What's an average Sunday like for you now that football season is over?

My Sunday schedule has been pretty set for the last year or so.

I live about 20 miles north of Washington D.C. in the suburbs.

I wake up around 10:45 A.M. and will put some coffee on brew. I'll get the coffee and will sit on the toilet for at least 20 minutes on my phone checking emails/HBOT the entire time.

Then, I'll take a shower, dress and will get in my car around 12:20 P.M.

The day begins.

I get in my car and drive down the highway to my first appointment. I pray the ring rosary the entire drive. I usually will listen to classic rock or the weather report or a YouTube documentary while driving.

On the way, I stop by my P.O. box for mail. Then I go to two work appointments which take 2 hours each. I'll usually eat at around 4 P.M. and will then go to Church 5 miles from my house unless I went the night before.

I get home around 7 P.M. and will eat dinner while watching Jen Psaki on MSNBC or Jessica Dean on CNN.

I'll pray the rosary for most of the time then will get in bed around 2 A.M. to begin a new week in paradise. (I gotta fix my sleep cycle. It's pretty bad.)


How about you?
… Sunday is my “chill day” of the week … for myself and for my other half …no appointments … no schedule … (I sit on about 30 meetings per week and my week is very full of timelines and deadlines …. My other half similar type schedule in medical field) … So we do everything we can to avoid making plans on Sunday involving “schedules” or “appointments.”
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How old are you op? I'd give my left nut to be able to sleep till 10:45 again. It's probably been 20 years since then. No matter when I go to bed I'm up by 6 or 7 at the very latest. More often than not it's 5.

How many kids do you live with?
Last time we were down we sat at the Sports Bar (by the church/airport) for the Fat Tuesday parade. I think it starts the day we fly back home. Her parents got a booth for the parade. We then walked to a concert featuring some Cheyenne dude. It was hot as a MF'er

Can't wait for some street corn in the middle of town/square area. 2.5 more days!
Celebration is the 15th - 3/4. I think they always have something going on in the square. Parades are 3/1, 2, and 4th. We thought about Coz, but decided golf is more important this time around.
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Seems like small potatoes now, I’ve got an 8 year old that has had 3 seizures in less than 24 hours. Here at Blank children’s hooked up to all kinds of stuff and we won’t have tests/results until tomorrow.

Tough day to say the least.
Sorry to hear this and good vibes to your little one. You’re in good hands at Blank … Best to you and your family …
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Seems like small potatoes now, I’ve got an 8 year old that has had 3 seizures in less than 24 hours. Here at Blank children’s hooked up to all kinds of stuff and we won’t have tests/results until tomorrow.

Tough day to say the least.


I'll say a rosary for him.