What's with all the fighting?

I agree with both of these. Any history book will show that we've always been a**holes to each other and social media certainly exposes that truth. But we can't really blame Twitter can we? I mean social media doesn't kill people, people kill people. I think @curtisj157 is the only one that loves everybody!
Everybody sucks!
I know this is going to whack some of you out...

I don't believe there is a singular answer.

Last night stuck my head in on a college-aged church group. About 70 there evenly divided between males and females. 7 were talking with someone of the opposite sex. The guys mostly hung out with each other doing buddy type of things. The girls were standing individually looking unhappy and bored (and a bit angry as a lot).

Years ago there might have been 7 that were females standing alone or guys paling around.

Glyphosate is now in most all of our food supply and easily found in the human body. Roundup is a hormone disruptor and many of our farm chemicals are estrogen based. Estrogen dominance can cause female aggression. Hormones out of whack causes whacky behavior. Are we what we eat?