What Important Issues Are Not Getting Enough Attention?

Nov 28, 2010
All day long it's the Economy, and Abortion, and Immigrants, and the Ukraine War. Most of the rest is attacks and counter-attacks.

What issues would you like more attention and real policy debates on?

Unsurprisingly, my top pick for important issue that needs much more coverage and serious policies is CLIMATE CHANGE.

I have others, but I'll kick off the discussion with that one. What tops your list?
At least after Kamala's latest interview, we know that her specific policy to combat inflation is her growing up in a middle class neighborhood where people cared about their lawns.

All day long it's the Economy, and Abortion, and Immigrants, and the Ukraine War. Most of the rest is attacks and counter-attacks.

What issues would you like more attention and real policy debates on?

Unsurprisingly, my top pick for important issue that needs much more coverage and serious policies is CLIMATE CHANGE.

I have others, but I'll kick off the discussion with that one. What tops your list?
I have been fortunate to have traveled internationally. I am surprised how many countries are all in on climate change. They recognize the rising heat and unstable weather. We are so far behind them and sadly it might be too late.
I have been fortunate to have traveled internationally. I am surprised how many countries are all in on climate change. They recognize the rising heat and unstable weather. We are so far behind them and sadly it might be too late.
Which countries do you see that are all in? I’m not arguing, just wondering. EU countries I would presume.
Another top issue for me is ACCOUNTABILITY. This impacts the budget and spending concerns others have raised because a key component of accountability is making sure we GET WHAT WE'RE PAYING FOR.

I don't want to spend half the budget policing the other half of the budget - although I can imagine how happy that would make Big Accounting - but we definitely need to audit the spending and other activities of our agencies, and there needs to be teeth in those audits to punish those who are failing us.
I have been fortunate to have traveled internationally. I am surprised how many countries are all in on climate change. They recognize the rising heat and unstable weather. We are so far behind them and sadly it might be too late.
Congrats for being one of the last holdouts who still believes the climate BS.😄
It’s amazing how so many of us know that the national debt should be on the top of the list of things to be discussed yet we hear virtually nothing about it. Unfortunately, no one in Washington cares. Climate change is another one but at least one party seems to care about the environment.
I have been fortunate to have traveled internationally. I am surprised how many countries are all in on climate change. They recognize the rising heat and unstable weather. We are so far behind them and sadly it might be too late.

I did a couple weeks of international travel this summer as well. Curious what you saw that makes you feel we are so far behind? Not disagreeing with you but curious as outside of europes train and public transportation, I didn’t really notice anything.
Why are the Iowa city schools still in the same division as the Iowa Suburban schools? Obvious different playing fields, the 40% free and reduced lunch isn't near the equalizer. A lot of cost to take our 40 kids to/from Sioux City to play Dowling and get beat by 60. Couldn't we just driver across town and get beat by Sgt Bluff by 35?
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Not so amazing,.. Addressing the debt doesn't generate votes,.. Free stuff generates votes.

True. However, this voters ears would perk up if someone, anyone would start talking about the biggest crisis this country faces. Someone mentioned brics. Want to solve the brics problem? Focus on our debt.
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True. However, this voters ears would perk up if someone, anyone would start talking about the biggest crisis this country faces. Someone mentioned brics. Want to solve the brics problem? Focus on our debt.

My ears as well,.. Problem is that a majority of American voters don't even pay income taxes, so when the conversation turns towards addressing the national debt they don't care, since they know that they won't be on the hook for it anyway...
At least after Kamala's latest interview, we know that her specific policy to combat inflation is her growing up in a middle class neighborhood where people cared about their lawns.

I agree she didn't answer the question. On the same note Trump had several times to answer questions posed to him and all he did was deflect and go on a slant of how bad things were in the USA and calling Kamala names. I was looking for answers and came away with none.
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Which countries do you see that are all in? I’m not arguing, just wondering. EU countries I would presume.
I'm not sure any major nation is all in, but some are certainly closer than others.

We, of course, are historically the worst and still the worst per capita, and (afaik) it isn't even close.

China has taken the lead as worst current polluter. I don't know where they stand per capita, but I imagine nations like the UK and Germany are still much worse.

Meanwhile, India is playing catch-up. I don't know when they will pass us, but they surely will. 1.4 billion people and lots of coal plants. I wonder why they aren't investing heavily in nuclear (or are they)?

Of course we are the main reason why the world is much worse of than it could be. We failed to lead. In fact, we actively hindered the efforts of other major nations. Recall our non-participation in Kyoto and Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Accords. But even when we weren't the obvious bad guys, we worked hard behind the scenes to water down (and make voluntary) the progress other nations were trying to make.

Finally, while we are no longer #1, we sort of still are. Much of the reason why China moved ahead of us was because we exported a bunch of energy-intensive manufacturing to China and others. If we're still buying all those cars and phones and TVs, aren't we still responsible for the climate impact?
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I agree she didn't answer the question. On the same note Trump had several times to answer questions posed to him and all he did was deflect and go on a slant of how bad things were in the USA and calling Kamala names. I was looking for answers and came away with none.
"Do you want Ukraine to win?" for example.