What led to Saturday's shooting

What led to Saturday night's shooting?

  • Security was incompetant

    Votes: 51 78.5%
  • It was a set up intended to take out Trump

    Votes: 7 10.8%
  • it was a hoax set up by the Trump camp

    Votes: 7 10.8%

  • Total voters
Regardless of how egregious the presently known security failings were, I can’t make the jump to a conspiracy that hinges on a 20 year old with piss poor marksmanship.

I disagree with the marksmanship. Three inches off from 400’ isn’t bad. Especially after just scaling a building and facing a local LEO. The heart had to be pounding, and it appears the shot was pretty rushed. He must have been pretty decent with his weapon.
I'll take the media repeating non stop that Trump is Hitler, a Russian agent & a threat to our democracy for the last 8 years for $1,000
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Reading the tea leaves on his bio. Was most likely low level autistic. Difficulty fitting into groups or reading social cues. Which lead to bullying and being excluded from activities.
He also had 2 parents that were mental health professionals.

It's the same convo from yesterday. All good tumor, just wish this world was a better place.
Wanted to impress Jodie Foster.
I thought they had his computer and his phone and stuff... So if there was any interwebs activities the same people who may have ordered him to do stuff may also be in charge of deleting it
No I mean all those pictures have him with short hair, then on the roof real long hair looks like a wig. Unless that's his disguise or he brought a beaver coat with him.
The most current pictures appear to be from that commercial. That’s over a year or so old. The other photos are high school I believe.
He also had 2 parents that were mental health professionals.

It's the same convo from yesterday. All good tumor, just wish this world was a better place.
Everyone should. But honestly in most respects it is. Jimmy Carr says it best objectively America has never been better. Subjectively it’s never been worse :)
Are you being serious?

The context you're using is quite different from the context in which is was delivered.
Since when has context mattered... I'm sure you were claiming context with injecting bleach to cure covid or a blood bath... don't try to claim context now, we can all see right through that charade.
How many 18 to 20 year olds have very little pictures of themselves no selfies no Facebook or whatever they do Instagram tiktok?
Ones that hate themselves and don’t want to give the world another opportunity to make fun of them. Or the parents being in the mental health field wouldn’t allow it.
Incompetence is the most likely answer, though the fbi claiming to be unable to access the guys phone is absolutely wild.

Local police and secret service seem to be pointing fingers at each other like most government employees seem to do when shit hits the fan.
Incompetence is the most likely answer, though the fbi claiming to be unable to access the guys phone is absolutely wild.
Yes incompetence is how it happened but the original question was what led up to it happening? I'm going to guess we'll never know this.
I disagree with the marksmanship. Three inches off from 400’ isn’t bad. Especially after just scaling a building and facing a local LEO. The heart had to be pounding, and it appears the shot was pretty rushed. He must have been pretty decent with his weapon.

This. The physiology of the situation makes this a VERY hard shot for anyone without formal training. He also waited for his target to present correctly as well.
This type of kid could be mind controlled and told by the CIA or other agency to do this and he would believe them and do it. I'm thinking of the kid who shot up Walmart in El Paso and also the kid who shot up the lady in Arizona and the judge in Arizona I can't think of that lady's name right now. But both of these kids remind me of this kid.
You should acquaint yourself with Occam’s Razor, just a suggestion to help settle your mind a bit.
I just read it.

I think it's a little different saying, Kamala and I are "fighting like hell to blah blah blah" vs. "Go to the capital and fight like hell (today)!"

My opinion.
Not an opinion, fact.

One is an imperative clause and one is a declarative clause. Different parts of speech - one is giving an order one is stating an action undertaken.
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I disagree with the marksmanship. Three inches off from 400’ isn’t bad. Especially after just scaling a building and facing a local LEO. The heart had to be pounding, and it appears the shot was pretty rushed. He must have been pretty decent with his weapon.
He wasn't 3 inches off. He was shooting at an 8 inch target. You don't aim for the edge of the target. He was 7 on his closest shot and put a round 30ft right. And it was 400ft or 150 meters. The guy that killed him killed him from 450 meters.

He 100% got the adrenaline dump of "buck fever" and couldn't hold still.
I 100% believe this is nothing more than a mentally depressed young adult that had enough of life. He wanted to go out like many others, make a big splash and then suicide by cop.

He didn’t go to a mall, a grocery store, a movie theater or a school. He decided to try and stand out by doing his evil at a political rally. I don’t think the candidate mattered. If it was a Biden stop he probably would’ve tried too. He found the lapse in security and went for it.

Just BAU in America with a mental health and gun crisis.

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