Which one of the Trump Trolls here is a Russian agent?

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IowaHawkeyeFBnBB4Life would be my guess. Maybe the chain restaurant posts are him googling restaurants in America and then posting about them so he sounds local.
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@Nat Algren is either one or he's hilariously gullible and easily influenced by Russian propagandists. It's almost comical how easily duped he is into believing Russia's side on any given event.
What's comical is your misdiagnosis. In spite of all the evidence to the contrary that is now present in your rear view mirror, you still peddle your crap. Glenn Greenwald explains:

Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?

Remember that time the Washington Post claimed that Russia had hacked the U.S. electricity grid, causing politicians to denounce Putin for trying to deny heat to Americans in winter, only to have to issue multiple retractions because none of that ever happened? Or the time that the Post had to publish a massive editor’s note after its reporters made claims about Russian infiltration of the internet and spreading of “Fake News” based on an anonymous group’s McCarthyite blacklist that counted sites like the Drudge Report and various left-wing outlets as Kremlin agents?

Or that time when Slate claimed that Trump had created a secret server with a Russian bank, all based on evidence that every other media outletwhich looked at it were too embarrassed to get near? Or the time the Guardian was forced to retract its report by Ben Jacobs – which went viral – that casually asserted that WikiLeaks has a long relationship with the Kremlin? Or the time that Fortune retracted suggestions that RT had hacked into and taken over C-SPAN’s network? And then there’s the huge market that was created – led by leading Democrats – that blindly ingested every conspiratorial, unhinged claim about Russia churned out by an army of crazed conspiracists such as Louise Mensch and Claude “TrueFactsStated” Taylor?

And now we have the Russia-hacked-the-voting-systems-of-21-states to add to this trash heap. Each time the stories go viral; each time they further shape the narrative; each time those who spread them say little to nothing when it is debunked.
Nat was who I thought of immediately. He always links to Russia propaganda sites.
Northern is quickly moving up on the list, but I think he's just an asshole.
Nat was who I thought of immediately. He always links to Russia propaganda sites.
Northern is quickly moving up on the list, but I think he's just an asshole.
Apparently you didn't read the links above where all that was claimed was debunked. Sucka
Heard on the tv this morning but haven’t been able to verify that three major boycotts started on Facebook were started by Russian trolls
If true that is so awesome
So . . . about 1/10th the efficacy of Rush or Hannity, 1/100th the efficacy of Exxon, 1/1000th the efficacy of the Koch Network.

I'm not happy about the meddling of Russia, but we have worse players subverting our democracy.
If I had to pick a Russian agent on HROT, Tradition might be a good suspect to start with. Relentlessly defends Trump. More intelligent than the children.