What’s your favorite SNL skit?

It’s really hard to narrow it down to just one. There are probably close to a hundred over the years that might be my favorite on any given day.

One that I think is very underrated is Louis CK as Abraham Lincoln. It was genius on multiple levels. I can’t find a copy that I can embed, but here’s a link:

“Maybe one of them did it”

Other favorites off the top of my head (I’ll add some links later):

Peyton Manning United Way
William Shatner Star Trek convention
The Sinatra Group
Men’s Synchronized Swimming
Of all time? That’s tough as there’s a lot of really good ones but none that approach the true greatness of Key and Peele, I think you should leave or Chappelle show.

For those I prefer the more complex skits, meanwhile SNL seldom gets nuanced or complex right. That‘s why to me their funniest are short one note things like Astronaut Jones. Where it’s just an elaborate setup and full length intro and outro music sandwiching just a short segment of “LET ME SEE DEM SPACE TITTIES”.