White Sox to talk to LaRussa

Ozzie was critical of Tony on the Score this morning. Respectfully critical.
I’ll worry about LaRussa when the organization worried about hiring a training no staff that can keep its players on the field
Not sure how to embed a tweet but:

Max Muncy after hitting a 3-run HR immediately after Tony La Russa intentionally walked Trea Turner with two strikes:

"You ****ing walk him with two strikes. **** you, bitch!"
Is Tony getting advice from POTUS?
Steve Stone must owe some kind of massive debt. Imagine your career is having to deal with Carey, then Hawk, and then LaRussa
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Fans needs to understand one thing about Jerry Reinsdorf......He is LOYAL to a fault...If he "like you" you are his boy forever....come hell or high water.....The people who have worked for him love him...and regardless of what critics say, as an owner, Reinsdorf has had successes with his professional teams. He will let Tony manage until Tony tells him to replace him. Jerry likes Tony a whole bunch. You folks might as well piss into the wind as think anything is gonna change with White Sox management. A George Steinbrenner he is not.
Fans needs to understand one thing about Jerry Reinsdorf......He is LOYAL to a fault...If he "like you" you are his boy forever....come hell or high water.....The people who have worked for him love him...and regardless of what critics say, as an owner, Reinsdorf has had successes with his professional teams. He will let Tony manage until Tony tells him to replace him. Jerry likes Tony a whole bunch. You folks might as well piss into the wind as think anything is gonna change with White Sox management. A George Steinbrenner he is not.
Shame he chose NOW to be loyal to Tony, and the mid-'80s to be loyal to Hawk Harrelson instead. :rolleyes:
The fan successfully convincing him to pinch run the other day was pretty damn funny. Poor Sox
Dan Bernstein this morning: "He can barely control whether or not he's going to soil his drawers, let alone make a proper intentional walk decision."

Funny AND true.
Bernstein is one of the biggest assholes ever...never funny.