BABiscuit HB Legend Jul 4, 2001 20,853 34,956 113 Oct 14, 2015 #1 pooped in your pants? peed in your pants? jizzed in your pants?
ANYCHawk HB Legend Nov 13, 2007 49,690 48,016 113 Oct 14, 2015 #2 All 3, 10 minutes ago Reactions: Hawk-Nut and QChawks
QChawks HB King Feb 11, 2013 73,292 118,063 113 Quad Cities Oct 14, 2015 #3 BABiscuit said: pooped in your pants? peed in your pants? jizzed in your pants? Click to expand... 2 years ago. Flu bug. 4 years ago. Taking a leak and I had bunji thing hanging off my jacket. It blocked the pee and went all over my pants. Never
BABiscuit said: pooped in your pants? peed in your pants? jizzed in your pants? Click to expand... 2 years ago. Flu bug. 4 years ago. Taking a leak and I had bunji thing hanging off my jacket. It blocked the pee and went all over my pants. Never
HawkFantastic HB Legend Gold Member Sep 27, 2001 17,098 8,781 113 Somewhere in Iowa Oct 14, 2015 #4 I've had some near misses with potential G&L farts. I've peed my pants while not having my dick properly situated with a simultaneous forcible dump/piss. Jizz in pants when I was a young adult getting a hand job.
I've had some near misses with potential G&L farts. I've peed my pants while not having my dick properly situated with a simultaneous forcible dump/piss. Jizz in pants when I was a young adult getting a hand job.