When did 'yeah' replace 'you're welcome'?

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I've never been in a Pho bar that wasn't owned by, and employed solely, SE Asians. I think that's a bigger problem than Millenials, you're going to have Pho at a place that employs large numbers of them.

The sushi bar place is legit, all Asian. The Pho place is all Asian in the back but the slackers are in the front of the house. Sad...
Well, you hang out a pho bars so you're basically a millennial as is.

You can buy a pho kit from costco and make your own pho at home.

But I can't get beef tendon and heart at home can I chief?
I wonder if the pho in Iowa is as good as the sushi in Oklahoma? White employees at a pho restaurant? Weird.

I’m more irritated by people that don’t say thank you. I always open doors for women in public and most of them don’t even seem to realize an actual human being displayed an act of kindness. Men almost always say ‘thanks’. Women....head in the sky.
I wonder if the pho in Iowa is as good as the sushi in Oklahoma? White employees at a pho restaurant? Weird.

I’m more irritated by people that don’t say thank you. I always open doors for women in public and most of them don’t even seem to realize an actual human being displayed an act of kindness. Men almost always say ‘thanks’. Women....head in the sky.
Nipple Poke gets it...
If someone tells me "thank you", I will always respond with "yep" or "no problem". "You're welcome" sounds dumb and implies that I did something magnificent that deserves thanks when 99.9% of the time that's not the case.
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I just 30 seconds ago said “thank you” to a 91 year old.

Her reply? “Yep”.

Old people also say “whatever” all the time too when they are not impressed with what they just heard.

So basically after you pounded OP's mom and said "thank you" all you got was a yep? I at least got a bag full of cookies to take home after my turn with her.
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I have gotten into the habit of replying “of course” when a person says “thank you.” I share the perspective that saying “you’re welcome” feels entitled and arrogant.
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I have gotten into the habit of replying “of course” when a person says “thank you.” I share the perspective that saying “you’re welcome” feels entitled and arrogant.

Seems like saying "of course" is even more arrogant.

"Thank you."
"Of course (you should be thanking me)."
Seems like saying "of course" is even more arrogant.

"Thank you."
"Of course (you should be thanking me)."
It’s more “of course I am happy to have provided whatever I have provided and there’s absolutely no need to thank me, as it was my duty to provide it.”

I think the linguistic analysis provided earlier in the thread is spot on: older generations expect to be thanked for providing something, hence their wanting to “welcome” the other person’s acknowledgment, whereas younger generations view providing the same thing as an expectation and a matter of course, hence their seeing it as “no problem” whatsoever to provide it.
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I have gotten into the habit of replying “of course” when a person says “thank you.” I share the perspective that saying “you’re welcome” feels entitled and arrogant.

At least of course make sense. Like, of course I would do that for you. The whole feeling entitled for saying you’re welcome makes zero sense to me.
I wonder if the pho in Iowa is as good as the sushi in Oklahoma? White employees at a pho restaurant? Weird.

I’m more irritated by people that don’t say thank you. I always open doors for women in public and most of them don’t even seem to realize an actual human being displayed an act of kindness. Men almost always say ‘thanks’. Women....head in the sky.
Haha you’re ugly
"no problem" as a response bugs me. It's as if they did me a favor or something.

I have learned in life that whenever I need something from somebody, it helps grease the wheels of whatever we're talking about by making it easy for them, while also trying to make the entire experience at the very least satisfying for them and that I truly appreciate the effort. I'm not talking patronizing them. I'm talking respecting them while treating them as a person and not a nameless minion.

Please and thank you goes a long way towards that. Tone of voice goes a long way too - never vent your mood on them.

For example, in checkout lines I always try to make the checkout person laugh or smile if possible (you gotta think fast and be able to read their mood quickly to know what to hit them with) - but at the very least make the experience for them as painless as possible.

Having your debit card ready to go, knowing the prices of what you bought so you're not sticker shocked, no cell phone in the line ever...those types of things. I read name tags so when they say hello, I reply (for example) "hello, Carol".

I'm never, ever "THAT guy".

I do this everywhere I go, whomever I deal with, no matter the setting. I treat them like a person wants to be treated. It's not hard to do at all, it costs me zero effort and zero extra time. I simply try to give them that one moment a day that makes their entire day of drudgery worthwhile by employing the simplest of respect towards them.

I tend to do much of my grocery shopping and my prescriptions at the same store. Have for years, usually at the same times of the day. A menagerie of employees come and go. BUSY place, probably 2,000+ customers daily are in that store (probably being way too conservative on that estimate). But I do, in the maybe 40 times a year I'm there, run into the same employees over time.

Some of the people there actually know my name. One gal, who has been there for about 5 years and is now a manager, will see me there, stop what she's doing, and chat me up for a minute with a big ol' smile. All from those 3-4 times over a couple years when she was my checker where I treated her nicely.

I'm in that grocery store maybe tops 10 minutes each time, and interact with the employees maybe absolutely tops one minute each time. I get a repeat employee maybe at most 4-5 times a year. And a few of them actually know my name out of the tens of thousands of nameless faceless customers that walk through that door that they encounter.

Can't remember the last time I've gotten a "no problem" in return...anywhere. Convenience/hardware/grocery stores, restaurants, doctor's offices...doesn't matter.
If someone tells me "thank you", I will always respond with "yep" or "no problem". "You're welcome" sounds dumb and implies that I did something magnificent that deserves thanks when 99.9% of the time that's not the case.

No it doesn't. Yep makes you sound like an arrogant little turd...
I wonder if the pho in Iowa is as good as the sushi in Oklahoma? White employees at a pho restaurant? Weird.

I’m more irritated by people that don’t say thank you. I always open doors for women in public and most of them don’t even seem to realize an actual human being displayed an act of kindness. Men almost always say ‘thanks’. Women....head in the sky.
Strange, I hold doors open all the time for women and always get a thanks or thank you. Maybe you like like a stalker or something.
The millennials are killing me, they really are. If they're not driving like retards, usually texting and driving, or taking 30 minutes to pick out a six pack of hoppy IPA at the grocery, they're saying 'yeah' instead of you're welcome. Seriously, this is a thing.

The Pho Bar I go to for lunch has these kids working in it, all tatted up and pierced twelve different ways and that's not so bad. But what is bad, when they bring me my Pho bowl and I say, thank you, they just say 'yeah'.

Drives me so nuts I'm not going back to the place, ever, even if they fire these little nerds...

I'm hoping to die young too.
So me saying "No problem" meaning I'm not doing anything special or I'm not going out of my way to help you. Is me being an arrogant little turd? I just don't get Boomers...
NP is fine, yeah is not...
Conversations in America have now reached the point
where many people are using some cliche to sound cool.
These are the folks who got D's in high school English
and never got to college.
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Someone said "thank you" in an email today towards me. First off, who the hell thanks the IT guy? So I was sitting there struggling to say "you're welcome" because I think it sounds smarmy to me. I ended up sending a "my pleasure" which I think sounds creepy, but I determined that I could have went with "glad to help" and regret that I didn't.

So naturally I bumped a thread from 2019 about it.

Coldest regards,
Someone said "thank you" in an email today towards me. First off, who the hell thanks the IT guy? So I was sitting there struggling to say "you're welcome" because I think it sounds smarmy to me. I ended up sending a "my pleasure" which I think sounds creepy, but I determined that I could have went with "glad to help" and regret that I didn't.

So naturally I bumped a thread from 2019 about it.

Coldest regards,
Someone said "thank you" in an email today towards me. First off, who the hell thanks the IT guy? So I was sitting there struggling to say "you're welcome" because I think it sounds smarmy to me. I ended up sending a "my pleasure" which I think sounds creepy, but I determined that I could have went with "glad to help" and regret that I didn't.

So naturally I bumped a thread from 2019 about it.

Coldest regards,
next time just respond with "k"
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