What JBo, Connor & Mike Hlas said Tues Feb 9 about Bo Boroski & Paul Szelc & "insane foul calls"

From the Gazette:

Connor and Jordan Bohannon had some things to say Tuesday about officiating they didn’t particularly care for in Sunday’s 67-65 loss at Indiana and in certain other recent games.

Connor was asked Tuesday if he has to play differently based on who is officiating the game.

The question came in the wake of Iowa’s 67-65 loss at Indiana on Sunday in which star center Luka Garza picked up two early fouls, and in which Fran McCaffery was called for a controversial technical foul.

“For me,” Connor McCaffery said, “there’s one guy in particular that we’ve had in a couple of these games where I feel we haven’t had some things go our way. And I know pretty much everyone else feels the same way. I don’t want to say any names.”

Bo Boroski officiated Iowa’s last two games, three days apart. The only other ref who has worked two of the Hawkeyes’ last four games is Paul Szelc, those being the Jan. 21 game at Illinois and Sunday at Indiana.

“There were some just insane foul calls going back to the Illinois game (Jan. 21), ridiculous foul calls and non-foul calls in Ohio State (Feb. 4 at Iowa),” Connor McCaffery said. “I didn’t think Ohio State was nearly as bad with the refs at all, for the record.

“The Indiana game was pretty nuts in my opinion. ... We put ourselves in a position to win, a lot of things could have still gone our way. But I think with maybe a different ref on a crew that you probably see a different outcome.

“I will say the technical foul (on Fran McCaffery Sunday after Connor McCaffery got called for a foul with 10:16 left in the first half) is ridiculous. That is what I’ll say to defend my dad. That was one of the more-insane technicals I’ve ever seen. It was a horrible call. It was a charge. The kid pushed me down, I’ll say that. It was a charge.

“But to then turn around and call a technical when he didn’t swear, he didn’t run out on the court. … It was an awful technical foul call.”

Fran McCaffery said “You gotta be kidding me!” If he said anything worse, it wasn’t audible from the front row of the Assembly Hall media area that was close enough to the Hawkeyes’ sideline to hear him.

“I think that’s something that probably goes back a couple games,” Connor McCaffery said. “Refs aren’t supposed to do that. They’re supposed to have short-term memory.”

Bohannon said “I think there’s definitely some background bias with some refs with Coach McCaffery. Coach McCaffery literally said ‘Are you kidding me?’ and he gets ‘T’d up for that.

“That’s what you’re getting ‘T’d up for now? I don’t want to see what basketball’s going to be like in a couple years if that’s the case.”

The full story:

The technical on Fran is one of many reasons I don't respect Bo or a lot of other B1G Ten officials, because the histrionics they allow guys like Izzo to get away with is beyond ridiculous.

If Bo Boroski is doing an Iowa game, I often turn the channel. That's how low I think of that fuggin idiot.
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Thanks just signed Iowa’s death warrant with the officials for the rest of the season.

So not much change moving forward?

Have you ever watched Izzo? Or for that matter, 90% of the other coaches in college? McCaffery is tame compared to most. Yes he may throw a few F bombs around but I guarantee he isn't in the minority there.

You watch some of these other guys, Izzo in particular, who schmooze the officials all season and every game, then they go after the officials with nothing happening. They’re not going to give their ole buddy Tom a tech. He’s earned the right to be a jack ass because he’s won national championships.

To pretend it’s a level playing field is a joke in and of itself. Yet we wonder why some coaches are hot heads or fly off the handle sometimes.
So not much change moving forward?

You watch some of these other guys, Izzo in particular, who schmooze the officials all season and every game, then they go after the officials with nothing happening. They’re not going to give their ole buddy Tom a tech. He’s earned the right to be a jack ass because he’s won national championships.

To pretend it’s a level playing field is a joke in and of itself. Yet we wonder why some coaches are hot heads or fly off the handle sometimes.
Izzo is a friggin joke. All he does is whine on every call. He is worse than coach K at Duke and i didn't think that was possible.
I forget the whole story but wasn't Teddy V banned from doing Iowa games at the request of Iowa?

And Teddy V is no longer is contracted with the B1G, correct? And that was because of bias & horrible officiating.

Why can't the same be done w/ Bo?

Great point and I thought the same thing after the IU game. It might be time. The Iowa video guys could provide ample video evidence on why that joke of an official should not be anywhere near a Hawkeye team while Fran is on the sidelines.
Iowa gets no worse officiating than any other team. Point of view. Trent Frazier got a T against Indiana after he hit a three in front of the Indiana bench and said “Cash” as the ball went through.

Opponents just hang on Kofi and he doesn’t get the call because he’s big, I guess.

Most players don’t whine about the refs after the game. Not sure that’s a good strategy to get better calls.
Iowa gets no worse officiating than any other team. Point of view. Trent Frazier got a T against Indiana after he hit a three in front of the Indiana bench and said “Cash” as the ball went through.

Opponents just hang on Kofi and he doesn’t get the call because he’s big, I guess.

Most players don’t whine about the refs after the game. Not sure that’s a good strategy to get better calls.

How did you feel about Underwood’s tirade on officiating in the B1G earlier this year after the loss to Rutger’s? Good or bad strategy to get better calls?
Few talk about style of play and how that impacts fouls. Generally the more aggressive team going to the basket draws more fouls. In the last game, that was Indiana much of the latter part of the first half. Coming out of the locker room, it seemed clear the Hawks were taking it to the hoop harder and bamm!, they were in the bonus early in the 2nd half. White made a career of scoring by dunking on fast breaks and then ~1/3 of his points came at the free throw line because he put his head down and went to the hole. Beyond a few players, that is not the core or strength of this year's Iowa offense.

Garza's style creates, and at times initiates the contact. Could more fouls be called on the defense? Sure, but in the first Indiana game the thing they did effectively was surprise him with where the weak side double team came from. When he is on the block, his deliberate style with multiple pump fakes draws lots of contact and called fouls. Yet he creates contact at times by bringing the ball up through the defender which isn't always a defensive foul, even though the contact "looks like a mugging". He is very adept at using his left elbow to hook the opposing player when he goes baseline and I almost never see that called (he is really good at it as it is a baby hook he keeps in tight, rather than the full arm wrap I saw Nunge do in the 2nd Indiana game on the other baseline that was called on the defense as they hipped into him). He uses his size to bounce defenders back which by definition is a displacement foul, but I don't remember seeing that called on him yet in any of the games I have watched. He shoots from outside, but is almost never a threat to take someone off the dribble. I about fell over when he pumped faked the outside shot and put the ball on the floor to the hole in the second Indiana game from the left elbow and actually drew a called foul. I think the defender thought the scouting report that Garza wouldn't drive let him down as he seemed shocked. My point being I think foul differences are less bias and more related to style of play than what we fans might think.
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CMac has cried about everything foul he has ever been called for. Adjust your game to the game being called and STFU.

Cmac might whine a bit on many fouls but he definitely hasn't cried about every foul. Do you not remember how many times he has stopped a fast break and raised his hand like many of us were taught to do in junior high? Or do you not watch most games? Holy hyperbole.
How many bad passes did those refs make? How many airballs or balls that hit the backside of the backboard? How many bunnies did they miss? If the players think the refs changed the outcome of the game, and their play didn't, I disagree.
How many bad passes did those refs make? How many airballs or balls that hit the backside of the backboard? How many bunnies did they miss? If the players think the refs changed the outcome of the game, and their play didn't, I disagree.

How many of those bad shots and bad passes were caused by hand checking or grabbing their arm with no call?

Bad officiating is a thing and of course it changed games. Why do you think the mob used to buy officials? You know that was a thing and in truth probably still is a thing. An official in the NBA got busted for it a number of years ago and I doubt very much he was alone in doing it.

People that pretend officials don't change the outcome of games....good lord of course they do. The question is whether it is mistakes which are part of the game or deliberate due to ego or outside influence.
How many of those bad shots and bad passes were caused by hand checking or grabbing their arm with no call?

Bad officiating is a thing and of course it changed games. Why do you think the mob used to buy officials? You know that was a thing and in truth probably still is a thing. An official in the NBA got busted for it a number of years ago and I doubt very much he was alone in doing it.

People that pretend officials don't change the outcome of games....good lord of course they do. The question is whether it is mistakes which are part of the game or deliberate due to ego or outside influence.
in last night's post game, Weezy said he was being fouled all game long; Fran agreed and said he was proud of how Weezy played thru it
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It was like one of those "Anticipating the contact" calls. Sick.

That call was the worst. If anything it should have been a foul on TJD (Murray had position). To make it worse they called it a shooting foul and there is no way TJD was in the act of shooting.
CMac has cried about everything foul he has ever been called for. Adjust your game to the game being called and STFU.
How can a player adjust to a game that is being inconsistently called. Call the game by the rules for both teams on both ends of the floor. If they want to call touch fouls, call them, but do it both ways. Players can adjust to that. If you let them play physical, that’s ok, players can adjust to that also. Being consistent is all anyone asks.
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How many bad passes did those refs make? How many airballs or balls that hit the backside of the backboard? How many bunnies did they miss? If the players think the refs changed the outcome of the game, and their play didn't, I disagree.
Bad play is part of the game, bad officiating shouldn’t be.
Serious question.... is there a review board or person for the BIG 10 that coaches can send complaints to? I would think that would keep officiating honest. I know the NFL has a scoring system for their officials that makes them accountable for their calls and non-calls each game. Anybody know?

Every conference has a director of officials that deals with grading them and determining if they are hired for games and how frequently.

Little known fact is that officiating is better now than it ever has been.
CMac has cried about everything foul he has ever been called for. Adjust your game to the game being called and STFU.
And crying to the media only makes it worse no matter how legit the complaint is.....what awful "leadership". He hurts us bad enough playing WAY too much because he's coach's kid. Don't need the extra effort to hurt us in the media. At least jbo scores some points regularly to counter his weaknesses
With fans like some of you I’d hate to be a college kid playing basketball these days. And don’t give me the ‘it’s part of the territory’ crap. These guys aren’t paid and some of the personal attacks on 18-20 year old kids is embarrassing as a fan. If I was that age and I read these comments, I might have grown a bit tired of college BB too. That’s the feeling I get from JBo right now. Maybe that isn’t true or isn’t why he is in a slump of sorts but I have to wonder….. Anyone that takes the time out of his life to do a podcast certainly is likely to read some of these comments. Pathetic.

Last, to say that BS goaltending on the Indiana call didn’t effect the game is flat wrong. And that call on JBO on that three point shot was also crap. These refs have biases and they are on full display at times. And yes they are paid so criticism DOES come with the territory.