What will the Obama Presidential Center consist of

Milton Friedman disciple

HR All-State
Gold Member
Jun 15, 2019
Will it have stuff about race baiting, wiretapping, arming terrorist with weapons, regime change in other countries, bombing other countries for no reason whatsoever, using the IRS to attack people you don’t like and drug and weapons trade.
Probably pretty typical of his presidency.

His Nigerian brother in a tuxedo welcomes everyone to step on a moving conveyor as it takes you through an exact replica of the Madrassa he and Obama attended well into their 20s.

There are wax figures of Barry Soreto and his gay limo driver lover that you can sit between in a halved out limo for pictures.

Alex Jones works at the gift shop selling freshly printed Hawaii birth certificates for anyone who wants one.

You know...usual shit.
On display will be the bar-bells that Michelle used.
These are the ones which strengthened her to beat
Barack in arm wrestling.
The Chicago White Sox jersey worn by Barack when
he threw out the first ball at one of their games as
His bike, helmet and mom jeans.


And OP, the Super Welder, questions end with this: "?".
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Will it have stuff about race baiting, wiretapping, arming terrorist with weapons, regime change in other countries, bombing other countries for no reason whatsoever, using the IRS to attack people you don’t like and drug and weapons trade.

A graph that shows how spending $700 billion on bailing out the banks is why he increased the national debt by $9 trillion.

Honestly, these would have much more of a place in the Trump Presidential library (right between the golden toilet filled with taxpayer money unconstitutionally spent at his properties, and the stacks of fast food hamburger boxes for black athletes). We call this phenomenon "projecting" in psychological terms.
I think a Bin Laden raid simulator complete with VR ability to shoot Bin Laden in the face would be pretty cool.
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"One important difference between Trump's debt figures and Obama's is that Trump has added a massive amount of debt while the US economy has been strong, whereas Obama took over during the depths of the financial crisis."
Do you have the break down of exactly what the expenditures were and how it was intended to boost the economy?

It’s a convientent statement but I wouldn’t mind seeing where the $8.3 trillion went.

I know $700 billion of $9 trillion bailed out the banks.
"One important difference between Trump's debt figures and Obama's is that Trump has added a massive amount of debt while the US economy has been strong, whereas Obama took over during the depths of the financial crisis."
It's still debt, correct?
I guess it is ok, when your team does it. When the interest on the debt is $1 trillion, we can just blame one team more, that will make it better
His legacy will include a couple of automobiles:

Chevrolet Volt, a car he rushed into production and made sure was purchased by governments across the country. I am sure that GM saved a bright shiny new one just for this purpose.

That little Fiat that you see around; the car that Fiat promised to build in return for ownership of Chrysler and Jeep.

... and of course there should be a clunker on display. An old car that was still serviceable but which was taken out of service in return for $4500 from the government.
Presidential libraries are like modern versions of the Egyptian pyramids,... We should stop this practice,... it's stupid & wasteful....
OP is a vagina.
You massively underrate vaginas.
Will feature a red line that you can cross with no consequences.
You fit in well with the "education" levels of the South...

Yet the near unanimous verdict among observers is that this episode was a failure. Even the president’s sympathizers call the handling of the red line statement and its crossing a “debacle,” an “amateurish improvisation” or the administration’s “worst blunder.” They contend that Obama whiffed at a chance to show resolve, that for the sake of maintaining credibility, the U.S. would have been better off had the administration not pursued the diplomatic opening and used force instead. In this sense, a mythology has evolved around the red line episode—that if only the U.S. had used force, then it could have not only have addressed the chemical weapons threat, but solved the Syria conflict altogether.

But this conventional wisdom is wrong. Of course,some of the criticism can be explained by politics, with partisans unwilling to give Obama credit for any success. But many others criticize the policy less for its outcome than for the way it came about. This line of judgement reveals a deep—and misguided—conviction in Washington foreign policy circles that a policy must be perfectly articulated in order to be successful—that, in a sense, the means matter more than the ends. Far from a failure, the “red line” episode accomplished everything it set out to do—in fact, it surpassed our expectations. But the fact that it appeared to occur haphazardly and in a scattered way was enough to brand it as a failure in Washington’s eyes.
Several Presidential Centers contain both a Library and
a Museum. The Library is off limits to the general public
and is reserved for history scholars to do research.
The Museum is open to the general public and features
various artifacts from their life.

In Abilene, Kansas there is both the Eisenhower Library
and Eisenhower Museum. In Springfield, Illinois there
is both the Lincoln Library and Lincoln Museum.
All records of his early years will be erased due to insensitivity. First term Obama was against gay marriage and against illegal immigration.