When is Jackson's announcement

It means Michigan might have came in with the last minute offer that has been rumored to of happened and now he is weighing that option.
Apparently there's some smoke to that Michigan rumor...

Did Iowa's bag man not come through? JK
Sounds like Michigan got involved late. Certainly not good news for us.
Friggin Harbaugh. They didn't have any interest in this kid until now and he is going to go there.
"difficulties with recruiting"?? That is a weird way to put it.
As previously stated, this certainly isn't a plus for Iowa's chances. Who's our fallback guy now?
So Stanford put two D's in our B in the last 30 days or so......not over yet, we still have a chance. Hope he doesn't like the Harbaugh approach, some kids do some do not. I am not a fan, but to each their own I suppose