insult to you. I’d expect an astute cultivator of the English language like yourself would be a little more thoughtful and original.
Hey, “dumbass” was my insult to you. I’d expect an astute cultivator of the English language like yourself would be a little more thoughtful and original.
That was obvious and a clear demonstration of your lack of wit. Carry on proving my point.
So asking NATO members to pay their “dues” is destabilizing them??
BTW they are coming into line - after years of no one shedding light on to their sitting on their rumps while Uncle Sugar carries the load. Through Administrations of both political parties in the US.
Bringing up pulling out of NATO and saying that he wouldn't defend allies that don't pay up and saying "I would tell (the Russians) to do whatever the hell they want" absolutely does destabilize NATO....does that really need to be explained? Generally kissing Putin's ass and saying he trusts Putin over our own intelligence as far as the Russian election interference he gladly accepted is about as pathetic as it gets and had to worry our allies immensely.

Reagan was rolling over in his grave with that garbage. Trump was and is Putin's little bitch, just congratulated him on prisoner deal
We give foreign aid money to various NATO members (some, not all), which they then use to buy military and related gear from Lockheed, Boeing and other American elements of the military industrial security complex.

Those nations can then count the money they got from us and spent here as part of the 2% of GDP they are supposed to spend on defense per NATO rules.

It's a pretty nice racket . . . if you're part of the US MIC.
Idolizes Putin?
I’m no fan of Trumpy Poo - but idolize? Seriously?
What part of critical thinking did YOU use to arrive at that conclusion?

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