Who’s your favorite movie character(s) of all time?

Feb 9, 2013
Heroes, villains, jerks, crazies, psychos, funny people…Who you got?

For me, I’m going with one:


Maybe unconventional choice and one not often thought of, but RD Jr.'s take on a wise cracking playboy millionaire Iron Man torpedo launched the biggest overall movie universe in Hollywood history. He would play the character in 11 different movies in the course of the next 11 years and his death and funeral would be the penultimate end of a 22 movie arc.

What a great call. Fantastic unique character.

Side note, one thing I love in movies and TV is exemplified by this character. I enjoy when a character is odd or weird, and yet (mostly) people just like him and goes along. Instead of the typical "He/she is different, we must bully!" being the conflict and central premise.

I find that compelling and heartwarming. Waiting for Guffman is a great example, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, the TV Show Joe Para Talks to You...I just like "weird person doing their thing in the world without too much pushback."