What’s the longest you’ve gone without eating?

There is also an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, if you want to educate yourself.
Yes I'm aware of caloric restriction and its benefits. I'm arguing more about the messenger than the general message. I don't get endocrinology advice from a guy who practices quack medicine, if that.
Normally? If so, please get your blood sugar checked.
I've kept track since I responded in this thread and I'm at 4 since. I've also had 3 liters of Ice Mountain and 2 large glasses of water with lunch today.
I've kept track since I responded in this thread and I'm at 4 since. I've also had 3 liters of Ice Mountain and 2 large glasses of water with lunch today.
You might want to be careful of your electrolytes. People have died of water intoxication.
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About 3 days.

Last September, I effectively did not eat more than one thousand calories per day. There were several instances where I probably ate 1k every two days...very busy at work during all this.

Stomach issues were the original culprit, and after those cleared, the appetite simply did not return until December. I lost a LOT of weight in 3 months. I would have days where I'd weigh myself, then the next day I was 5 pounds lighter.

I would not recommend this as a was quite low. And I wouldn't exactly state my appetite has ever truly returned. I leveled off in December as far as weight loss, and weigh today what I weighed then - and feel overall a lot body adjusted.
Yes I'm aware of caloric restriction and its benefits. I'm arguing more about the messenger than the general message. I don't get endocrinology advice from a guy who practices quack medicine, if that.
Not just calorie restriction, but fasting and time restricted eating. I don't have access to the whole article but here is the introduction. I'm interested to get your thoughts though.

There was a Japanese doctor that won a Nobel prize for Autophagy about 4 or 5 years ago. This is an evolving science.

"Evidence is accumulating that eating in a 6-hour period and fasting for 18 hours can trigger a metabolic switch from glucose-based to ketone-based energy, with increased stress resistance, increased longevity, and a decreased incidence of diseases, including cancer and obesity." - New England Journal of Medicine

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Not just calorie restriction, but fasting and time restricted eating. I don't have access to the whole article but here is the introduction. I'm interested to get your thoughts though.

There was a Japanese doctor that won a Nobel prize for Autophagy about 4 or 5 years ago. This is an evolving science.

"Evidence is accumulating that eating in a 6-hour period and fasting for 18 hours can trigger a metabolic switch from glucose-based to ketone-based energy, with increased stress resistance, increased longevity, and a decreased incidence of diseases, including cancer and obesity." - New England Journal of Medicine

I think there is merit in intermittent fasting and autophagy is a real thing. We see that in stem cell cultures all the time. I'm not against what you've proposed. My only concern is that unmonitored fasting or caloric restriction in undiagnosed diabetics or people with hypertension etc can lead to death. These can include things like arrhythmias which cannot be reversed due to electrolyte loss and water intoxication to ketoacidosis. If people get a baseline and then do it under some form of medical supervision, I think there are numerous benefits. For those who cannot or do not wish to fast, even caloric restriction has numerous benefits.
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Yes I'm aware of caloric restriction and its benefits. I'm arguing more about the messenger than the general message. I don't get endocrinology advice from a guy who practices quack medicine, if that.
Listen man, some people research and educate themselves on areas they are interested in, keeping up to date well more than MDs, who don’t know what peptides are.
Minus the double prep colonoscopy / endoscopy last year, two days after one of my vertigo bouts as mentioned in another thread. I vomited myself silly, and just couldn't eat for 48 hours. One time about 30 hours when a buddy and I drove from San Francisco back to IC after hiking out West, and visiting his sister in grad school at UCSF. Minus a Dr. Pepper or two, and a bag of Funyons we just drove.
Intentionally, I believe it was 3 days. When I was a kid I did a three week Outward Bound programs along the Rio Grande. That included a 3 day solo w/o food after hiking through Big Bend. It was not fun.

Unintentionally - I got a wicked bad bug while in Colombia and didn't eat for 5 days and then barely ate for another 5 days. Again, not fun.
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I only ate the days when I weighed in during high school wrestling. The old days.
Listen man, some people research and educate themselves on areas they are interested in, keeping up to date well more than MDs, who don’t know what peptides are.
Do what you want. I had a friend who did fasting and wound up in the er with hardly any potassium in his body. The staff told him he was a few hours from death. Go nuts.
Do what you want. I had a friend who did fasting and wound up in the er with hardly any potassium in his body. The staff told him he was a few hours from death. Go nuts.
I started with IF, pushed it to 36 hours. I was saying just because the guy is a chiropractor doesn’t make him wrong. He should have given warnings however.
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I did the lemon cleanse twice in the early 2000's. I lasted 12 days the first time and 11 days the 2nd time. IT consisted of drinking lemon water with a teaspoon of maple syrup all day then a salt water flush at the end of the day that would just run out of you and clear out the most heinous stuff you could think of.

It was awful and I don't recommend it. I lost around 25 lbs both times. I would leave the house when TBW was eating because it was unbearable to smell food. Then as I'm walking through the neighborhood I could smell everyone's dinner. It was pure torture. To come off it you had to eat plain lettuce and greens for a few days so it didn't shock your system.

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