We've seen this movie before.


HB Legend
Nov 27, 2004
When the least is expected the Captain delivers. This is starting to feel like one of those years we might have an incredible unexpected season.
The great thing is I had no expectations for this season so winning will be great,, it won't be the end of the world.

That doesn't mean I don't expect people to be held accountable though. It's obvious that Kirk felt the pressure over the offseason and spent a lot of time and effort trying to make the changes necessary to turn the train around. He's off to a good start, but there's still a lot of season to play.
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In the years Kirk's Iowa teams have defeated Iowa State by 10 or more points, they averaged 8.8 wins a season. Eight or more would exceed what I was expecting. I thought getting to .500 would be a tall order . . .

Heck, maybe we run the table and win the national title and Kirk rides off into the sunset. Best of both worlds, if we nail the new hire.
When the least is expected the Captain delivers. This is starting to feel like one of those years we might have an incredible unexpected season.

You may be right. I think it's a sign of a bad coach when he delivers the opposite of expectations. I can't think of any other program where that talent would be considered a resume builder.

Having said that, the last time the Hawkeyes had a double digit win season was 2009. That's a pretty long lull for a guy paid like he has won national titles. Beathard is making it clear the Captain wasted an entire season last year just to prove his contract allows him to be as stubborn as he likes.
You may be right. I think it's a sign of a bad coach when he delivers the opposite of expectations. I can't think of any other program where that talent would be considered a resume builder.

Having said that, the last time the Hawkeyes had a double digit win season was 2009. That's a pretty long lull for a guy paid like he has won national titles. Beathard is making it clear the Captain wasted an entire season last year just to prove his contract allows him to be as stubborn as he likes.
There is no chance that CJ was not ready to be the starting QB in his sophomore season!

Ferentz did not care about wins vs losses last year. He only wanted to show us all that he is in a position to follow through with his original decisions knowing full well that changes should be made.

I do not believe any of the above is the case.

Go Hawks!
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You may be right. I think it's a sign of a bad coach when he delivers the opposite of expectations. I can't think of any other program where that talent would be considered a resume builder.

Having said that, the last time the Hawkeyes had a double digit win season was 2009. That's a pretty long lull for a guy paid like he has won national titles. Beathard is making it clear the Captain wasted an entire season last year just to prove his contract allows him to be as stubborn as he likes.

This is so true. KF lost the 2008 game at Pitt for the same reason. Stanzi played better in the game yet he let JC play at the end to prove he was in charge.

It's time to move on but I still harbor ill will for him letting his arrogance and stubbornness affect certain seasons.
What the hell do you propose then? Let the posters decide who plays QB? Of course KF makes the major decisions...somebody has to. Some of them are wrong. Some of them are right.

I'd like to see the yahoos that are ripping Ferentz post-game stand on that sideline and make these decisions, since they are so painfully obvious to you how easy they are to make.

ANYBODY here posting on this board, if they are the head coach, leads Iowa to a 0-12 record. Every damn one of them.
This is so true. KF lost the 2008 game at Pitt for the same reason. Stanzi played better in the game yet he let JC play at the end to prove he was in charge.

It's time to move on but I still harbor ill will for him letting his arrogance and stubbornness affect certain seasons.

No, Stanzi went against orders at the end of the first half and sat the 2nd half of the Pitt game because of it. That's on stanzi.
Really? On Stanzi? I thought, and KF has repeated ad nauseum, that he plays the guy "who gives us the best chance to win." So I guess that was JC in KF's professional opinion. LOL
No, Stanzi went against orders at the end of the first half and sat the 2nd half of the Pitt game because of it. That's on stanzi.

Yep, if you have a instinct to win and follow it you need to be punished, even if it costs the Hawkeyes the game. Just ask CJ when he spoke out of turn last year or ran it in for a TD rather than take a knee. It says a lot when your boss gets mad at you for scoring a TD.
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