'When certain boundaries of morality and ethics are transgressed, silence is not an option"

This is embarrassing for Harvard...

A total fraud running the University.

Harvard president’s corrections do not address her clearest instances of plagiarism, including as a student in the 1990s​

By Em Steck, CNN
8 minute read
Published 3:11 PM EST, Wed December 20, 2023

Harvard President Claudine Gay recently requested corrections for two of her academic papers, but she did not address even clearer examples of plagiarism from earlier in her academic history at the school, according to a CNN analysis of her writings.

In response to accusations of plagiarism, the embattled Harvard president recently submitted corrections to two papers she wrote as a professional academic in 2001 and 2017. But a CNN examination of Gay’s published works documented that Gay committed other, clearer examples of plagiarism while she was studying for her PhD at Harvard in the 1990s.

Those include an instance in her dissertation where she copied lines verbatim from another source without citation.
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Retaining Gay will license any Harvard student or staff member to cheat and plagiarize to their hearts content. There have been no repercussions for the PRESIDENT of the institution, how can they enforce the code of conduct on students and other staff?

Hypocrites much?
Moral cowardice.

No, no. It’s not “plagiarism.”

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell
Is Harvard still prestigious? It seems to have gained a stigma.

When a colleague says they went to Harvard they now have a need to say "Harvard, before all the controversy" or some kind of qualified. It used to be "I went to Harvard!" And that was pretty much enough, they were proud of it and you could tell.

Just an observation.

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