What are the most surprising things you have found while traveling?

Can confirm.

Definitely a "wtf" problem. Most germans still hang their clothes to dry because the dryers suck. I think it has to do with most houses not having an outside vent. The dryers vent out the bottom and not outside like the ones in the states. Weird.
They put their clothes outside to dry because it’s free, uses less energy and isless harsh on their clothes.
Saw surprisingly more ice in England recently, but generally yes, ice is rare. Draft beer is cold though unless it's the ales at cellar temperature.

Drove in Ireland some, roundabouts and driving on the left side in general got very interesting, but ok so long as I was following traffic. The worst part was some VERY tight roads, sometimes about a car and a half wide, with tour buses and big trucks flying around corners. I'm amazed I didn't wreck. Never drove in Germany, at least it's the right side, but the motorways in general and the no speed limit sections of the autobahn there is next level.

Saw surprisingly more ice in England recently, but generally yes, ice is rare. Draft beer is cold though unless it's the ales at cellar temperature.

Airports are airports, nothing fancy IMO. Drives me crazy that they don't announce gates at Heathrow until an hour before the flight, and when they did it was a full 20 min walk, escalators but no moving walkways or trams, and my flight was already boarding by the time I got there.

Air conditioning is rare to non-existent as well, and what's there doesn't work nearly as well as in the US.

Drove in Ireland some, roundabouts and driving on the left side in general got very interesting, but ok so long as I was following traffic. The worst part was some VERY tight roads, sometimes about a car and a half wide, with tour buses and big trucks flying around corners. I'm amazed I didn't wreck. Never drove in Germany, at least it's the right side, but the motorways in general and the no speed limit sections of the autobahn there is next level.

Will always remember the first night on our honeymoon in Italy drinking warm whiskey and warm coke with the locals very deep into the wee hours.

Several of the major rail stations also wait until sometimes only 30 mins to announce the departure platform. Not as long of a walk as a big airport of course, but still too quick for comfort especially with kids in tow.

I do like the wall-mounted AC units many places have. My friend just added one here during a home reno, and his HVAC guy told him in 10 years they’d be everywhere here.

My scariest driving experience was renting a car from a place in downtown Prague and trying to navigate out into the countryside. They use right side of road but nothing else makes sense and it was bumper to bumper. I hate feeling like we’re in the way or holding things up when traveling so I was white knuckling it for a solid 45 minutes.

Anyway, all good mems right?
Will always remember the first night on our honeymoon in Italy drinking warm whiskey and warm coke with the locals very deep into the wee hours.

Several of the major rail stations also wait until sometimes only 30 mins to announce the departure platform. Not as long of a walk as a big airport of course, but still too quick for comfort especially with kids in tow.

I do like the wall-mounted AC units many places have. My friend just added one here during a home reno, and his HVAC guy told him in 10 years they’d be everywhere here.

My scariest driving experience was renting a car from a place in downtown Prague and trying to navigate out into the countryside. They use right side of road but nothing else makes sense and it was bumper to bumper. I hate feeling like we’re in the way or holding things up when traveling so I was white knuckling it for a solid 45 minutes.

Anyway, all good mems right?
I too didn’t love how long they would wait to post your platform number at the train station. We had two elderly people with us and a shit ton of luggage when changing cities. Quite an experience. The wall unit ac was interesting. I like the idea of spot cooling a room but not sure how efficient if needing to cool the whole house and running all of them.
I like the no tipping culture in most EU countries.

Big smoking culture though at outdoor cafes, kinda sucks to sit down next to someone who is smoking even outdoors.

The airports are freaking packed with crappy sitting areas.

Someone mentioned CDG airport above I’ve been through there and Amsterdam several times And I would choose Amsterdam over CDG simply due to the transit time through CDG between international and domestic connections, what a night mare that airport is.

The train system in Italy is simply amazing. High speed rail between all major cities. The Roundabouts in France are awesome and keep traffic moving. The US could learn a lot from EU in terms of efficiency.

The biking culture in Amsterdam is awesome and a really cool way to get around.

While most major cities people speak English, if you get off the beaten path you will quickly run into people who don’t speak English which makes for an enjoyable experience to try to figure it out. The people where nice and accommodating.

All translations between languages from one country to another seem to come back to English when they can’t understand each other. I witnessed this many times.

The best fast burger I’ve ever had was in Brazil. And best restaurant burger was at a restaurant in São Paulo airport. The beef in Brazil is pretty outstanding.

Mayo and fries is the way to go. Fricken ketchup sucks anyway.

England and London has some really outstanding Indian food restaurants.
I applaud everything you said here except don't take away my ketchup! Don't tell all these people about the Indian food in London. They all suck people. Don't go. Please.
Will always remember the first night on our honeymoon in Italy drinking warm whiskey and warm coke with the locals very deep into the wee hours.

Several of the major rail stations also wait until sometimes only 30 mins to announce the departure platform. Not as long of a walk as a big airport of course, but still too quick for comfort especially with kids in tow.

I do like the wall-mounted AC units many places have. My friend just added one here during a home reno, and his HVAC guy told him in 10 years they’d be everywhere here.

My scariest driving experience was renting a car from a place in downtown Prague and trying to navigate out into the countryside. They use right side of road but nothing else makes sense and it was bumper to bumper. I hate feeling like we’re in the way or holding things up when traveling so I was white knuckling it for a solid 45 minutes.

Anyway, all good mems right?
I do like the wall-mounted AC units many places have. My friend just added one here during a home reno, and his HVAC guy told him in 10 years they’d be everywhere here.

Those things suck. They leak all the damn time. Ruin your walls and flooring.
Our military per-diem covered the Australian steaks, 3 meals a day if we wanted, very cheap compared to other countries we were in. A big surprise.

You must not have been in Sydney. SUPER expensive when I was there in college. We ate a lot of kangaroo which is basically garbage meat in their grocery stores but it was at least reasonably priced.
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I thought the motorcycle drivers in Paris were nuts…..then this week I have spent a week in the DR! Holy shit!! I was told the DR leads the world in highway fatalities per capita by a long-wats….I can believe it! Older, narrow roads, lots of motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic, passing on yellow lines and mostly passing on the right… just nuts!
Went to a baseball game the other night in Santiago… the crowd and the noise reminded me more of an arena football game crowd… bands in the stands, loud PA announcer, folks dancing in the aisles all the time and really a high quality of baseball, too. Things are really “cheap” down here..and the cities have people everywhere. Been an interesting week…
Fatalities worse than Jamaica? They are crazy there too. I don't recall a lot of crazy drivers in the DR when we have been there but I also haven't gone to Santiago. Or really done much off resort.
Fatalities worse than Jamaica? They are crazy there too. I don't recall a lot of crazy drivers in the DR when we have been there but I also haven't gone to Santiago. Or really done much off resort.
It’s a whole new world out there “outside” the resort!
My S-I-L lost two employees inside of a week about 1 mile from his factory in LaVega a couple of weeks ago in 2 separate accidents. Traffic is nuts.
You must not have been in Sydney. SUPER expensive when I was there in college. We ate a lot of kangaroo which is basically garbage meat in their grocery stores but it was at least reasonably priced.
Perth, 9-1966, many Americans owned cattle ranches, John Wayne for one, and beef was plentiful.
Germans eat like bosses every fooking meal. Typical breakfast when we were there included a variety of breads, pretzels, cheeses and spreads. A meal like that typically gets me through the entire day.

Having to shite into a hole in the floor when I was in China for business was a shocker, but I got it done. We were at a restaurant that served some of the best spicy food I have ever had. I normally check the facilities ahead of time. I didn't this time.

In every country I have been to outside the U.S., the people are more active, fit, spend more time outside and use a lot of public transportation to get around with great systems in place.

Had some very interesting traffic experiences in Germany and China. Nothing quite like being on the Autobahn going 130 mph knowing if a tire blows, you're getting shoveled into a coffin. First time I was in China, our driver blew through a light going 60 mph. Our interpreter turned around and looked at us and said "stop lights for recommendation only".
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One thing that is difficult to adjust to is how late they go out to eat; found it to be the case in Central America, Greece, and Italy. A lot of places didn't even open for dinner until 6, and they were mostly empty at that time, but they are packed from 8 until midnight.
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