When did you realize your kid was/wasn't game for extra competitive sports?

It’s funny. Both of kids were in competitive cheer and then my son played rugby and football. Before they were in high school, I was constantly on them to be doing the extra work, hitting the gym, etc. I harped on them about being in the biggest class in Iowa, you were really going to have to bust your ass to see the field. So when did it resonate with them? As soon as I stopped ragging on them about it.
Both of my boys played competitive league soccer for a short time, couple of seasons apiece, and one season apiece of travel baseball. Both decided that they did not want to continue with them, for similar reasons. They enjoyed playing several different sports - Both were good all-around athletes. They didn't want to devote year-round to playing only one thing, so they moved back to rec leagues and just had fun. Both were probably good enough to play small college ball in one or the other, especially if they'd devoted themselves to it - but they had a lot more fun changing from one sport to the next...just like I did as a kid.
My opinion, let him play rec league and save your money.

Not sure what you are paying to play at the higher level but those club team costs have become completely unreasonable in my mind
Really is astonishing how bad parents ruined youth sports living vicariously through their kids. My wife was a legit soccer player, division 1 athlete, flying all over the country by 12 for tournaments, playing Olympic development program, club, then her small private school. Gave it all up by 16 to slum it and find some slackjaw Idiot Out Wandering Around to marry. She won’t let our daughter, who is a badass center midfielder on a good rec team, play club until she’s a bit older.

Our son loves sports. Any sport. Kid loves them all. Saddens me he doesn’t have any means to organically play them with his friends—it’s all organized except for their recess time. Maybe a few neighborhood kids doing something, but I’ve never seen a big game of football going with kids in this era.
Bingo! The problem is, like you said, all the kids that are “good” at sports go the club route now and the local leagues are pretty bad, and not that appealing to the kids that are good but don’t want to travel. I also see it as a “status” for some families, at least in my area. If all the kids would play town ball the competition would be pretty good, especially good enough when they’re pre HS.
My kids are young and haven’t had to cross that bridge yet, but my wife and i have had discussions and have pretty much decided traveling ball won’t even be an option until they’re in HS and we see some level of commitment and ability. Seems like a waste throwing that kind of money at sports at that age, imo.
But the problem with local leagues is that sometimes you get stuck in ones run by power hungry idiots that only do what is best for their own kids instead of everyone. That’s the situation we’re in with my daughter. I’ve tried multiple times to get on the board in various positions, my wife tried once too. All they do is pick the “yes men” people that they’re friends with. I’ve spent hundreds of hours coaching over the past three years, including coaching my team last year to a “State Championship” that made it into the newspaper, so it isn’t like I’m some nobody to them.

And then they wonder why people ditch the program for club teams as soon as their kids are old enough. We’re at that point too, but my kid has a couple summers left before being old enough. I would love for our local association to have a place for kids of all talent levels and commitments. And have quality, consistent coaching from level to level and team to team that makes kids want to stay. Quality = someone who cares about every kid on the team. But the people in charge seem to have a differing opinion than me.

At least my son is in scouts and band where there is still some, but seemingly much less parent politics.