When do we get the medical report on trump and his ear?

SMH. You just cant make this stuff up. Guess you cant believe all the video huh?
I believe science and physics. A bullet of that caliber, traveling at that speed would’ve at the minimum burned his ear. There was zero damage other than some light bleeding. Where is the medical report? He clearly was hit with some kind of debris. A nick would’ve taken his ear off.

Like I said, it’s crazy he was SHOT AT but they’re killing the lie he was “shot.” Not surprised.
I believe science and physics. A bullet of that caliber, traveling at that speed would’ve at the minimum burned his ear. There was zero damage other than some light bleeding. Where is the medical report? He clearly was hit with some kind of debris. A nick would’ve taken his ear off.

Like I said, it’s crazy he was SHOT AT but they’re killing the lie he was “shot.” Not surprised.

5.56mm can't melt steel ears...
I believe science and physics. A bullet of that caliber, traveling at that speed would’ve at the minimum burned his ear. There was zero damage other than some light bleeding. Where is the medical report? He clearly was hit with some kind of debris. A nick would’ve taken his ear off.

Like I said, it’s crazy he was SHOT AT but they’re killing the lie he was “shot.” Not surprised.
The bullet that went through his ear was caught on camera. I understand if that’s not enough proof for you. It’s possible that when he went down he pulled a razor blade out of his MAGA wristband and cut his own ear at same trajectory as the bullet passing his head. He’s not a stranger to the WWE so you can’t put it past him.
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Didn’t they say it was glass shrapnel from his teleprompter that was hit and that’s what cut his ear? I swear I heard someone there say that on Saturday evening during interviews.
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