Whitey's boys can swim!

as has been noted that his boys can swim. what I want to know is can they ball as well as they swim?
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

as has been noted that his boys can swim. what I want to know is can they ball as well as they swim?

Doctors are describing the kid as Michael Phelps with Aaron's wing span.
Originally posted by hwksforlife:
Congratulations Aaron. They seem like a wonderful couple and I wish them nothing but the best.
I don't remember all this stuff when Melsahn announced his became a father
Originally posted by IronFist1776:

Originally posted by SoFla-Hawkeye:

Originally posted by ddelzell: I think this article will explain much about Aaron and his future wife, Grace. The couple have planned to marry and have a strong, Christian foundation in their lives. For one, I wish to congratulate them and wish them the best of luck with their future family.

For those of you that assume that other posters are making light of the situation rather than being happy for Aaron and his fiancé, I have one word: R-E-L-A-X.
What part of the strong Christian foundation allows for premarital sex?
Thank you. Wow so having morals or the coviction to wait until marriage is something to be mocked these days. That's sad. And no one is judging Aaron or dogging him.

I wish Aaron, his (hopefully) future wife and child all the best. But just because "everyone" else is having kids out of wedlock doesn't make it a good thing. It is a major problem in our country whether you want to admit it or not.