Sasso missed the Liberty match and the Beast for Nazareth this year. Crowell refused to comment about it for the Morning Call. Some speculated an injury, but most wrestlers knew why he wasn't wrestling. Taken by itself not a huge deal, a couple of bad grades which were quickly taken care of.
As far as "public record" incidents that Gobblin refers to - I doubt they are public record like we would think of if he were an adult, but there is was a pretty public incident at the state freestyle tournament last year (along with a couple of other wrestlers). If you were there or you knew someone there - well, then it was public knowledge. Again, taken by itself not a huge deal, pretty common with teenagers nowadays. But we are talking about allocating money that will not be able to be allocated to someone else in the same recruiting class. Risk/reward. Some programs will do that. Some won't.
My take - he's young for his grade and seems young when you interact with him. Some kids are very, very mature - abnormally, lol, so - at an early age. Some kids, maybe later. Myself, it probably took until I was around 26 or 27. He seems to be the typical teenager. But coaches have to make hundreds of thousands of dollar decisions about typical teenagers - which is scary.
Somebody is going to get a very talented 157/165 (he's going to get really big, maybe bigger than that) to wrestle for them. Whether it works out or not is a question mark - like it is with everyone.
On Hong - his decommitment from Penn was more of a Penn decommitting from Hong. He won't be going to Iowa, either. Not that hard to figure out given the timing of his leaving Kiski this year (2nd private school he has "left").